Chapter 2

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Harper's P.O.V.
My mornings usually start about 4:00a every morning getting myself together. To make sure I have enough time to do everything I need to before having to go into work. First I get up say my prayers and have time with God and speak to Him and listen for His answers. Then I read my Bible and write inside of my diary little prayers and such. After I turn on the news and flip back and forth between the news and the business channel to examine my stocks that have investments in them.
Then I go in my bathroom and I get into the shower and wash myself and wash my hair depending on when I washed it last and whether I want to wear my hair curly or straight. After I get out pull out some black slacks and a purple button down, my matching black suit jacket, and some black heels. I put my slacks on and my button down but didn't tuck it in or put my shoes on.
I go and wake up Diamond for the day and each day  it's a process, because she can do for herself but always needs me to wake her up. So she has to be awake about 5:00 and she has to be at school at 6:30 .
"Diamond, sweetie it's time to wake up and get ready for school. I have to be at work at 7:00 and I have to drop you off a little bit early." I said to her
"Please Harp give me 10 more minutes" Diamond pleaded
"No I have to go to work and you have to go to school now get up. If I come in here again to wake you up you are not gonna like what I am gonna do."I said She gets up and gets in the shower and I get her school clothes, I lay out a school girl skirt, her long sleeve button, and her tie, and her school blazer, with her sperrys and long blue socks.
I go and turn off all of my things and grab my leather computer case with my MacBook Pro and grab my Christian Dior tote purse and head downstairs to make breakfast. I make Diamond and omelet with bacon, cheese, onions, and green peppers and give her apple juice. She has always hated orange juice or oranges from birth. I make me just eggs and bacon. "Diamond do you have your iPhone , MacBook , school backpack, gym bag?" I asked
"Yes, Harp you worry so much about me and you have raised me right, right Harp? " Diamond said
"Yeah Diamond?" I said
"What was mom like you know.......before she died? And what happened to our father?" She questioned Our mother was beautiful person mother that was a beautiful person on the inside and out and how she used to worry about me  just like I worry about you now Diamond." lying not telling her the truth sparing her feelings
"Well first our father never really wanted to be father he left when I was born and then came back into our life when I was 14, 2 years later mom found out she was pregnant with you and then she told him and he didn't want to be a father again. His name was Shaun Andrew Winston, our scumbag father." I mumbled the last part so Diamond wouldn't hear.
"But she worked all the time and didn't get to spend much time with her but she worked all the way up until your birth. I will admit she had her faults but she was perfect in my eyes. I remember the last thing she told me was to remind you that she loves you everyday and that's why I gave you that necklace because it was hers" I lied again about our mother who died
"I have some more peace in my heart, come on Harp I am gonna be late and it's 6:05." She said before sticking her plate in the sink.
I grab the keys to my red Cadillac blacking and we leave. I got to Diamond's school at 6:20 and then head to the office when I get a call from my secretary.
"Hey, Em what s going on?" I asked her
"You have a last minute appointment at 10:00a before your 11:45 with a Mr. Eli Washington, he says wants a consultation in hopes of hiring you as his new lawyer. He is the CEO of Inventador Inc, and he has been dealing with some cases that have last beyond 6 months. They own and they sell home technology. She said
"Okay I just dropped Diamond off at school and I will be on my way. Em do some more research on this guy for me. I need to know what he is about so I can establish boundaries and things of that sort. I said
"Alright I will get on it right now, see ya in a bit" she said before hanging up
Eli's P.O.V.
I hurry up and wake the chick from last night up and call her a cab and let her leave. I have to be at work at 8:00 because I told my assistant to call Harper Winston so we could meet and she could become my lawyer. I put on a gray shawl neck with a light blue button down dress shirt and some black slacks with my black dress shoes. I made a call to my assistant at about 6:55 am about getting Harper Winston a meeting with me today.
"Hello Mr. Washington, how are you doing this morning?" He asked 
"Hey TJ, I am good but I need you to call this business lawyer her name is Harper Winston and get an appointment for her to meet me today." I said 
"I am getting on it as we speak." He said 
"Thanks TJ, I will see you in a bit" I said before I hung up with TJ and headed downstairs to eat and watch the news for a little while until I have to leave for work.
45 minutes later
I head into the office and go in and go up to the top floor and unpack my backpack and laptop. After a few hours of working I drove to Harper's law firm. I walked in and went upstairs to the 75th floor of the firm. I got off the elevator and there was a receptionist.
"Hello" I said
"Yes sir how may I help you?" She asked
"I am Eli Washington here to see Ms. Winston" I said
"Ok follow me before we go would you like something to drink?" She asked
"Yes a water please" I said
She walked inside the door behind her desk and came back out with a Fiji water.
We walked to the end of the hall and to the left down another hall and finally made it to her office. Her secretary/assistant sitting outside her office.
"This is Eli Washington and he is here to see and. Winston" the receptionist said
"Yes she has been expecting you I am her secretary/assistant Emily, let me let her know you are here. Have a seat it will just be a few minutes." She said to me 
She sat back down and I guess called Harper.
"Harper your 10:00 am is here" she said
"Alright yes ma'am" she said before hanging up
"Eli would you follow me" Emily said as I stood up and followed her with my water and portfolio in hand.
We walked down a little hall to her office. Emily knocked before entering her office and opened the door and walked in and held the door open for me.
"Thanks Emily, Eli how are you?" She said standing up and shaking my hand
"May I have a seat?" I asked
"Yes of course" she replied
She is about 5'5 and has beautiful hair And skinny, brown skin sort of reminds you of Mya off of Love for Sale.
"I am sorry this can't be a long meeting because I have a new client that has been rescheduling for weeks with me and we have to get a move on this consultation......wait......your the Eli "The Eli Washington." These tabloids have you plastered all over the internet with a blonde chick leavng your mansion in a cab earlier this morning." She said
I was appalled at the fact that she knew about the female leaving from my house.
"How do you know about that" I asked
"I am the lawyer you what does two and two together and see what it gets you." She said
"I guess it gives me 4" I replied
"Okay but let's jump right into this. Rules, business is business, nothing more nothing less. You're always on time actually early, not showing up drunk, you keep a lid on your work business with all your women." she said
I loved how she just took control of the room and set the record straight from jump street.
""Do I make myself clear?" She asked
"Yes, ma'am clear as water" I said
"Alright, email my secretary the cases and anything involving the case for me to check over. Ahhhh Mr. Washington you are drooling and it's not a good look." She said pointing to my mouth I hurry and close and wipe my mouth from my drool.
"Thank you Mrs-"I began to say but was corrected "No it's Ms. Winston, this is just a ring my little sister got me for Christmas one year." She explained "Thank you Ms. Winston for your time, I will be in touch with you very very soon." I said as she opened up the door, and I walked out and walked back from where I came and drove back to my business.

Does Harper fell the same way? Or not?

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