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As always, this has not been edited.

There's another bonus part coming up in Zoe's point of view. If you want me to keep writing about Zoe and Eric and what you wish to happen, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

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Six years later...


"Mr. Smith, this is Principal Jones. I'm calling you so you know that Jace has been suspended for the rest of the week. If you could come pick him up, I'll let you know the reason." The principal of my kids' school informed me.

"Yeah, sure." I said. "I'll be there as soon as I can." I hung up the phone and reclined my head on my chair.

I never thought Jace would be one to disobey. Yes, my kids aren't perfect but they were good kids. Zoe has been a wonderful mother to them. I have tried to be one good parent also. Is it normal for a six year old to get suspended from elementary school? Have we really paid attention to their needs? I want to think we have.

I picked up my phone and sent Zoe a text, letting her know that I'll be picking Jace up. She didn't reply to it but she did call me when I arrived to school.

"Hey, baby." I answered and felt myself smiling at the thought of her.

"Hey, why are you picking Jace up? Is he sick? He was fine this morning and he would've said something-" She started rambling.

I chuckled and she stopped talking. I took that as an opportunity to prevent her from keeping rambling. "Zoe, baby, stop. I don't know what is going on but the principal called me and asked me to pick him up. I'll tell you everything when I get back to the house." I assured her.

"Okay. By the way, there's something I need to tell you but I'll tell you when you come home." She said silently which worried me.

I swallowed hard and nodded but then I realized that she couldn't see me. "Okay, baby. I love you." I said, hoping she'll say it back as some sort of reassurance even if unknown to her.

"Love you too, bye." She said and hung up before I could say bye too.

I took a deep breath and got out of the car so I could find out what had happened with Jace. I could deal with whatever it is that Zoe needed to tell me.

I entered school and went directly to the principal's office. The first thing I saw was Jace sitting next to the secretary while playing with his hands as he looked down. I noticed that one of his hands was swollen and bruised around the knuckles. "Jace?" I called for him and kneeled in front of him. "What happened?"

"I punched Mike." He told me but he wouldn't look up to me. It was weird, Mike was one of Jace's friends. He's come over a few times to the house and he must've done something bad to Jace if he punched him. Zoe and I have always teach them that violence is wrong and that they should respect everybody and talk things out.

At that moment, the principal stepped out of his office and walked up to me. "Mr. Smith." He addressed me in a boring manner. I nodded at him and told Jace to wait for me. I stepped inside the office and took a seat in front of him. "I thought Zoe would be coming with you." The nerve of this guy! I've never liked this guy. Since the first time we met him, he took a liking for Zoe even when he knew pretty well that we were married and that we have kids. I mean can't he take a hint? How sick it is for a professional to take a liking for someone who's obviously happy with her husband and kids?

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