Forgotten Son

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Breakfast was almost done and everyone was at their seats except two.

"I wish Namjoon was awake so he could take care of Jungkook just in case." Jin sighed as he laid out the food on the table.

"I can get him." Yoongi volunteered " Jimin is playing with Soobin so I can get Jungkook while you get Namjoon."

They both decided to go and wake the sleepyheads up.

When Yoongi walked into Jungkooks room he found the younger snuggled in bed with a small bunny in his hands. Yoongi gently nudges Jungkook while the younger begins to stir in his sleep.

" Kookie-ah get up breakfast is ready."

Doe eyes shot open looking at Yoongi with a genuine smile.

"Goodmorning Minmin."

"Come on little one there are some people here to meet you."

While Jungkook and Yoongi make their way to breakfast Jin begins the hardest test of the day which is waking the bear out of hibernation.

There sprawled out along the king-sized bed laid a wild Namjoon in his habitat doing one of the things he does best.....Snore as loud as possible.

"Joonie time to get up," Jin says punching him softly a couple of times.

Namjoon doesn't budge.

"JOOONIEEE GET UP!!!!" Jin yells now while jumping on the bed.

Before he can yell anymore he is suddenly pulled by the waist and pinned under Namjoon who attacks his neck in a matter of seconds with sweet butterfly kisses.

Jin bursts into giggles as he tries to fight off Namjoon.

"Move your breath stinks" Jin giggles kissing Namjoon's forehead. " Come to the dining room breakfast will be gone before you know it."

Once everyone was in the room conversation instantly sparked up.. Stories were told across the table and laughter sprung amongst the group. Baby Soobin stole bread from any plate he could find any and Namjoon hogged the syrup. Everyone seemed to have a good meeting except Jungkook who stayed quiet for the majority of the meal.  

Later on that day everyone went their separate ways to get ready for their day Jin and Jimin stayed behind to clean up.

" Jin Hyung...How come Jungkook didn't speak?"  Jimin asked.

" Oh, Kookie doesn't do too well with new people. He is only 5.....mentally that is.........when he is out that is" Jin rambled.

"Wait. what??" Jimin paused.

" Jungkook has multiple personalities. Well, he is more like a little." Jin explained.

"Something must've happened to him really bad huh?"


Jungook is the 10th son out of the boys in his family.

His father is a rich gang leader that was becoming a rising competitor for Ghost Mafia. Due to each son being able to inherit a specific region that left no spot in Korea untouched. All the sons had the same mother but Jungkook whose mother was a hooker that didn't want him. After giving birth to him she left him in the care of his father who also didn't care for the youngest much.

He ended up being treated almost as if he was a house pet by the brothers since there was no real use for him anywhere. He never went to school. Everything he knows he has learned on his own. He is 18 now but he never experienced a real childhood. Soon enough his family started to realize Jungkook's condition and caused a lot of harm to him.

He was constantly beaten for fun and barely fed half the time. His sole purpose was to care for his brothers and father's needs.

Well, one day Baby Kookie snapped into a whole man and ended killing 5 of his brothers in one go.

Well, Jungkook isn't as weak as he seems. Due to everything he had to deal with as the youngest he gained incredible strength from it.

When Namjoon found him.....He had all five of those brothers heads lined up. All he ripped off with his bare hands.

Namjoon offered the same deal that everyone else got and now they are here.


"Wow, he really did that!" Jimin said in awe." Such a gorgeous baby like him. Wow so intriguing."

"Yeah, he is really something." Jin smiled " He has the kindest heart though whether he is Kookie or Jungkook. He is like my son."

Jimin wanted to meet Jungkook he wanted to know more about him. Once he tells Tae he is sure he will be in on it too.

Big days are coming everyone's way.

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