Thirty Nine

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Thirty Nine


Waking up to the sight of Zoe has to be one of the best things that's happened to me and I hope she happens a really long time. She is so beautiful and caring. If I could look at her all day, I definetely would.

I heard someone take a photo from behind Zoe, making me freeze. Zoe got up from her bed and away from me like I was burning her. She started blushing and I think I was the same. "Uh, Eric, you met Violet yesterday." Zoe told me.

I got up from the bed and offered Violet my hand. "Hello, again. I don't think I formally introduced myself. I'm Eric, Zoe's boyfriend." I greeted and wrapped my arm around Zoe's waist.

"You guys look so cute together." Violet gushed. "We need to go on a double date but first, do tell me all the details. Zoe just said that she met you on Christmas but I need to know everything." She ranted as she sat on Zoe's roommate bed.

"Violet, really? I told you already-" Zoe began but I interrupted her.

"It's okay." I told Zoe and turned to Violet. "What do you want to know?" I asked her. I like talking about Zoe and it's nice to talk about how we met without restrictions or having to be quiet or careful.

"Everything." Violet said.

"Well, I lied to Jace and told him I wasn't coming for Christmas, that I was really busy. I wanted to surprise him so when I arrived to my house on Christmas Eve, Zoe opened the door." I explained and looked at Zoe, making her blush slightly. "I thought I was at the wrong house because I've never seen her before and well, I was captivated by her..." I trailed off. I had been looking into Zoe's eyes and I was losing connection with reality.

"Lovebirds, I want the details of your relationship not the dirty deed." Violet said, effectively pulling me out of my daze.

I cleared my throat and continued the story. "Sorry. Anyways, I was able to recognize her after having Jace tell me about her. Then, I saw her topless and that's how it started- ow!" I tried explaining but Zoe hit me on my arm. I chuckled as I pulled her to my embrace. "Just kidding. I saw her almost topless and we got into an arguement on how it was her fault for being so cute and sexy- ow!" I exclaimed again. "Kidding. She didn't lock the bathroom door and I didn't knock so to stop arguing on whose fault it was, I asked her on a date and then, I kissed her and then, I asked her to be my girlfriend and here we are." I let out a breath as I finished explaining.

"You guys really don't know the meaning of detail but I'll forgive you just because you guys are adorable." Violet kept gushing, making Zoe chuckle.

I turned to look at her. "What's so funny?" I wondered.

"Nothing. She called you adorable." Zoe giggled. I made a face which made both girls laugh.

"Anyways, I was thinking we could maybe go on a double date. What do you think?" Violet wondered.

"Sure." I agreed.

"Yay! Zoe, I'll text you and now I'll leave you guys to whatever you do when you're alone just make sure you don't make me an auntie so fast. Bye." She said and left in a rush before Zoe or I could process the word auntie.

"I'm sorry about her. She's always been... very active?" Zoe chuckled. "I don't know how to describe her but she's an awesome friend." She said and snuggled her head in my neck.

I pulled her closer to me and just held her to me. "I'm never letting you go. I could stay like this forever." I told her. I know I should not be telling her this things but I can't help it. She makes me want to do things I never had an interest on before and the weird part is that I'm not scared or cautious about it. It just feels right.

I felt her nod her head. "Me too. You haven't had any breakfast." She stated and stood up. I don't know if it was me or what but I felt like Zoe changed the subject on purpose. I'll ask her later about it. I put my pair of jeans and grabbed my phone and wallet. Zoe gave me a spare toothbrush and after brushing my teeth, we went out.

Zoe led me through her dorm building, trying not be seen. I hope no one sees me and asks Zoe who I was. We got into Zoe's car and she started driving. A few minutes later, she pulled up at a little coffee shop which was a bit far from college but it was better than to be seen. "What's troubling you, beautiful?" I asked her. I couldn't stop feeling like something was up with her. What if she doesn't want to be my girlfriend anymore?

"Nothing." She said but didn't dare look at me in the eye. "It's just... I don't want to sound clingy but what's going to happen after you are gone? I mean right now, I came back to college and you were able to come here but when you are gone, what will happen? Would you still want me to be your girlfriend or would you like to break up or what? I know we've talked about this and about how we should try it out but as in friends with benefits sort of thing or be exclusive? I don't know and-" She ranted but I stopped her by kissing her plump lips. I felt her relax into the kiss and put her hand on my cheek, stroking softly as her lips moved with mine.

I pulled away so we could talk. "I'd want more than anything for you to still be my girlfriend when I'm gone-" I started but she interrupted me.

"You are not used to this, Eric. What if you start missing the old days?" She said and it sort of broke my heart to hear her. I didn't want her to feel like I'll forget about her and cheat on her. It also made me sad that she thinks of me like that but she isn't completely wrong. I'm not used to have a girlfriend, at all but I'd never break her heart.

"Baby, listen to me, please." I started as I sat closer to her. "Yes, I'm new to this but I won't hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. You've pretty much ruined my chances with other women. I want you, okay?" I told her truthfully.

"I ruined your chances?" She asked. She looked confused and I saw hurt flash her eyes which made mine widen.

"No, no. That's not what I meant." I told her and saw her relax a bit. "Since the day I first saw you, I haven't been able to take my eyes off of you and I don't want to. Other women don't appeal to me anymore." I told her and saw her blush.

"Really?" She shyly asked me.

I nodded in confirmation. "Now, let's eat. When's your next class?" I asked her so I could distract myself. I didn't want to tell her how much I love her right now. She's scared as it is, I don't want to scare her more or push her.

Zoe continued eating what was left on her plate. "I have one more class at twelve so I probably should get going." She said and grabbed her wallet. I stopped her and pullet out mine before taking the money out and putting it on the table. She glared at me and stood up. I followed after her and before she could open the coffee shop door, I did. She stepped outside and I smacked her ass.

Zoe whirled around and sent me a glare again. "No more sex for you." She told me and continued walking.

I caught up to her and pulled her body tight against mine before rubbing the spot I smacked. She wiggled, trying to get away from me but I prevented that from happening. I want to be with her as much as I can before I have to leave. "You weren't serious about the no sex thing, right?" I asked her once we slipped into her car.

I received yet another glare from her. "Is that the only thing you're thinking about?" She asked as she started driving.

"No, you are. Sex is the second one." I half joked. She was indeed the first thing in my mind. Sex was more like a bonus and it came when thinking of her.

"I better be the first one." She shot back.

I smirked at her. "You are." I told her and held her hand.

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