Chapter 5

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What Harper and Eli are wearing the whole day. I love letting you have a visual of what is going on and I hate being in the dark about things like this or not being able to image what people are wearing or where they are.
Harper's P.O.V.
I had to leave the house super early this morning because I had court at 10:00 am then I had coporate meetings all day. It was Friday and it was one of the slim to none days that she got her piano and in-school soccer canceled and I knew she was happy so she would be having a ball at home by herself until her out of school soccer time came. She actually might be able to get into bed at a decent hour tonight thankfully.
After I drop Diamond off at school and I stop at the store in this somewhat rough neighborhood but I used to live in a rough neighborhood when I was little so I knew how to take care of my self. I stop at this store often and I know the owner and he is here everyday. I am wearing a dark green pinstripe pants suit with gold buttons and a white button up, and brown heels but right now I got on my black loafers and I always have tote to bring my heels and loafers in.  I walk in the store grab a cup of coffee which I didn't fix this morning before I left. I also grabbed some gum and a Sprite.
I walk up the the checkout and talk to Ronnie.
"Hey Ronnie, how are you?" I asked
"Awesome lately business has been booming but these up to no good guys have been coming in here and just hanging out.....and matter of fact here they come now." He replied
"Let me see what I can do for ya Ronnie." I said turning around to observe them when they walk in
They walk in and just hang out and open up things and not pay for them. But this one came up to me, "We got a honey bruh...and she is fineeee." one of them says
"You know I am about to be headed down to the court house in a couple of hours." I look at my gold Apple Watch
"How long y'all been out?" I asked
"I just got out a couple weeks ago." One said
"How about you? How old are you?" I asked him
"I am 16 about to be 17 next week." He replied
"What and you hanging with these cats and you suppose to be at know what." I smacked him upside the head, "go to school....NOW!!" I said forcefully
He walks out of the store and begins walking to school. "How are y'all feeling depriving him from an education?......" I asked
"huh....didn't I ask y'all a question?" I questioned them again
"Nah, we don't feel bad because he make his own decisions." the obvious leader replied
"All y'all like in y'all 20s right?" I asked
"Yeah" they say in unison
"Now I come through here a lot and I want all y'all to get a job and I want that cat in school right?.....right?"I said questioned them
"Yes" they replied
"Now if y'all in here again messing up or giving Ronnie trouble I am personally going to find out all y'all names and call y'all parole officers. Do I make myself clear?" I asked them
"Yes" they replied
"Alright now get outta here" I said pointing at the door
They leave and I pull out a few hundreds out of my wallet and hand them to Ronnie for there mess. "Here, Ronnie for the mess they made.... and what was that one dude name that was 16?" I asked "Thanks for the money you didn't have to do this but that is Issac. I have tried to reason with him and tell him he had talent and his dad is a drug dealer, he beats his mother and he won't let her get no job so most of the time she is strung out on drugs and he spends most of the time with them boys.
He is really smart and he can graduate next year if he gets his act together." He explained to me "Thanks, I have to be at court in a couple of hours but I am going to see if I can find him on my way out but um if you see him give him my card and tell him to call me or come by my office." I said handing him the card
"Okay, you know you have a good heart and I hope you get all you deserve." Ronnie replied
"Thanks I have been in his same position had no father and my mother worked hard and had 2 and 3 jobs to provide. Thanks again Ronnie...I will see ya later." I said before walking out
"Bye Harp have a good day." He said before I left "Thanks" I replied
With that I left I had almost an hour till I had to be at court so I had no time to look for Issac but hopefully he goes back into the store and Ronnie can give him my card. I get into my 2017 BMW and head to get my court things and go to the court house.
Eli's P.O.V.
I get up and I have a hangover lately I have been drinking so much. I can't help it you know sometimes you need some relief. I rolled over and looked at my phone on the side of the bed and saw it was 9:30a. I have to be at court at 10:00, Harper is going to be pissed I have a hangover and I'm late. I go into my closet to pick something out to wear. I grab my black double-breasted suit with gold buttons, white button up, black tie with a white pocket square.
I hurry and shower and get dressed in like 15 minutes and I am leaving the house by 9:45 am. I get into my Jaguar and speed out of the drive down to the court house. Hopefully I make it in time or be just a couple of minutes late.
I had to rinse my mouth with Listerine and my eyes were red so I have been using these eye drops so they will be less red. I get to court with 5 mins to spare and I see Harper's Porsche that had customized tags that's says Harp on them.
I run inside the courthouse and hurry up and find the court room. I run in and walk up to where Harper is sitting and looking at her watch. I sit down on her left side and she begins talking to me or more of like a whisper yell.
"You are late, and do you have a hangover?" Harper said forcefully
"I forgot I had court that is why I got drunk because I wasn't going to go to work." I responded
"Well Mr. Washington that is what assistants are for they are suppose to remind you and it's called a cellphone. I sent your assistant TJ a text and called him and then I texted you also that you have court this morning at 10:00a.What did I say? I had set the rules for you and the guidelines and your late and drunk. Strike #1 2 more and you're out." she stated
"Well-" I was about to speak when they judge walked in and it was just a couple of minutes later after I walked in.
