Chapter 21

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What Harper is wearing to the grocery store...
Harper's P.O.V.
We talked until about 4pm and I knew Diamond would be getting out of surgery soon.
"We have to go back upstairs Diamond is gonna be our of surgery in a little bit." I said as we stood up, and before I could grab my tray to clean it off, Eli had already gotten it for me.
We got back on the elevator and headed back upstairs to outpatient surgery. We went and sat down in a couple of lobby chairs.
"So are we back?" Eli asked
"Yes, we are and I hated being away from you truly." I said
"Me too, and Isaac kind of missed you and Diamond also." Eli said
I started trying to make some calls and do so much needed work for my job.
After about another half an hour Dr. Montgomery came out and I had fallen asleep on Eli' shoulder. Eli was on his phone.
"Ms. Winston, Ms. Winston" Dr. Montgomery called my name
"Yes, sorry just took a little nap" I said and Eli had looked up from his phone
"How is Diamond doing?" I asked
"She is doing good, her surgery went fantastic. We repaired the torn cartilage. And her ACL/MCL with cadaver tissue. Her knee was worn she had torn a muscle and a lot of torn cartilage. We took 2 ligaments in order to repair the ACL/MCL." Dr. Montgomery explained
"Okay, thank you so much. When will I be able to see her?" I asked
"Well, they are stitching her knee up and wrapping it up. She should be in recovery in a about 10 minutes and be ready to leave at about 8 or 9 pm. I will be back to get you when she goes into recovery " Dr. Montgomery said
"Thank you so much"I said
Dr. Montgomery left and went back behind the doors.
"Eli, I know you have to go to Isaac's game and you have been here with me all day long." I said
"No I am not going anywhere, I already told Isaac that I was here and I would be unable to come. And there will be many other games that I will be able to go too. He's gonna play like 35-40 games. So I have plenty of games to go to." Eli said
"Thanks babe, that's so sweet but I don't want you to miss his game just because we have to wait till tonight to leave." I said
"No, Isaac understands and he wants me to make sure you and Diamond are okay." Eli said
"No he needs a support system go, I will be fine" I said
"Are you sure?" he asked
"Yes, go he needs someone there cheering for him." I said
"Okay call me if you need anything" he said getting up and kissing me before he left.
I waited for Dr. Montgomery to come and get me to go see Diamond.
A few hours later
It is time for us to go home and her settled in. We drove home in silence because Diamond was still in and out of it.
Thanksgiving Day
Eli's P.O.V.
Thanksgiving day is finally here, I have so much to be thankful for. Isaac, Diamond, and most of all my the love of my life Harper.
Harper is came over last night and is going to make dinner for me and the kids. My siblings are also coming over again and it's going to be a good holiday. I wanted to invite my parents but just the way they have been am excited, but I am going to make breakfast in bed. Her and Diamond spent the night at my house. She slept in a different bedroom because she has a strong belief in not having sex before marriage. She slept in the guest room right next door. Harper, Diamond, Isaac, and I watched movies late into the night. Once everyone began getting sleepy we all went to bed.
I get up brush my teeth, wash my face, and comb my hair. I wasn't gonna shower yet because I might need to shower after breakfast. I walk downstairs with my Nike Elite basketball shorts on and no shirt.
I looked in the refrigerator and decided to make everybody Strawberry Crepes, sausage, bacon, eggs, toast, apple juice or orange juice.
30 minutes later
"Good morning dad" Isaac said
"Good morning Isaac, I made breakfast and go ahead and make you a plate." I said
"Okay, I am gonna eat but I have to go and workout so I can stay in shape and get ready for tonight." He said
"Okay, son whatever you say" I said
I made Harper's plate of food and gave her orange and apple juice because I don't know which one she would like the most. I put it on the breakfast tray I have.
"I am gonna take this upstairs to Harper and if Diamond comes down tell her to dig in." I told Isaac
"Okay" he responded
I went up stairs and go to the room Harper was sleeping in. I knocked on the door, which was my way of asking could I come in.
Knock Knock Knock Knock
"Come in" I heard her sweet voice
I opened the door and walked in with the tray in arms.
