Hobi's Playhouse

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Namjoon storms out the building with anger and urgency. Jin following close behind with Seo John forced to follow them to the car.

"Get the fuck in" Namjoon says in a harsh tone as he pushes a button on his keys that automatically starts the car.

Jin pushes SeoJoon into the back seat.


"And this is my play house" Hoseok says as he opens the door to the abandon building.

Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin walk carefully in awe as the see the inside.

They walked into a building that looked as if it was out of an eery cartoon carnival.

"So this is-" Jungkook starts.

"Yes this is where I took your brothers I actually still have one I think." Hoseok skips to a red door and politely knocks. "HELLLOOOOO ANYBODY HOME??"

there was silence.

"Hmm?" Hoseok asks twisting the door knob and and opening the room. A foul stench released into the air and there laid a corpse rotting.

"Well.....what's left of him"

Jimin held his nose and waft away the smell."Hurry and close it please"

They walk  around in awe of all the props and torcher machines Hobi had.

Hobi showed them all the "games" he had and how he enjoyed each one then he came to a halt.

"What happened??" Tae asked

"There is someone here." Hobi whispers.

"Did Yoongi come with us? He is probably just lurking somewhere." Jimin says nonchalantly.

"I know how he sounds this is someone else." Hobi says as he grabs a knife from a close chop board and throws it in a corner.

Once it was thrown you could hear the loud shuffling of bodies all over.

Hoseok maniacal laugh sprung from the depths of his lungs.

"WELCOME TO HOBI'S PLAYHOUSE EVERYONE!!!!" Hobi says with a wide smile.

Tae and Jimin stood behind jungkook and Hobi scared. They have never really seen Hoseok in his full form. He's never had to be more than just a lackey with a gun most times or a decoy pawn but today was his time to shine.

"Don't be scared. This is a place for fun. Just relax and follow my lead." Hoseok whispers.

"Now since there seems to be a large crowd tonight lets play a game of hide and seek shall we?" Hobi says loudly.

Red dots are now spotted on everyones body.

"Im going to count to 3 and it going to be your job to find us before we find you deal?" Hobi laughs.




Hobi claps and the lights go completely out and shots are rang everywhere.

When the lights when out the floor beneath Hoseok and the boys opened up and they ended up sliding underground. The curvy slide led to a ball pit where the climbed out of. Above them they could hear the ringing of gun shots.

"I LITTERALLY HAD A HEART ATTACK"  Jimin screams in frustration.

"Come on now we havent even had the most fun yet. Anybody into video games??" Hobi crawls out of the ballpark passing everyone a controller.

"What are we doing with these?"

With a snap a large screen appeared with player 1, 2, 3, and 4 on top.

"Let's see who has the highest scores. Shoot down every one you see whoever has the lowest score buys everyone dinner tonight."

"You are so on."

There were remote controlled droids flying through the building taking out every intruder in the building. The boys laughed and giggled as they did their best to see who would win.


Namjoon walks into the house.

"Guys where are you?"

A half awake Yoongi appears.

"Whats the issue....who's that guy?" Yoongi asks while trying to open his eyes and scratching the back of his head.

"This is one of my employees and he just gave away some very important technology to Fallen Angelz and they might be on our tails." Namjoon says begrudgingly.

"Oh really." Yoongi says. "One sec..." he walks to a drawer near by and pulls out a pistol and begins to cock the gun at SeoJoon.

"Dont" Namjoon says.

"Why the fuck are we keeping this motherfucker alive." Yoongi says furiously as he brings his hand down following orders.

"Because he is an important asset to the company."

"SOO REPLACE HIM!!" Yoongi yells.

"Calm down yoongi." Jin says calmly. "He's eventually gonna die soon cause now he definitely knows to much. Plus your gonna have to save those bullets anyway. I just got a text from Hobi. Some Fallen Angelz lackeys were caught in the playhouse."

"What the actual fuck." Yoongi says in irritation "Are we even ghosts anymore how did those motherfuckers find that place."

"What is going on here? What's happening?" Seojoon asks looking completely dumbfounded.

"Well if you can't put 2 and 2 together. We are ghost one of the most elite Mafia in this country. We hide in plane sight and are so powerful we can get away with almost anything. Your stupid ass put us in jeopardy now your life is in our hands. Say one more fucking thing and you'll lose it. Ok?" Jin says calmly as he staps up gear onto him.

"Lets get this shit moving."

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