"All rise the Honorable Judge Payne. In case 4523 the Rice's vs Inventador you may be seated." The bailiff said
"Alright we are not going to waste anytime here and just jump right in. Opening statements from the defense and the plaintiff. Ms. Washington you can start, I see you more than I see my own wife." Judge Payne says chuckling
"That's funny your honor, t." He chuckles again at his own joke then turn serious to hear opening statements.
"Well you honor, my client makes home technology and the plaintiff had bought some from their local Best Buy, Target, Walmart, or Radio Shack. Or any other electronic store. And your honor can malfunction and just like your typical iPhone, Samsung, Nokia, or Motorola.
So your honor this just a simple malfunction and my client is willing to replace the equipment but will not pay for damages. Thank you your honor." I said heading back to my seat
"Thank you Ms. Washington and Mr. Wright your opening statement" judge Payne replied
"Your honor this wasn't my simple basic malfunction the equipment caught first and burned their kitchen. Now they have and went almost 3 months without being able to feed their children. They told me they are unable to afford to pay the contractors to fix it. You honor we are suing for $500,000 for to fix the kitchen and the other half for support while they are under construction." He said
"Alright thank you, Mr. Wright. Ms. Washington you may call your first witness to the stand. " The judge told Harper
"I call the distributor of Inventador products." My distributor comes and takes a seat at the stand and puts his hand on the .
"Do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help you God." the bailiff asks him
"Yes sir I do promise." Mr. Smith said
"Take a seat sir" the bailiff commanded
Harper's P.O.V.
I stood up and begin questioning Mr. Smith Eli's Distributor of his home technology.
"So Mr. Smith how many products do you send to the different stores in a day?" I asked Mr. Smith
"Well we ship out 100 to 200 thousand products in a day. And probably about 1,000,000 in a week sometimes 2,000,000 depends on how productive our machines and whether they are up and running or broken." he stated
"Would you say they can be damaged during packaging or shipping?" I asked him
"Yes, in fact we get calls for these stores that sometimes they get calls where the customer is mad about the product malfunctioning and sometimes this is 200-300 calls in a week. So yeah you have products that malfunction but all products , especially technology." He told me
"No further questions your honor." I said
I sat down and Mr. Wright gets up and begins to speak.
"Mr. Smith, I just have a one question..." he leans against their table
"Have you gotten a call of any blowing up?" He asked
"Well uh--"he stuttered "Mr. Smith it's a yes or no question." Mr. Wright asked me
"No" he said
"No further questions your honor." David Wright said
I stood up with pictures of the equipment that were in the Rice home at the time after the explosion and the equipment was cleaned.
"May I approach your honor?" I asked judge Payne
"Yes" the judge said
I walked over to Mr. Smith and handed him the pictures for him to explain what he saw on the pictures.
"Mr. Smith can you please explain what you see on the picture and the part that is circled in red?" I asked
"Yes ma'am, it shows that the object after the fire and it shows that the wires have been cut or pulled by someone with strong force. The object does looked to be tampered with of some sort of added explosive wire was added next to the battery to make the explosion bigger. But in order to get to get to the inside as this you need to have special micro screwdrivers, but you can buy them online or at any hardware store." Mr. Smith said
"No further questions your honor" I said walking to my seat
David stood up and walked up to the stand towards Mr. Smith.
" Mr. Smith is it possible that you one of the workers at your company just missed it" David said
"Objection your honor, not a question" I said standing up
"Rephrase counselor" Judge Payne said
"Yes sir now Mr. Smith do you believe that one of your employees may have forgotten to check or just was in such a hurry that they missed it?" David asked
"No because we have people that check the product every step of the way, and then at the end we have people test the product and make sure it will work in the factory just like it would in the home." David said
"No further questions your honor" David said walking towards his seat
"Mr. Smith you may step down, and counselor you can call your witness" Judge Payne said pointing towards David
"Thank you your honor, I call Mr. Rice as my next witness" David said standing up
Mr. Rice went to the stand and they said the same things as they did Mr. Smith and he sat down and unbuttoned his black suit with skinny black tie.
"Your witness, Ms. Winston" Judge Payne said and I stood up and walked over to the stand and began questioning him.
"Mr. Rice, why did you buy this home helping assist?" I asked "I travel with my job a lot and we have a 3 month old, a 2 year old toddler, a 6 year old, and a 10 year old. So I know when I am out of town it is hard for my wife to get the kids to school, and the younger ones to daycare and then get herself to work. So it makes the kids breakfast, her breakfast, and her coffee, and as well ask mop the floor when she leaves." Mr. Rice said
"Where were you at the time of the explosion?" I asked "It was about 9:00 pm and I had just gotten in from my trip and was sitting at the island checking my emails that I had missed.
