Going Insane

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The day passed on. 

Jimin told Tae everything he learned about Jungkook. They just had to go meet him for themselves.

It was quite late this time of night and they decided then was the right time to introduce themselves. (Don't judge them the only time they meet someone in public is in the middle of the night given the circumstances. They thought it was normal.)

All snug in their pajamas they snuck over to Jungkooks room. 

Tae shyly knocked on the door to see if he would answer.

They heard small footsteps coming to the door. Soon enough Jungkook opens it with the cute doe eyes they remember seeing at breakfast.

"Hey." was the solemn word of a certain tone of raspiness that left the younger's lips. 

"Can we come in?" Jimin asked in a hushed tone.

Jungkook stood there for a little bit analyzing the two before opening the door for them. Once they walked in they were met with a cute light-blue styled room with bubble gum pink accents. The tv was on with the movie Mary Poppins playing and you could see he was having a movie night alone.

"We wanted to introduce ourselves and get to know you better.," Taehyung explains.

Jungkook just hums as he sits back in his snack covered bed and pauses the movie to give them his full attention.

"You see...Jimin and I don't have that many friends we've only had each other and you are the closest to our age solo we wanted to..." Tae started.

"Play?" Jungkook asked.

His voice wasn't what the two had expected. They heard that he was a child and they thought he was going to be a sight to see. His voice was deep and raspy and his eyes that were cute and doe-like were now piercing arrows. Instead of his face being cute and innocent he wore a smug smirk on his face.

"What? I wasn't what you expected?" Jungkook asked seeing the stunned look on their faces.

"Hi, I'm Jungkook.  The real Jungkook. Kookie, on the other hand, needed to go to bed. Two boys come knocking on the door in the middle of the night in tiny ass satin shorts and matching crop hoodies to come and introduce themselves and something about that seems too fishy." Jungkook explains.

"Why would we hurt you. Arent we like....on the same team." Jimin says with sass as he pushes his bangs back away from his face.

" I'm just now seeing you I don't know what you guys are up to.  I know that you can't be trusted as of right now."

"We are telling the truth. We do just want a friend...." Jimin tried to explain but he kept getting lost in Jungkook's gaze as the younger kept creeping up in his space more and more until Jimin could feel Jungkooks breath alongside his neck.

"Tell me...." Jungkook said trailing his hands alongside Jimin's waist. "....Is that really what brought you here?"

Jimin slightly nudged Jungkook off of him. This made Jungkook throw his hands up as he retreats two steps back.

"Yes. That's the actual reason we are here."

"What do you want from me?"

"You have something that we didn't have."

"And what was that?"

"The eyes of an innocent child."


'If I stay here any fucking longer I am going to lose my mind. Where is your prince charming when you need him DAMN. '

These are the thoughts of a bored Hoseok.

Hoseok is currently in an Insane asylum with a straight Jacket because he successfully knocked his roommate out cold by beating him senseless with his lunch tray. 

The doctors forced him to take so many pills a day but they still haven't gotten results. This was there best bet. Put him in a cushioned room with only pills to take and water to drink until he settles down. When he is allowed out he likes to act a complete fool.


Just for the fun of it.

Every time so far he has finagled his way to freedom just to be caught at the gate.

What a bad little boy he is isn't he.

He has to keep himself entertained some kind of way if he doesn't he might go insane. 

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