Bad Boys

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It had been about three days and Jimin and Taehyung have moved in with the rest of the gang.

Today was an important day. It was their first operation as Ghosts. This morning all members of the household were called into the conference room inside the large house.

"I guess we got a lot of things to do if we got to wake up out of our beds and start a meeting before I can even brush my teeth." Tae huffed with sleep still in his eyes and his satin robe barely on his shoulders as he and Jimin make their way to the meeting. "They could've at least given me coffee."

" You start living in an actual house for three days and start acting boujee." Jimin chuckles in a raspy tone for he too was only half awake.

When they finally made it to the room they found everyone there dressed nicely in suits and sitting in designated seats at a long table.

"How did you guys get dressed so quickly!" Jimin exclaimed in awe.

"Sweetheart, its 2 pm. You guys have slept the majority of the day." Jim explained with a quaint smile.

Jin and Jungkook wore faces as if the were saying an inaudible "OOOOHHH".

After getting seated Namjoon began the meeting as he was sitting at the very end of the table.

"So I have derived a plan to safely get Hoseok out hopefully not causing a scene." Namjoon starts.

"I have a question? How come you can't just throw a couple of bucks to get him out?" Tae asked.

" Well see. When you do that something always comes to bite you in the ass because then whoever you threw those bucks at now has leverage on you. My name is attached to the largest country on this side of the earth. And also to a very powerful Mafia. If we are going to go about this we must be camouflage as possible that means no mistakes." Namjoon explains. "Heres the plan. Hoseok has made a name for himself in that Asylum as expected to mean all guards and personnel are highly aware of him.  We will bring Tae and Jimin in as actual patients to scope out the area and find where Hoseok is located. Jungkook is going to play a new Patroller to the area where he will be accessed to all the weapons he needs just in case shit goes down. Yoongi will do what he does best and stealth his way in he has his quirkiness. I trust him. Jin will also be going in as a doctor also having access to necessary weaponry just in case. I will be on the outside with the car and hacking into all the programs to make sure we have a clear shot. Got it?"

"Okay this is all cool and things but how come everyone else gets weapons and we don't?" Tae asked.

" If somebody comes for you. Bite 'em." Namjoon chuckles. "But I didn't forget about you guys. You have a special talent. Your silent killing methods do not go unnoticed but for this one, they won't do you much good. We already had to put in on documents an excusable reason why you have matching metal teeth in your mouths."

Tae huffed as he crossed his arms in defeat.

After the briefing, they all went to their rooms to get ready.

Tae saw their uniform laid out on the bed. All white straight jackets with matching pants.

"Not my style but okay." H huffed sliding off his clothes.

In the other room, Namjoon was helping Jungkook put the police harness on. 

"So I just gotta act like a noob or something?" Jungkook asked.

"Do whatever you see best to get the boys in and out Jungkook.," Namjoon said with a confident smirk.

"Kookie wants ice cream afterward."

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