I walked back over to my table and opened my file and pulled out his text messages that was sent through his phone that night. I walked back over to the stand and handed him the papers. "Mr. Rice can you please read the highlighted words?" I asked "Objection your honor, no context to the explosion. We are not here to discuss my clients personal life." David said
"Your honor this will all tie in together, give me a chance" I said "Overruled, I am giving you a one chance, you are treading on very thin ice here counselor" Judge said "Please Mr. Rice, read the highlighted text messages." I said "Had a wonderful time with you this time.I hate that I am home right now, glad my wife is asleep" the first message said
"Just leave her already" the mistress said
"I am waiting till the baby gets about 6 months old before I leave her, it will be traumatizing enough." he said finishing the last statement
"So Mr. Rice you lied?" I asked
"Objection, speculation your honor" David said
"Sustained, rephrase counselor" Judge Payne said
"You changed your words?" I asked
"No I do travel for work, I just need some pleasure every now and then" He said "But according to the cell towers, they ping your cell phone for the past 6 1/2 months at that location every time you go out of town? Because I know when I travel I do not go to the same location" I said
"Okay I do travel to the same place for business because I am running that location as well as being partner here in Atlanta. My wife had a baby 3 months ago, she does not want me to touch her and I am a man, and I need to be pleasured." he said
"No further questions your honor, and thank you Mr. Rice for your time" I said walking to my seat
"Counselor" judge said referring to David
"I have no questions your honor" David said standing quickly and sitting back down quickly
"Call your next witness counselor" Judge said to David
"I call Mrs. Rice, and I would like to question first your honor" David asked standing up and giving the next witness
"Mrs. Rice how has this day been for you?" He asked her and she began crying
"Objection, move this along we are not interested in the welfare of the wife" I said kind of being harsh
"Overruled, continue counselor" Judge Payne said
"It is hard finding out that your husband has been having an affair is not the most pleasant thing you expect." She said
"How was it expecting that your house blew a side out?" David asked
"It was traumatizing, to my family and I and it happened in the middle of the night while we were asleep and my husband has just came home. It hurts because we worked so hard for that house and it is the one thing I have that my father actually approved of about our marriage before his death." She said
"No further questions your honor" David said walking to his seat
I stood up with pictures in my hand for Mrs. Rice
"Mrs. Rice can you please describe who this person was leaving what store?" I asked pointing to the monitor that has the pictures put on it
"That is me leaving the mom and pop hardware store in my neighborhood, called Pat's"
"What did you buy that day?" I asked
"I bought some gorilla glue, and some duct tape" she said
"What else did you buy from Pat's?" I asked
"-----" she said nothing
"Motion for recess" David asked
"Overruled, answer the question Mrs. Rice" Judge said
"I bought micro-screwdrivers" she said and I pulled out a credit card statement from my file
I walked to the judge and handed him a copy, David a copy and Mrs. Rice a copy
"Mrs. Rice describe what you see circled in red?" I asked
"It's a withdrawal for $2,500" she said
"Your honor I have a witness that says that amount was given to him that she bought explosives from him." I said handing the file of the man to judge Payne and went back to questioning
"So you knew about your husband affair? So you were jealous, your knew your husband was going to be home at the time?" I asked
"She didn't deserve you, you never asked, yeah I tried to kill him and when it didn't workout we need to blame it on something. I need this family to stay together, she broke our family up." She said
"Your honor motion to dismiss the plaintiffs sueing claims and seek to have charges files against Mrs. Rice in attempted murder" I asked
"Sustained, bailiff please take Mrs. Rice into custody, Mr. Rice you are free to go and Mr. Washington you have no monetary obligation to the Rice family. This court is adjourned." As Judge Payne stood up and left the court the bailiff shouted "All rise"
We stood up until Judge Payne left the court room. I quickly pack up my things and put them into my Louis Vuitton messenger bag and grabbed my purse  and Eli and I exit the court room as well as David Wright and his client. We finally meet them outside of the courthouse.
"Well.....well....well...if it isn't the infamous Harper Winston. The one that makes a "so called Big" name for herself." says David Wright.
"Excuse me I think you miss phrased that, I have MADE and is still MAKING a BIG name for myself. I think someone is first quite bitter because I won this case and because I didn't get married to you." I said forcefully
"Okay, I may be a little bitter about both but I am pretty sure I am going to win the next one." he said
"Well we will see about that, we won't know until the next trial is over." I said and began walking away
I got over to my car and Eli was hot on my tail he had the nerve to park right beside me.
"Eli, you can never....I mean...never do that again. You come late first of all and now you have a hangover you are gonna make me ruin my name that I have worked so hard for. I didn't have my VP position just handed to me I have worked so hard for it you have no clue. So next time you want to be self-centered and selfish think about who is representing you. Don't try me because I will drop you and you will be either representing yourself or you will have to find someone else. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR??" I asked him
"Yes ma'am" he said
"I feel like I am babysitting a child." I got down to a whisper "You still have some growing up to do before I even think about going out with you." After I said that I got into my Porsche and left.
I know this chapter was kind of boring just trying to have some fill ins so the book can be longer. Tell me what you think.

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