Chapter 50

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Eli's P.O.V.
We walked out of the room and it was 2 minutes till it started. Exactly on 6:00 pm "Breathe" by Faith Hill began to play
Slowly my groomsmen walked in, in sync with the bridesmaids. They all looked so handsome in their tuxes and beautiful in their dresses.
After processional it was time for Harper to walk in.
My father asked could he walk in with her because he wants every girl to have her father walk them down the isle. And Harper wanted to be apart of giving her away too.
"Next Breath" by Tank began to play
She looked breathtaking and I couldn't hold it in anymore because she was so beautiful.
Harper's P.O.V.
I began to walk down the isle. I looked at Eli and he was crying. I longer could anymore the waterworks came. I love that man so much, I never thought I would be here because of what I had been through. I didn't think I deserved love and I found love in him.
As the song came to an end I made it to the bottom of the alter and Pastor Grant began to speak.
"Who gives this woman to this man?" Pastor Grant asked
"We do" Joe and Diamond said
He and Diamond kissed my cheek and Eli walked down a few steps and shook his hand hugged Diamond. He grabbed my hand and he helped me up the steps. It was so difficult getting up the steps because it was so large. So I had to like take a step and then pause and take another step. But I handed my bouquet over to Nia and then I turned back around and grabbed both of Eli's hand.
"You look beautiful" he said as we took our place and he had a few tears and I took my thumb and wiped them away
"Dearly Beloved we are gathered here today in the sight of God and this company to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony. Marriage is an honorable estate, Instituted by God, and Blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ and declares by Saint Paul to be honorable among men.
Let us Pray.....Almighty God, the King eternal from who proceedeth all power and dominion, both in heaven and earth. We humbly beseech Thee to look with favor upon thy servants, this man and this woman. Be Thou the honored guest at this wedding to turn the water into wine of joy. Grant unto them the assurance they have been brought together by Thy Providence that they may be truly and eternally joined together by the Holy Ghost. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen." Pastor Grant said an prayed
"Amen" everyone else said in unison
"I now charge you both as you stand in the presence of God to remember that true love and faithful observance of your marriage are required as the foundation of successful marriage and the establishment of a happy and enduring home. Without these, there can be no real marriage and the home which you will endeavor to establish will be a vain effort. Keep the solemn vows you are about to make. Live with tender consideration for each other. Conduct your lives in honesty and in truth, and your marriage will last and your home will be lasting. This commitment to marriage will be a blessing to you and will be a blessing to others. This should be remembered as you now desire to be united in Holy Wedlock." Pastor Grant Explained to us
We both shook our heads in understanding to what he was saying.
"Eli Washington do you take this woman to be you wedded wife? And do you earnestly promise before God and these witnesses, that you will love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, and that forsaking all others for her alone, you will perform unto her all the respect that a husband owes to his wife, until God by death shall separate you?" Pastor Grant asked Eli
"I will" Eli said with confidence
"Harper Winston do you take this man to be you wedded husband ? And do you earnestly promise before God and these witnesses, that you will love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, and that forsaking all others for him, you will perform unto him all the duties that a wife owes to her husband, until God by death shall separate you?" Pastor Grant asked me
"I will" I said
"The couple has prepared vows that they would like to share with one another." Pastor Grant said
Eli's P.O.V.
I grabbed the paper out of my pocket that had the vows I had written on it.
"Harper, my love, my heart beat, the apple of my eye, my lover, my girlfriend forever, the butter to my popcorn, the honey to my honeycomb. You are the reason I wake up in the morning. The reason I make myself better. You are everything and more than what I prayed for. I never thought I would meet someone so special. You are the most beautiful, smart, and most generous person I have ever known." I said between sniffles and tears
"I want that love that keeps on giving. I want the love that every time I see you or think about you I get butterflies. I promise to cherish you and hold you in the highest regards. I promise to always treat you with respect. I promise to take on this world with you. I promise to be by your side, and I know you are the only one for me. I love you to the moon and back." I said still shedding tears.
Nia handed her vows that looked like a scroll. She unrolled it and it fell all the way to the bottom of the alter.
