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Jimin made a bee line for the alcohol. Finding a glass to take from the table.

An older guy with grew hair walks up next to gimme and takes a glass as well.

"What a beautiful view from behind." He whispers before taking a sip.

"Thank you I try my best" Jimin flips hair a little before taking a sip of his champagne.

The old man looks at the name tag.

"Swan. What a beautiful name. What made you come up with that?"

"Well Mr." Jimin takes at his " Service.... Like you said I nice to look at."

The old man chuckles a little." Tell me Mr.Swan what brings you here today?"

"Mmmm just looking around thought I might find something I like might even take that auction just for the fuck of it." Jimin says downing the rest of his drink and grabbing another  one.

"Slow down there beauty don't wanna miss all the fun later."

"Don't worry about me this is lightweight"

The old man hums.

"Mr. Service what brings you here tonight?" Jimin asks leaning against the table a little while staring out into the masked crowd.

"I want to participate in this auction as well. I got me some cute servants for later tonight. Care to join." Je says walking a little closer to him before grazing his hand along Jimins back side. "I'd love to take a better look at you Mr. Swan."

"Their not servants their slaves call it like it is" Jimin says downing his second drink and grabbing another one.
"Ahemm" Jungkook clears his throat before politely moving the older man's hand "Last time I check my boyfriend has a mask on he isn't for sale."

"Oh" the older man chuckles a little."I wasn't looking to buy I was looking to have a good time."

"I give you by the count of three to leave before this be your last time looking for a good time." Jungkook states with q simple glare and flash of a small knife in the cuff of his sleeve.

"Tsk you're no fun" Mr.Service takes his leave not without bumping shoulders with the Jungkook "I'll see you around....Raven"

Jimin does a little shimmy. "Oooo Mr.Raven's so protective I like it." Jimin smiles before trying to take another gulp.

"Gimme that we are here for a reason don't forget that." He says drinking the rest of what's left.

"Come on Tae said he thinks he found something." Jungkook states taking Jimins hand and walking him through a crowd.

Tae is sitting in a lounge table with two other people. He looks so charismatic  and handsome in a suit to Jimin as he sips on some whiskey.

But then he sees in there is a Woman sitting next to one of the other men. She didn't have on have on a mask and her bronze skin stood out amongst everyone. She looked so familiar.  He watched as she pushed he hair behind her ear and that exposed the P branding mark on her neck.

" Fatou?" Jimin whispered.

Tae heard him and nodded his head indicating that it was indeed Fatou.

The two boys sat next to Taehyung.

"Meet my friends here Raven and Swan." Tae introduced "We are working together to find some new servants here."

"Is that so" one of the men asks.

"Yes yes the one right next to you is a true find."

The man looks at Fatou taking a piece of her hair and twirling it and his finger. " She truly is. Well trained too. She hasn't spoken a word yet without my permission."

You could tell how uncomfortable she was but she kept her composure giving a small smile.

"Yes. How much to take her if your hands. " Jimin asks.

"I haven't bought her yet. Honestly I'm feeling generous. She isn't really my type anyways.  You can have her." He says with a smile. His white suit and feathered mask matched his name Angel.

"Thank you Mr.Angel." Tae smiled raising his glass.

"No worries. Take it as a gift for such a  wonderful talk. There is a lot of big people here you know. The president could be walking among us right now. It's nice to have a real chat every once in a while. I need to scurry off now. I'll see you guys at the auction."  Angel walked out into the crowd.

The three boys went silent not knowing what to say or do.

"Is there something I can help you gentlemen with? I can lead you to a private room if you'd like." Fatou whispered looking down at her lap.

"Actually yes please." Jimin asked politely.

Fatou signed a little as she rose up from her seat and grabbed Jimin's hand.

The three boys followed her through the crowd and down a hall. As you passed each room you could hear the screams of victims with their new masters. Women and men pushed up against walls against their will  and hushed moans and groans painted the atmosphere. It was a scene to familiar to everyone in the party.

Once they reached the room Jungkook quickly shut the door behind him.

"Okay listen we are not here to hurt you I need to be quiet okay." Jimin says reassuringly. He presses his ear piece. "Guys do we have room for one more person in the car."

"What the fuck you mean one more person?!?" Yoongi answers.

"Listen she could be really important to the operation. Trust me." Jimin answers.

"Proceed with caution. The cameras have been hacked in your area. Namjoon and I are coming to secure your area."


Taehyung sat Fatou down in a chair. "Hopefully you remember me." He took off his mask revealing his face.

"Taetae" Fatou gasped giving him a tight hug. "If this is Taetae then you must be Jiminie."

Jimin takes off his mask revealing a smile.

Fatou broke out into tears. "After P sold you guys I thought I would never see you again."

"He's dead"

"What?...." Fatou sys stunned.

"We got him. He can't do what he did to us to anyone else. Thanks to him." Tae explains point to Jungkook who takes off his mask as well.

"Meet our boyfriend Jungkook." Jimin introduces.

Jungkook politely bows a little and when he get up he is wrapped in frail arms tightly by the sobbing lady.

"Thank you. Thank you much."

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