Chapter 38

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Harper's P.O.V.
" they are my boyfriends parents." Morgan said timidly
"You don't have boyfriend, your ugly, your worthless, and you know, no one is suppose to be here." he said while swinging his hand back and hitting Morgan
He hit Morgan so hard when she stood up here nose was bleeding. I rushed over and guarded her.
"Move out of my way, she needs to be disciplined." he said as he hit me across my cheek
Eli jumped on him and pulled him off of Morgan. They rolled over a few times before Eli got a good grip and hit him over and over until he was knocked out.
"Are y'all okay?" Eli asked coming over to Morgan and I.
"We're fine, where is your mother" I asked
"She left about a week ago and never came back. She told me she was going to help me pack up and go to school." She said
"I am sorry sweetie, but I have an idea for your abusive father. Morgan do you have some panty hose?"I asked her
"I may have a couple but my I know in my moms drawer there's a bunch." She said
"We are gonna need about 8 of the best ones she has." I said
"Okay"Morgan says running up the steps
"What are you thinking?" Eli asked
"Let's get him upstairs and I will show you." I said as Eli grabbed his torso and I grabbed his legs.
It took a lot because he was a big guy, but we finally got him upstairs and into the bed room. Then we got him stripped down to his underwear.
"Here Harper 8 of the best pair" Morgan said
"Okay take a pair of panty hose and tie them to his legs and arms Then take another pair and do the same also." I said as I began tying the panty hose on his legs and arms.
"Eli I need you to go find a bucket and get some water and look in my purse a get the baby oil." I said and Eli ran downstairs to get what I asked for.
"What are we gonna do?" Morgan asked
"Have you ever seen This Christmas?" I asked
"Yeah, you remember when Malcolm came home after she found out he was cheating on her." I asked
"Uh yeah the best part of the movie." she said
"We are about to recreate that, but tied up style." I said as we finished tying him up and Eli came rushing into the room.
"Morgan hand me that belt out of his pants" I said
"Eli I want you to throw the water on him and Morgan smack him a couple of times to get him out of it." I said
"Okay they both said in unison
"1.........2.........3...." I said and they did it perfect
"What are y'all doing?" Morgan's dad asked
"We are showing you what it feels like... to be hurt. See we can't fight you back because you are too big. But we can tie you up though...." I said as he tried to get free
"And you might not want to try to get out of those, because Panty hose get tighter when you try get out of them. And since you are such a big guy you need 2 sets." I said and handed Morgan the belt and baby oil
"I dealt with you a long time, you told me I would never be anything. But I am, I will be an architect and have my own firm. I am gonna be better than you will ever be." She said and she rubbed baby oil on the belt and took the belt and hit him hard.
Morgan whooped her dad and we left him there. With pictures of abuse and a way for the police to contact us.
We left and took Morgan to school and got her set up and went back home.
4 days later
Monday, August 12th
Eli's P.O.V.
3:00 am
This is like the 4th time since about 1:00 am that I have thrown up. I think I have the flu, but at 9a I have to take Jackson to his friend Carter's house. In like a couple of weeks he starts the first grade.
8 am
I get up and put a nike sweatshirt, because I have been staying in sweatpants, nike socks, and no shirt.
I get Jackson up and put him on some khaki short and a red polo with his red chucks.
I get him breakfast and we head out of the door. I get him to his friends Carter house and I get back in like 25 minutes.
I take off my socks and sweatshirt and turn on tv take some NyQuil and I go to sleep.
Harper's P.O.V.
I took the day off of work. But I take Diamond to her friends house and I go check on Eli because I called him this morning and he didn't answer the phone.
I put on a black Maxi dress and some black sandals with rhinestones and a white jean jacket. I get to Eli's house and I use my key.
"Eli.....Eli...Jackson" I yell through the house
I see no one is downstairs so I go upstairs, I look in Jackson's room and no sign of Jackson. I go down to Eli's room and he is knocked out. I see tissues and clothes over the floor. I go over to the side of the bed and sit down.
I put my hand on his head and it's very warm.
"Eli wake up" I said shaking him and he woke up in a panic and ran into the bathroom.
I followed him and saw him on his knees over the toilet throwing up. I grabbed the mouthwash off the sink and poured some into the cap and filled the sink glass with water.
He got finished and he got up and fell back down.
"Babe are you okay?" I asked leaning him against the tub
"I haven't eaten anything in like 2 days. I can't keep anything down." he said
"Let me help you so you can rinse your mouth out and then get back into the bed" I said as I helped him up and grabbed him by his waist. Eli was much bigger than me, he lost some weight because I usually can't wrap my hands around him.
He rinsed out his mouth and we walked out of the bathroom with him in front of me and my hands around his waist. I help him back into bed.
"Eli where is your thermometer?" I asked
"In the medicine cabinet in the hall bathroom." Eli said
I walked out and into the hall bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet and he has 2 types the one with the mouth and the one that goes in the butt. I get the one that goes into the mouth.
"I found it Eli" I said as he turned over and tooted his butt in the air and I laughed
"Not that one, the other one. You can still be funny when you feel like crap." I said I sat down beside his bed and put it in his mouth and he held it there till it beeped.
I pulled it out if his mouth and it read 115 degrees.
"Eli? Why didn't you tell me your temperature was this high? You know I would've been here in a heart beat." I said
"I didn't want to worry you I thought it would go away" he said
"Really? You know better... but you need to eat something though. You haven't eaten in 2 days. I will run to Souper Jenny and 5 bowls of Chicken Barely, 3 grilled cheese, and 4 pizza cheese, and a few s'mores. But not for you but for Jackson and I." I said
"Why must you torcher me?" He said whining
"Awwww poor baby, I love you though" I said kissing him
"Here take some NyQuil and I will be back in a flash." I said
"Alright, please pick me up some cough drops, NyQuil, and a Ginger Ale." Eli said
"Okay" I said as I walked out of the room and headed to the car and making sure I set the alarm and locked the door.
Busy Chapter, I loved that scene in "This Christmas" when she whooped him. But I am glad he got what he deserved. Eli had the flu......what should I do next?😶😱😷 Gonna try to put out another couple of parts. But I go on summer break on Thursday...everyone have a wonderful rest of the school year and finish strong. I thank those who served and gave their lives for this country. If any military are reading this I Truly Thank You For Your Service...truly from the bottom of my heart thank you. And everyone be safe and have a wonderful Memorial Day...🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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