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This was not how it was supposed to go to plan. It was supposed to be a quick and easy job.
Play with the old fella a little bit. Kill him and leave.

But now they are both tied up on this stinky ass bed with muzzles on. Even though they do have the rest of the team still here no one can see them due to all the protection around this damn vip room.

"Oh just like old times. Little Kitten and Cub with their leashes and muzzles on." P laughed.

Tae and Jimins eye filled with tears hopeing and praying the other guys will recognize that they had failed the mission. It wasnt helping that with every word that P would say would trigger the old submissive habits theh fought so hard to forget.

Tae and Jimin stared into eachothers eyes with pure fear. And thats when they heard it. That familiar unwelcoming sound.


The two knew what was coming bjt from where they didnt know. The sound of the whip increases the whimpering and muffled cries.

"Now who should I get first. Maybe my little cub since you worked up such the nerve to kill me."


Taehyungs eyes widened as be felt the sting across his back.


It hit him again.

Jimin screamed through the muzzle as he watched his best friend get hit again. He couldnt handle Taebyung getting hurt si he jumped in front of Tae and recieved the next 4 hits that came aftrerwards.

Just like old times.

Whatever Tae got Jimin always made shre to get double. Or take Taes punishments as much as possible.


The whipped hit again but not one of the boys.

Their were being set loose by hoseok and when they turned around they found Jungkook swinging the whip mercilessly.

Once he had enough he pulled out the gun and let it ring across P's body.

This caught the attention of security.

Jungkook then took out another gun as he fired shots from every direction. This man had went ballistic.

He cleared the pathwah to the exit using his sheer strength. Punching throwing stabbing every man that came his direction.

Yoongi was also in the building shooting from a distance making sure that Jungkooks blind side was covered while hoseok carried us out.

He screamed in anger untill we were all out safely.

They car swerved around and picked us up.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO PLAYING IT COOL!!" Namjoon speeded out of the place.

"Couldnt happen captain. LOOK AT JIMIN AND TAEHYUNG." Jungkook says pointing to his boyfriends.

"The plan was stupid we shouldve goven them more to work with and not just fucking teeth. You have the fucking metal they use. Make the fucking weapons they need to succeed." Jungkook yelled aggressively.

Jungkooks anger scared everyone.

When they finally got home Tae and Jimin left everyone even Jungkook claiming they could take care of themeselves.


"Stay still." Taehyung says as he gently smears a healing balm over Jimins lash marks.

"I wish you would stop doing that." Tae said looking into the mirror to stare Jimin in the eyes.

"Doing what?"

"Stop protecting me. Stop taking the hit all the time. Im not worth-"

"You will alwaus be worth it. Every wound will always be worth it." Jimin said turning around to grab Taes fave so they are looking dead into eachothers eyes. "Id rather doe than see you hurt. You are litterally my other half. You are my everything. Taehyung why would you think that."

"If your to busy trying to save me everytime who is going to take care of you huh? Who will take those lashes for you." Tae asked in blubbery tears.
"I want to show you that I too can love you."

Tae kissed Jimins salty tear stained lips.

The kiss wa slow and passionate. Tae made sure Jimin felt everything he wanted to get across. Jimin was always the one taking care of him he wanted to prove that he too can take care of Jimin.

He hoisted Jimin up unto the counter of the bathroom and left delicate love bruises down hos neck to his shoulder blade makong sure not to leave not one spot untoucjed. He want Jimin to break down every barrier.

Traveling back to the addicting lips he so thoroughly enjoy. They share one last kiss before soft knocks are heard on the door.

"Hey its me....Jungkook." Jungkook says timidly. "I wanted to apologize of i scared you tonight. I didnt mean to loose my temper like that. I broke my promise to protect you two i didnt make it in time. Im sorry for letting you guys down."

The door is opened for him. He us welcomed with the two giving him a tight hug.

"You did nothing wrong. Look we are still alive we aee fine."

Jungkook carressed both of their faces."i love you guys."

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