Chapter 51

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Harper's P.O.V.
After the wedding we pulled into the Carter Center for our reception.
The bridal party arrived just a couple minutes before Eli and I. Then we pulled up and Eli got out, and helped me out with all my dress. We walk to the doors and the is playing Made It Teyana Taylor. We all danced in and moved into our First Dance with Etta James singing At Last.
Eli and I swayed with one another.
"Mrs. Washington" he said
"Yep, it definitely has a nice ring to it." I said
"I am just so happy that we finally made it to this day." He said
"Me too, I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life together." I said
"Rest of our life is a long time" he said
I playfully hit him on his shoulder.
We finished our dance and took our seat at our table and sat to eat dinner.
As we were eating Jason stood to give his best man speech when he clinked the glass.
"Good evening everyone" he said
"Good evening" he got a response
"So of you may know me but to introduce to you all my name is Jason Washington. I am the older brother of Eli, although he's bigger and a taller I promise he's my big little brother." He said and a few of us chuckled
"So I have been mulling over for awhile what I was going to say when this day came. So I prepared a little something. To Eli and Harper, when they say we all have a soulmate you definitely are a match made. I never thought my brother would get married one because I was better looking then him I know that had some esteem issues on Eli." His brother said a
We all laughed.
"But seriously, Harper you have a great guy. He loves hard. He works even harder for the ones he loves. He will go to the ends of the earth to make you happy. I know he will sacrifice his life just to make sure you don't feel a bit a pain. As we raise our glasses to the bride and groom congratulations." He said
5 hours later
Well the reception is almost over we just got finished cutting the cake and now we are about to thank everyone and say good-bye and leave.
"Can we have everyone's attention?" Eli asked tapping his glass
"We just would like to thank everyone for coming out to celebrate this joyous occasion. I want to thank everyone who contributed to this day whether it was your time, money, your presence just thank you. Thank you Pastor and First Lady Grant for counseling us before our wedding and thank you Pastor Grant for performing that beautiful ceremony.
We can't say thanks enough we appreciate each and everyone for coming out this evening for our wedding." I said and everybody clapped
20 minutes later
We pulled the kids to the side to say good-bye to them.
"Okay guys we are about to head to the house and get changed and then we are going to the airport. Grandma and Grandpa is gonna take you guys home and they are gonna stay with you guys for the week and half." Eli said
"Okay bye dad , bye mom"Jackson said
"Bye Jackson" Eli and I said hugging him
"Bye Harper bye dad" Isaac said hugging us
"Bye Harper Bye Eli" Diamond said to us and hugging us
"Bye guys now y'all be good for Grandma and Grandpa." I said
"Okay" They said
We all walked back to our seats and we drunk the last of our drinks before the DJ told everyone to go outside.
"Can we have everyone to go and line up on the stairs to say good-bye to our bride and groom." the DJ said
Everyone began flooding the doors to go line the steps.
We waited a few minutes to wait till the cleared out. We walked out the door and the guests were throwing rice and we put our arms up guarding ourselves from the rice.
We heard all the "congratulations" and "good lucks" to us. We got into the limo and the driver slowly drove off being careful not to hit anyone.
"Babe we are actually married now" I said
"As soon as we get to the hotel you know we can get busy and finally consummate this marriage." Eli said moving his hands up my dress
"Well you will have to wait another 19 hours and 15 mins until we get to Bora Bora and probably another hour before the hotel." I said
"Well okay" Eli said but still reaching up my dress
Eli's P.O.V.
Why did we choose to so far away oh my goodness I need to get me some but I have waited this long what does it take to wait a little less than 24 more hours.
But we finally got to the house and got out. She went and unlocked the door while I gave the limo driver his tip and he took our bags to the door. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a $100 dollar bill and handed it to him.
"Thanks sir, this is going straight into my sons college fund" he said turning around and walking towards the car
"Hey hey" I said trying to catch him running down the steps
"Hold on stay right here" I said turning around running into my house and into my office right off of the entrance. It was dark so I flipped the light on. I grabbed my 2 keys out of my drawer in the middle under the desk. Then I unlocked the right top drawer that I keep my important stuff and got my checkbook.
I walked back out with my checkbook and my presidential pen that was John F. Kennedy's and I always have it. I opened my checkbook and began to write a check.
"Tell your son this is an investment in his college fund. Would $5,000 help?" I asked
"No sir I can't take that is---I have to earn it on my own through the tips and pay." the limo driver but I kept writing the check
"Here you are sir please take it. Consider it as a no strings attached investment." I said
"Are you sure?" he asked
"Yes please take it, it's my wedding gift to you" I said
"Thank you....thank you so much" he said
"No problem, I have to go on my honeymoon now here's my card need anything just give me a call or come by my office." I said
"Thank you again" he said
"Your welcome" I said running up the steps and shutting the door
"We have to go to the airport, you look good bane with that long black maxi dress. Let me go put my other outfit on and I already packed for this trip and I have to grab my iPad, and iPhones, and chargers to them." I said
"How about I get all of those things for you because we need to leave and you still have to go and get dressed?" Harper said
"Okay, thank you babe" I said kissing her
I went upstairs and luckily I had ironed everything before I went to the hotel to get dressed for the wedding. I went and pulled out my clothes that I was going to wear. I stripped out of my tux and threw it on the bed. I grab my navy blue pants, white polo shirt, and white adidas nmds. You can see my half sleeve of tattoos that I have been working on as of late.