"Oh don't worry I am not asking a lot" Harper said getting laughs from everyone. She wiped a couple of tears away.
"Eli we have made it, I love you. We have had many intimate moments with Jackson, Diamond, and Isaac. We have a family together. 3 years ago before I met you I thought I didn't deserve love, I thought I was destined to be alone. I thought I was too raw for a man to love. But when you walked into my life, loved walked in too. I promise to hold your hand every night and never lose our spark. I promise to be forgiving and make you laugh, and even laugh at myself. You are my guide to love, my every wish, and the person I want to grow old with. I will always be honest with you, kind, patient, and forgiving. But most of all I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you. I love you more than words can describe. I love you." Harper said again wiping her tears
Pastor Grant opened and unlocked his iPad to continue the wedding.
"Is there anyone who believes this man and this woman should not be joined in marriage? Speak now or forever hold your peace" Pastor Grant asked
We heard crickets in the audience and breath a sigh of relief as Pastor Grant continued the ceremony.
"Therefore since it's the agreement of Eli Washington and Harper Winston to be husband and wife please join hands and repeat after me before God and these witnesses the marriage vow." Pastor Grant said and Harper and I said the words as he said them one at a time.
"I Eli Washington take thee Harper Winston to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness, in health, and to love and to cherish till death do us part to God's Holy ordinance, and therefore I pledge thee my faith." I said
"I Harper Winston take thee Eli Washington to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness, in health, and to love and to cherish till death do us part to God's Holy ordinance, and therefore I pledge thee my faith." Harper said smiling
"The ring is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace signifying to all uniting this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony through the Church of Jesus Christ our Lord. May I have the rings please?" Pastor Grant asked
Harper and I turned around and got our rings for each other and put them into Pastor Grants hand.
"Bless O' Lord the giving of these rings, that they who wear them may abide in peace and continue it try favor. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord Amen"
"Eli repeat after me" Pastor Grant said
"In a token and pledge of our constant faith, abiding love, with this ring I thee wed in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost Amen" I said placing the finger on Harper's finger
She turned her hand around and put it up and shaking it and smiling.
"Harper please repeat after me" Pastor Grant said
"In a token and pledge of our constant faith, abiding love, with this ring I thee wed in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost Amen" Harper said placing the ring on my finger
We moved to the kneeling stool that we bought for the prayer.
"Dear God I ask you to bless this union as they became one today. Continue to shower down your blessings upon them and bless them and those around them. In Jesus Name we pray Amen" Pastor Grant prayed
"Amen" we said
I stood up and I helped Harper stand up because of the wedding dress.
"May God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost bless, preserve, and keep you. The Lord with His favor smile upon you, and so fill you with all spiritual benediction that you love and live so in this life, that in the world may come to you may have everlasting life. Amen" Pastor Grant said blessing us
"Son you may now kiss the bride." Pastor Grant said
We kissed and you know we couldn't do much but that would happen later tonight.
After Pastor Grant blessed us and our marriage we turned around for Pastor Grant to introduce us to everyone.
"May I now introduce for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Eli Washington." Pastor Grant said
We walked down the steps and there was a broom for us to jump. Diamond was given a mic so she could read the meaning of the jumping the broom.
"Jumping of the broom represents the joining of two families. It's showing respect and pays homage to those who have came before us. During "slave transitions" we were not allowed to practice many traditional rituals. ancestors sought the legitimacy of marriage by jumping over the broom and into the bonds of domesticity. For our ancestors, this small ritual was a legal and bonding act connecting them with the heritage of the home land and giving legitimacy,dignity and strength to their unions. In their eyes this union was now sanctioned by "the almighty".
"Let's jump on three" I said
I grabbed onto Eli's bicep and he counted to three.
"1....2....3" Eli said and we both jumped
But we left out of the church smiling and our guests following us. The photographer got some shots of us but we went into the limo and kissed before we got into the limo.
I opened the door and Harper got inside and then I followed.
"Hey Mr. Washington" Harper said
"Hello Mrs. Washington" I said kissing her and her beginning to laugh.

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