The Unpredictable Predictableness

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"Shall we go?" Namjoon asked with a smile on his face. He extended his hands for the two to take as he gently leads them out the door. "Watch your step there are a few bodies laid out here." He said kindly.

"Won't the police come and see this?" Taehyung asked holding tightly to the hand that leads him out that godforsaken club.

" Yeah, they will see it. But they will never see us..." Jin explained"... or even think it's us. We are ghosts you should know that." He finished with a cute grin.

They walked into a black fancy-looking van.

"So where are you gonna take us exactly?" Jimin asked with a little sass in his voice.

"Home. Of course." Namjoon laughed " When we get there Jin will take care of you guys."

They sat in the car silently for a little bit. Taehyung and Jimin sat in the back seat looking at the city lights pass by. It had been a while since the two saw what the streets looked like. Once they got closer to their destination the streets turned into trees and the road became a little rugged.

"Ummm...Please don't tell me you live in some abandoned cabin or something because we have been in one of those and it's not nice." Jimin sassed.

"If you call this an abandoned cabin." Namjoon chuckled as the road into large fancy gates that lead to the largest beautiful mansion the boys have ever seen. " Welcome home."

Tae and Jimin screamed in excitement as the looked at the house in front of them. It seemed to be such a dream.

They were lead to their rooms but they begged not to be separated so they got a room together. They were served good food and a change of clothes to change into for the night.

The two sat in front of their new vanity feeling as pretty as ever when Jin walked in with his silky pjs on. He illuminated with a beautiful glow that the boys would have to get used to. Whether he was covered in blood or had bed head he seemed to look extremely beautiful either way.

"Take a picture it would last longer," Jin said with a playful grin to knock the two boys back to earth.

" So. What's your story. I'm guessing you know our story but why are you with Namjoon. How did you get here?" Taehyung asked in curiosity.

" Oh, it's quite funny actually." Jin explained, " I didn't know he would be the love of my life either." 


Jin was the heir of his own company it wasn't as big as Namjoon's but it was successful. Jin, on the other hand, didn't want to take part in the affairs of the business as he was an artist. But he was an asset to the company's growth because not only was Jin an exceptional businessman but he also has a superpower that lets him control someone's decision just from a look.

No one knew how he was able to predict his opponent's moves and always knew the perfect comeback. But he also knew a man's weaknesses without even saying anything or even a little bit of research. He once made someone kill themself just by saying one word. Whatever that word was no one knows but him. 

Later on, in like Namjoon found him and promised him safety and protection so that he can freely be himself and be able to enjoy life. Namjoon bought Jin's company making sure his family was taken care of and Jin was able to do whatever he wanted instead of being stuck in boring meetings with people he hated.

Some would wonder what was wrong with Jin's life before? Why join such a dangerous person?

Well, those people he worked with weren't just mere employees. Because he was out of the closet and purely gay he was ranked as the bottom of the chain and was only to do as told. These were the rules of his company from his father. No one not even once stood up for him. His parents hated him for what he was and withheld all his assets. So even though he was the companies weapon he was nothing but a slave to his father. He lived in the basement of that company building and was only fed from that company. He never left the building unless someone wanted to do business. He did all the dirty business with the company which led him to be very knowledgable in weaponry and things of that nature.

Why he never put up a fight for his freedom? He was saving his mother and little sister. If he was to break free his father didn't care to do the same to the rest of the family.

But one day he was called into a "meeting" and that's when he met Namjoon.

He promised that we can get all those people who did him wrong and he has kept his promise ever since then.

How they became lovers?

Namjoon isn't gay.

He just fell for Jin. He's Jinsexual.


After that explanation Namjoon walks in laughing. The boys guess he heard the last part of the explanation.

" Yes I wasn't gay when I met Jin but I had never been in love before either," Namjoon explained. " I wasn't against the idea it just wasn't something I saw an option for someone like me." He snugs up to Jin. " Especially when the person is 3 years older than me."

" When news got out that Namjoon and I were together people were sure that I used my "superpower" on him but I didn't. I was able to figure him out easily though he was so predictable. He is just a cute little boy who has a genuine heart." Jin explained. " He fell for me first though and that was extremely unpredictable. But we just fit so perfectly it was almost destined."

"That sounds like us Jiminie," Tae said hugging Jimin tightly.

They all laughed at the gushiness in the air.

"Well enjoy your first night here. Just to let you know there are 2 other people in this house as of right now. One's name is Yoongi and the other is Jungkook." Namjoon explained " You will meet them soon. I'm pretty sure one of them was probably in here already. He is very sneaky but don't worry he won't hurt you. There is also a little baby here so if you hear crying in the night please understand." he ended with a smile.

"Ummmm ok" The two new boys answered.

"See you in the morning" Jin waved off.

and that was it for the night.

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