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I knocked on Jace's door and waited until his father opened the door. Jacob Smith was the kind of father who cracks jokes and embarrasses his kids but you wouldn't dare to disobey him at all.

"Well, who do we have here?" Mr. Smith snickered as he crossed his arms, not letting me in just yet.

"Hi. May I come in?" I asked him.

He narrowed his eyes. "Do you have cookies with you?" He asked.

"Uh, no but I can make some." I bargained with him.

Mr. Smith stepped aside and motioned for me to come in. "I'll let it slide this time but I expect them." He stated, proudly.

"Sure." I waved him off.

He grinned and raised his brows. "What did you just said, young lady?"

"Is Mrs. Smith in the kitchen?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Clever." Mr. Smith chuckled. "Using my wife as your defense mechanism."

"Zoe? Is that you?" Mrs. Smith appeared. She was wiping her hands with a towel. "Is my husband annoying you again?" She asked me as she looked in between his husband and me.

"Hey!" Mr. Smith protested. "Why do I always have to be the bad guy? She may seem innocent but she's far from it, you know?" He argued with his wife.

Mrs. Smith was only teasing him. She perfectly knew how his husband behaved around people but she also thought of me as a second daughter so she was used to me cracking jokes about and towards her husband.

"Yeah, he is," I answered just after Mr. Smith's reply. "But I'll survive. How are you, Mrs. Smith?" I asked her, making my way towards her.

She crossed her arms over her chest and gave me a pointed look. "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Amanda?"

"You don't want to piss the Mrs. now, do you?" Mr. Smith came up to me and rested his arm on my shoulder.

I shrugged his arm off my shoulder and crossed my arms over my chest, just like Mrs. Smith had done before and looked at him. He was smirking, looking smug, teasing me.

Before I could answer him, Jace interrupted us. "Dad, could you please stop annoying Zoe?" He said from the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay, enough! Why does everybody think I'm the bad guy?" Mr. Smith asked, exasperated, but we all knew he was only kidding.

"Oh, honey. Just let the kids go before I make you go." Mrs. Smith intercepted.

Mr. Smith's eyes widen in horror. "Alright, here you go and we'll see you later." He said as he took money out of his wallet and gave it to Jace.

Jace took my hand as his parents left for the kitchen and led me outside. I got on the driver's seat as Jace took the passenger's. I started driving towards the store when Jace started a conversation.

"You know how I told you guys that my brother was to come tomorrow for Christmas?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, he's not coming." He muttered, sadly.

I turned to him and then, back at the road. "How come?" I asked him. From what Jace has told me before, his brother would never miss a festivity with his family, no matter what he was doing or where he was, he would always come home.

I haven't met Jace's brother, Eric, in the years that I've known him but he loves Jace very much

"He said that he has presentations and that it's impossible for him to drop everything and come." Jace grumbled. It was quite amusing to see him like this, and it also warmed me up, his family was really close and they love and support each other like I've never seen it before. It may have to do with Jace being sick but at least, his family stuck together for him.

I took Jace's hand and rubbed on his knuckles to ease part of his tension.

"Hey, I have an idea," He said while I still had his hand on mine. "Why don't you call him and knock some sense in to him?" He asked, excited once again.

My eyes widened at his suggestion. "What?"

"Yeah, call him. Please, Zoe, pretty please call him. He coming would be the best and only Christmas present that I want." He said and pouted in my direction.

I, briefly, turned to him and it was almost like trying to say no to a little kid. I bit my lip and turned back my sight to the road.

Just one call. He might say no but at least I would make Jace happy that I at least tried.

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