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I wanted to respect her decision but I really wanted to go out with her. I think there was something more going on with her, she seemed troubled and like she was looking for something to turn me down.

Maybe it is because of Jace.

During dinner, I tried to beg her with my eyes but she almost never looked my way and when she did, she adverted her gaze from me which made me sigh in frustration.

So she doesn't want me, big deal!

As soon as I finished the food in my plate, I excused myself and went upstairs. I needed to get our of the house as soon as possible. Something's definetely wrong with me if I feel so wounded about a girl whom I just met and who just rejected me.

I went to my room and put on some shoes, grabbed a coat and took my wallet, phone and keys and went back downstairs.

"...and where are you going?" My dad asked as soon as I stepped in the kitchen. His eyes looked amused and a tad concerned.

"Can I borrow your car?" I asked him instead of giving him an answer, I didn't know where I was going.

"No drinking." He just said but when he did, I saw Zoe from the corner of my eye looking at me. I didn't want to look back at her because I knew I'd get lost in her eyes. I nodded and went to the garage, I took the keys and unlocked it before opening the garage.

As soon as I began driving down the road, I took a deep breath and tried relaxing. I actually didn't know where I was going but I wanted to clear my mind, especially, from Zoe.

I wasn't mad at her, she was in all her right to decline my proposal. I don't know if I was overthinking what happened but I felt like something was troubling her, she had agreed this morning to go out and after Rose appeared, she decided that she didn't want to go out anymore.

I was going to try one last time tomorrow when Jace goes to his appointment. If tomorrow she still declines me, I'll leave her alone.

I didn't know if places were open on Christmas day but apparently a bar decided to open for this night. I've been to this bar before, it was a small one, owned by a couple on their late fifties whose daughter, Hailey, had had a one time thing with me but was one of the few women who understood what I was looking for and agreed to it. I'd never force a woman into submission.

Ironically, Hailey became one of my friends. She, herself, didn't want to have all the drama that a relationship involved in high school so she was the only one I knew I could go back for a fling so probably, I shouldn't describe her as a one night stand because she's been the only constant woman who I knew I could rely on in my satisfaction needs.

Her parents obviously didn't know of the times we've been together but they know that we've remained friends and we were, it wasn't only just sex.

"Long time, no see, Eric." Hailey greeted me as soon as I stepped into the bar.

"Well, I have to pay bills." I told her as I took off my coat.

"Life's a bitch. Anyways, what would you want today?" She asked me.

I felt comfortable with her but I couldn't see her in a romantic way. She was there for me when I needed her an the other way around. "What about a quickie in your room like the old times?" I teased her and she blushed.

She chuckled after a while. "Nice try but I think a shot of tequila and then a beer will be fine, then you can tell me what's troubling you." She said and went for the drinks.

When she got back, she placed the drinks on our table and I noticed she would be having a beer with me. "How did you know something was troubling me?" I asked her, was it obvious that I was feeling down.

"Well, for starters, you never come to the bar to ask me for sex. So if you don't want sex and you came here on Christmas day, something must be really troubling you. Is it Jace?" She asked me as she began drinking her beer.

I shook my head. "It's not Jace, he's fine. But it would be cool if you could give me some girl advise." I told her. I needed some girl perspective to figure out Zoe and convince her that I wasn't a bad person and agree to go out with me.

"Trouble getting it up?" She teased.

"You know very well that I don't have problems down there." I teased her back and she rolled her eyes. "No, it's this girl that is best friends with Jace. I think it might be love at first sight but she doesn't want to go out with me anymore." I explained, feeling sad again.

"Anymore? She was but now she's not?" She asked and I nodded. If it was any other person, I would feel embarrassed but Hailey and I have always given each other advise on what should we do about other people.

I told her about the bathroom incident and what happened when Zoe was sleeping which earned me a smack on the head.

"It wasn't my intention, and it's not like I was planning it but she's so beautiful, I just want to know her completely. I know I sound like a creep." I explained when she gave me a curious look.

"I don't think you were completely wrong but that's how love works. You meet someone, most times a stranger and you get to know them. If it was any other girl, I'd tell you to leave her alone but maybe this girl's the one for you. Never in my life have I seen you so infatuated by someone, let alone someone who rejected you." Hailey said and she was right.

Zoe has been the first girl I've been interested in even getting to know. Her body wasn't the first thing to appeal to me, it was all of her. Her face, her voice, her smile, her personality.

"You don't need to rub it, Hailey." I muttered. I felt pretty wounded that she rejected me.

"It's the truth. I can keep quiet but it still happened." She told me and I sighed. "Now, if you ask her again and she still says no, then leave her, don't push it." She said at last. That's exactly what I had thought but sometimes hearing it from someone else, helps you know if you should do it or not.

We kept talking and I didn't realise it was three in the morning already until Hailey yawned. "Sorry, Hailey. I lost track of time." I told her and reached for my coat and wallet to pay her.

"Don't worry, it's on the house. Eric, you're tired, why don't you sleep here?" She told me after I yawned. I decided that it would be a good idea, I had a bit to drink but other people might have had more and I don't want to be a part of an accident, and if something happened, my dad would kill me.

I decided to tease Hailey though. "Are you suggesting something?" I asked her and wiggled my brows to her.

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up, I'm serious." She whined a bit.

"Me too." I told her but we both knew that nothing was going to happen.

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