Fifty Four

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Fifty Four


I thought I was going to finally have some alone time with Eric. We've been apart for over a month but it's felt like forever since we last saw each other. When he arrived, I just wanted to kiss the life out of him. I missed the way he looks at me and the way he holds me. I've never felt more cherished than when I'm with Eric.

But I guess this is the way of life punishing me for keeping my relationship a secret.

I felt like someone dumped a bucket full of cold water over me when I heard my brother come into my room. I wanted to take advantage of being alone with Eric even if it was for a couple of hours since my brother and Jace were gone and the rest of my friends were at the lake already.

Eric and I pulled away from each other as soon as we heard Daniel speak. I felt my heart beating faster than ever and I didn't want to look at him nor Eric. "Zoe? I asked you a question." Daniel spoke.

"I..." I didn't know what to say. I mean I do know but I didn't know how to start or where to begin.

"Daniel, I can-" Eric started but was interrupted by my brother.

"I asked Zoe, not you." Daniel said sharply but I wasn't going to allow him to speak that way to Eric.

"You don't have to be rude, Daniel." I told him.

"Does Jace know about this?" He asked me. He was ignoring Eric completely.

I looked down. "No." I whispered, hoping he didn't hear me but he did. "We will soon." I spoke for Eric too which made him stand next to me and hug me to him in comfort.

"Why haven't you told him?" He asked.

I was going to answer but we heard Jace calling for Daniel. "You can't tell him." I begged him.

"Why not? He deserves to know." My brother reasoned.

"Because it's not your place to say." I told him.

"Fine." Daniel sighed. "But you better tell him soon or I will. It's not fair to him that you are hiding this." He rushed and left my room, closing the door after him.

Eric enveloped me completely on his arms. I rested the side of my face on his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso. He started rubbing my back and running his hands through my hair. The action made me relax but I still felt a knot on my throat just to think about telling Jace. I feel like he's not going to take well not the fact that his brother and I are together but that we kept our relationship from him.

"We need to tell him as soon as we can." Eric said.

I nodded and looked up to meet his beautiful and calming eyes. "Yeah, as soon as we find the right moment." I said and he nodded. "I love you." I told him.

"I love you too, beautiful." He told me and kissed the top of my head.

Eric hugged me to him for a few more minutes. We were both in our own worlds but it was perfect. I feel like I can think clear when I know I have him next to me. "I think we should tell him tonight." I started. "What do you think?"

"I think the same." Eric said. He pulled away from me and grabbed my hand to take me to my bed. He sat on my bed, leaning on the headboard and brought me to sit in between his legs. "We'll get through this, baby. I'll be there for you. It's going to be okay." He promised me as he held me tight to him.

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