I made sure I had everything and grabbed my big blue Away. Then I walked downstairs with my bag and Harper was standing at the door with my Nike backpack with my electronics, and my leather duffel bag, and hers also.
"Thanks babe let's go" I said
She led the way to the garage to get into our Mercedes. She opened the truck for me.
I finished walking down stairs and I took as many of the bags as I could to the garage.
Later at the airport
Harper's P.O.V.
It's 3:00 am and our flight leaves at 3:15 am and we are waiting in the Business and First Class lounge area.
3:15 am
"Delta flight 3A476 is now boarding first class and families with children that may need extra time may now board" the lady said over the intercom
Eli grabbed his back pack and I grabbed my Louis Vuitton duffel bag. We walked over to the gate we scanned our tickets on our phone.
"Have a wonderful flight" she said to both of us
We walked down the jet bridge to the the plane. It took a little minute because it was a lot of people in front of us. I was in front of Eli so we had the second set of seats on the right.
Eli put our bags in the carry-on holder and sat down. We sat for a few minutes before everyone else began to bored and Eli's phone rang. It was Isaac, and he had his earbuds and put them into the phone and gave me one
"Hey Isaac what's up?" Eli said
"Daddy? I miss you already" Jackson said
"Jackson we just said bye to you at the reception" Eli said
"Well I need you to tell me a story so I can go to bed." Jackson said
"Okay but it has to be quick, its called the
Fairy Grandmother
She was as smart as a whippet... And if you had a
problem, with a pirouette, and wave of her little fairy
hand, she could fix it.
One day while in her garden, she found a soul, that
had strayed from the heart of it's human, and had
buried itself it the straw she used as mulch for her
garden. When she asked the poor soul why it was there, it replied shivering with fear, that it was trying to warm itself from the cold heart of its human. The soul then explained that its human did not believe in God, or Jesus, and was so self-centered, that the human didn't even notice the harm he was causing his own soul. He had hurt the soul so much, that it left.
The Fairy Grandmother asked the poor soul, that if
she made the human see the light and believe, would
it return to the human? The soul stopped shivering,
and with a glow of excitement said," boy would I!"
The Fairy Grandmother then waved her hand in a
circle and blew into her palm as if blowing a kiss.
She then turned back to the soul and said," Go, go
find your human, and all will be well". The soul was
curious and asked what she had done. The Fairy
Grandmother replied that since the soul had left, the
human had a near death experience and saw Jesus,
and that she had only helped him to see his way
back, but that if the soul did not return, the human
would die, and the soul would be lost forever.
The soul thanked the Fairy Grandmother and said,"
May God bless you!" The Fairy Grandmother then
said," He already has little one, he already has." Eli said finishing the story
We heard silence on the other end and he knew he was sleep so he just ended the phone call.
"That was quick and easy" I said to Eli
"He is just having withdrawal issues right now but he can't reach us. I gave my father our phone number of the hotel room in case of an emergency." Eli told me before relaxing for our flight.
21 hrs later
Eli's P.O.V.
We just arrived to the hotel we are staying at.
"Hello welcome the 4 Seasons hotel, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked
"Checking in" I said
"Alright what is you reservation under?" She asked
"Washington" I said
"Okay I see you have a suite for 10 days and you correct?" She questioned
"Yes" I responded
"What brings you here?" She asked
"My wife and I are celebrating our honeymoon." I said
"Congratulations" she said
"Here is your room key and I will just need a credit card for incidentals." She said
I pulled out my Amex card and handed it to her for the incidentals. You will be in room 451. She said
"Which direction should we head?" I asked
"Your gonna go out side and turn right and then get on the little bridge and keep walking to the end and turn left and keep walking about 4 of those shacks down and there it is on the right.
"Okay thank you so much" I said
"Enjoy your stay" she said winking at me
I took my left hand and put it up and shaking my ring finger.
We walked followed the directions and went to the room.
I am sorry I had published Chapter 51 and them unpublished it because I didn't upload a picture of Bora Bora. I am sorry but I am uploading it now.
Please be patient trying to keep these parts pumping out and pumping out fast. Please be patient and thanks to all my readers and supporters and I have one thing to say.
If you can't give me constructive criticism please keep it to yourself. I had an incident where it was a rude person commenting in a rude way and I felt offended. I take all criticism into consideration but once you start dissing me and saying I write like a 12 year old then you have crossed the line.
Sorry had to explain please forgive me and enjoy this part and more parts coming.

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