Chapter 10

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Eli's P.O.V.
After a few minutes of waiting at the table for the waiter to come. He was black, pearly white teeth, built, had a low cropped haircut.
"Hi my names is Andrew and I will be your server tonight." He said directing his attention towards Harper
I speak first before Harper could speak,
"Yes, I would like a Shirley Temple non-alcoholic." I said
"And for you young lady" Andrew asked Harper
"I would like the same." she said
"Okay, I will be back shortly to take your order." He stated
"You look just gorgeous I mean dazzling." I said
"Thank you, you look handsome yourself." She replied
Harper's P.O.V.
We have been here talking all night long and slowly people were leaving the restaurant and then everyone was gone.
"Haha....she was a hand full." Eli said
"Yeah but she was my hand-full. Although I had been taking care of her since I was 16. I love her to death, I don't think I would be the person I am If my mom hadn't of died. Although I wish she was alive though and here to be apart of Diamond and I's life and see us grow." I said
"You turned out wonderful for not having your mother or father in your life. Being able to mature so quickly and be the mother and father figure in her life. As well as being able to provide and go to college and become a successful lawyer. Although I had mine I wish I would've had more of them being real and genuine rather than falsified. I was forced to do things I would never have forced my kids to do. My parents barely made time for me and my 4 other siblings. But we have made it our mission to be apart of each lives, their children's lives, and be the parents to our kids the way they weren't.
My mother is trying to control my life and she did for 21 years and now being 28 years old I refuse to let her continue to." Right after Eli said our waiter came up to us.
"Excuse me we are closing up for the evening and we need you to leave. So that we can finish cleaning and officially close. " As he said that he grabbed my empty glass he slid his number on the table near my hand and left.
"Eli, did you see that?" I asked him
"See what? said
"Our waiter as he grabbed my glass, he slid his number near my hand." I told him
"I am going to give him a piece of my mind. I ignored it earlier but I refuse to let this go unnoticed." Eli says something to him and walks away and go and says something to the manager and after Eli walks away.
I see the manager walk up to Andrew and he says something and Andrew gets mad and looks towards Eli.
"C'mon Harp, let's go I dealt with it." Eli said coming back towards me
He grabbed my shawl and helped me put my on. Then we grabbed his coat and we left holding hands. As we walked out and go back into his car Andrew came up to us.
Eli's P.O.V.
"Aye man, what is your problem? Why would you do that man? Get me fired." Andrew said
"I let it go first and you continued to hit on my date. I had to teach you a lesson, now I suggest you leave us alone." I said and then began escorting Harper around the car into the passenger side, Andrew grabbed my arm and attempted to punch me. I threw up my arm blocking the attempt punch and then threw a hard punch of my own. He fell down holding his jaw.
"You just don't know who I am do you? I am Eli Washington, the own of Inventador. Now I will let all of this go if you just apologize to the lady and move on." I said
"I am sorry I ruined your evening ma'am. I hope your the rest of your evening is wonderful." Andrew said
"Thank you and you can move on now young man." I said
I opened Harper's door and she got in and I closed it, ran around and got in. We drove off, and a few minutes later we were back at my place and I was walking her to her car.
"I had a wonderful time this evening." she said
"I did too spending it with the most beautiful women in the world and just getting to know you and things I would've never done a billion years ago." I said
"Wow that's something, we have a long day tomorrow." She said finally getting to the door of her car
I opened her door and she got inside her car and as she began to pull off she stopped and let down the window and said.
"Hey, Eli... do me a favor and don't forget your black card tomorrow." Harper said
I laughed and I saw her leave and she drove away. I looked back and mesmerized where she was just a minute ago and I stood there without movement for about 10-15 minutes and finally decided to close the gate and go into the house.
I walked into the house and it was some lights on but majority were off. I saw Elise asleep on the couch, and I grabbed a blanket and laid it on top of her.
I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. I went upstairs and turned the lights off before doing so. I walked down the hall to Isaac's room and saw his TV was on and he was asleep, I guess it was kind of warm, so I walked over to his thermostat and turned it down a little bit.
I walked back out and shut the door, I went and go dressed for bed. I set the alarm before I went to bed and I texted Harper to see had she gotten home yet.
Eli:"You made it home yet?"
Harper:" Yes I just pulled into my driveway, and again I had a wonderful time tonight."
Eli:"Good now go to bed and get you some rest, and I will see you tomorrow"
Harper: "I will and goodnight"

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