"Oh, you didn't have to make me breakfast. I could've came down and made some for everybody." Harper said
"No, I want you to be rested for today, because I know you have to cook later on. Now give me a kiss I have missed you all night long." I said as I tried to kiss her
"No babe, hashtag morning breath." she said
"Not for someone so beautiful could not have morning breath." I said
"Well apparently this one that is so beautiful has bad morning breath." She said
"Okay, but first you have to eat up, I made Strawberry Crepes, sausage, bacon, eggs, toast, orange or apple juice. I didn't know which juice you would like so I brought you both." I said
"Well you can have the orange juice because I didn't want it this morning." she said
"What are you gonna cook for dinner?" I asked
"Okay, Ham, Turkey, Macaroni and cheese, dressing(stuffing) and cranberry sauce to go with it, fried chicken, potato salad, greens, croissants, rolls, cornbread, corn, corn-pudding, green beans, mashed potatoes , sweet potatoes, red velvet cake, apple dumplings, and ice cream." She said
"Well I might as well go ahead and start working out while eating it because I am gonna loose this 8-pack today." I said
"So have you talked to your parents?" Harper asked
"No, I really don't care what they have to say they had no reason to disrespect you. The only way for them to learn is by cutting them off." I said
"But sweetheart, it's thanksgiving and forgiving season. You need to forgive, I forgave your mother then and I would do it all again. Despite all that she said and did to me. I let go and let the past be in the past. I know whatever was said or done was not gonna change how you felt about me or how I felt about you. I know I was gonna still love you and you were gonna still love me no matter what." She explained to me
"That still doesn't justify what they did to you. They just need some time to recognize what they did." I said
"I am finished, let me shower so I can start making dinner." Harper said
I kissed her lips and grabbed the tray and walk out of the room and shut the door.
Harper's P.O.V.
After Eli leaves the room I get out of the bed and go and shower. I go inside my suitcase and pick out something to wear for the day. We have to go grocery shopping because I know for a fact Eli doesn't have all the things we need for Thanksgiving dinner.
I shower and my hair curly and I decide to wear a Nike highlighter Half-zip, black Nike joggers, volt green free runs, and nike baseball cap.
I get dressed and knock on Eli's door to see if he is dressed.
Knock Knock Knock
"Come in" Eli said in his deep and masculine voice
He came around the corner with pair of jeans on and zipped but not button up. Him drying his hair with a towel.
"How did you know it wasn't your maid? I would've been jealous to know she saw you like that and I didn't." I said
"Well, if you had've stayed in here you would've seen this last." He replied
"No sir...not until my wedding night." I said
"Well, maybe that will be sooner than what you may think." Eli said
Eli finishes getting dressed he puts in a red and black plaid button-up and black free-runs and Colombia jacket.
I walk downstairs and go find Diamond in the Home Theater Room watching "CoCo".
"Hey, we are gonna head out are you gonna be okay?" I asked her
"Alright when you get back I need to change my bandages around my incision. And I need you to remove the thing that is draining my knee.
"Okay, call me if you need anything" I said
I walked back to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. Eli comes and snakes his arms around me and kisses my neck.
"You smell sooooo good babe" Eli said
"Well, I know you want something but we have to go in order to make it to the store before it closes." I said kissing him on the lips and wiggling out of his arms.
We went out the door and Eli turned around and locked the door. We went and got into Eli's RAM pickup truck. Eli turned on his playlist and headed to the Publix because I knew Whole Foods wouldn't have some of the things I needed to make dinner.
We get to the Publix and it is crowded but luckily we found a parking space near the door.
We went in and grabbed a cart, we had to hurry because it was like 11:00 am and dinner was at 7:30 pm. We don't watch NFL Football because #imwithkap
"Okay babe what do you need?" Eli asked
"I need:
Pet Milk
Corn meal
Cranberry Sauce
Pie crust
Sweet Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes in the box
Cream of Mushroom
Cream of Chicken
Corn Muffin Mix  " I said
We were walking down the isles until we saw the one that I don't want to see. But somehow, someway she continues to find me. Eli is pushing the cart and I am walking on the left side of him with my hand on top of his while on the cart. I saw her coming and I tried to ignore her but she starts talking.
"Hey Harper, um.....e...el...elijah or whatever your name is." She said
"His name is Eli, Malina " I said stern and trying to sound aggravated.
"Oh we are now on first name basis...hmmm. So are y'all cooking dinner at your place?" Malina asked
"Yes we are having dinner some place you are not welcome and will never be welcome." I said
"Well, how is Diamond doing?" Malinda asked
"She's is doing just fine, but we have to go." I said as we walked away
We walked away and finished shopping hoping to not run into her again. We finish shopping and load all the thing all the things into the backseat.
Eli opened my door and I got in and he ran around and hopped in the car.
"Harper, don't take this the wrong way but why are you being so mean to your mother?" Eli asked me
"She is not my mother but simply someone who gave birth me or better yet an incubator." I replied
"Well, I will make this bet with you. If you give your mother a chance to explain. I will give my mother and father a call and try and set up a time for us to meet up and talk." Eli said
"Okay, I will give her a chance. But they can't be too close together because I can't handle both in the same week." I said
We drove back to Eli's house and unloaded all the groceries. I went inside and took off my shoes and baseball cap, and grabbed an apron and begin cooking Thanksgiving dinner.
Harper and Eli connecting emotionally, I don't want them to face sex until later into the book. I am loving this book that's why I am trying to pump out as many parts as I can. Just give me some feedback on how I an doing. Hopefully I will have a part by late Sunday or early Monday but don't hold me to it.

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