Chapter 22

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Harper's P.O.V. 
I am finished with dinner and it's about 6:00p. I have about 1 hr before Isaac's mother comes to dinner. I go take like a little power nap, and then shower because I smell like cooked food.
As I am going upstairs Isaac tells me he is leaving to go and pick up his mother. He has on a light blue button down with a dark blue polo sweater, some black jeans, black shoes, black Louis Vuitton scarf, Louis Vuitton cap, and polo pea coat.
"Hey, I am going up to pick up my mother and I will be back in about an hour or so depending on traffic." he said
"Okay, just give me a call when you are on your way so we I can make sure I am dressed and ready for her when she comes." I said
"Okay, I will see ya in a little while." Issac said
Isaac's P.O.V.
After talking to Harper, I walked down the steps and out of the door. I turned around and locked the door. I headed to my my 4runner and got in and turned on the heat to high and the seat warmers on. I let the engine heat up for a minute before I take off.
I am kind of nervous about going back over here because I haven't been over here since I left. My mother wanted me to come and pick her up around this time because this is about the time Will goes out. He won't be back for some hours.
I play some music, and then later I turn the ESPN radio on. As I am driving I am looking around and looking how they neighborhoods are descending from good to bad.
I eventually get where my mother lives and I can't believe I used to live here. I get out and lock the door from the outside and press the lock button twice. But I left it running so it wouldn't be so cold, and it's getting dark too. It's always freezing cold about this time of night.
I go and use the key that I had once used everyday. I walk in and there is no sign of my mother. I run upstairs and I see her in the bathroom of the floor with a busted lip, some bruises, closed up eye, and some welts. Will is lying in there asleep. I thought he was gone but apparently not tonight.
"Hey, mom" I said quietly
"Hey, son you look nice" my mom said
"Did he do this to you?" I asked her
She didn't say anything, she shook her head yes. I stood up and walked out of the bathroom into the bedroom. I ran over to the side of the bed and began punching Will. He woke up and cringed in pain.
"You think you big and bad cause you hit my momma. Oh you got another thing coming." I said
My mother came around the corner and watched me give him what he deserves.
He turned on his left side and fell out of the bed. Then I began kicking him to jog his memory.
"Aye Will think it's cool to hit my moms and think you gonna get away with it ?" I asked
I had beaten him so bad he was in too much pain too talk. Which was good, and I grabbed my mom and helped her up. I turned around and said clearly to Will.
"That was just a small piece of what I can do, if you decide to come looking for her then you will see the bigger part of me." I said
My mother grabbed on to me as I helped her down the stairs. It was cold outside and I didn't see any of her clothes insight so I took off my coat and put it on her.
We walked outside and I unlocked the door and helped her inside. I ran around to the drivers side and got in. As I pulled off my mother looked like she hadn't eaten in days, maybe weeks.
"Mom you hungry?" I asked
"Yes starving I can't wait till I get some of that Thanksgiving dinner." she said
"Here I have some water, and a couple of bags of fruit snacks. Do you want them?" I asked
"Yes please, and can you open them? I am too weak to do so." she asked
I opened both bags of fruit snacks and handed them to her. Then I opened the bottle of water for her and put it in the cup holder.
I listen to classical music when I am frustrated. So I turned my phone bluetooth on and connected it and played my music.
"I used to play classical music to you when you were a baby. I had read in a article that it helps the child development and helps you retain information. I would play classical music in the background and then read to you." she said
"I always wondered why I loved it so much." I said
I grabbed her hand and rubbed it and we let the music play and rode the rest of the way home back in silence. It was now 8:00pm, we were a half an hour late.
I pulled up to the gate that was at dad's house. I punched the key # in for me to be able to go inside. I saw the look into my mothers eyes of amazement. I pulled up the where I normally parked and cut off the engine.
I got out of the car and braced myself for the cold. Then I walked around and helped my mother out of the car. I walked up to the front door and unlocked the door. We walked in and there was no one around.
I sat her on the couch and told her not to move.
"Hey mom I am gonna sit you right here and don't move, I will be right back." I said
I ran up the stairs skipping every other one. I walked down to Harper's room and knocked on the door. She had on a white turtle neck sweater and dark wash blue jeans .
"Uh, my mother is here" I said
"Ok, yay!!!" She squealed in excitement and then saw my hand.
"Isaac what happened to your hand?" She asked
"Well...I...uh...." I stuttered
She stepped out of the room and walked down the hall to Eli's room. I followed behind her. I realized how short she was. She had to be at least 5'7, which was tall for a female. Why am I think about her height in a time like this. She walked down to Dad's room and knock on the door.
He came to the door a couple of seconds after she knocked. He had on a white long sleeve polo and some blue jeans as well. Guess they decided to wear matching outfits. That's cute.
Harper's P.O.V.
"Look at his hand Eli" I told Eli picking up Isaac's hand and showing Eli
"What happened son?" Eli asked with a concerned face.
"Well, when I went to pick up my mother. Will had just beaten her, and he was lying there asleep. I felt the need to give him a taste of his own medicine." Issac said
"It's okay son I know you were protecting your mother. But you should've woken him up and then beat him up, at least he could've knew what was going on." Eli said
"Where is your mother?" I asked
"Downstairs on the couch." Isaac said and Diamond crutched her way up the steps
"Uhh-Eli and Harper, it's some random lady downstairs with a bruised and busted up face." She said
"Diamond that's my mother" Isaac replied
"Oops I am sorry" She said
"It's ok" Isaac said
We walked downstairs to where Isaac's mother was. She was sitting on the couch. I went and sat next to her and examined her.
"How are you doing Ms. Jameson?" I asked
"I am good, just hungry and tired" she replied
"Hey, Ms. Jameson I need you to stay awake for me. You have a bruise on your head and I am not sure if that caused a concussion." I said
"Okay" she said
"I am gonna grab you some ice and a wash towel to clean up some of the blood off your face there. Isaac, kitchen now!" I said
I walked into the kitchen with Isaac hot on my tail and Eli was already in the kitchen.
"Harper, I have a Dr. friend that is on his way to look at Ms. Jameson" Eli said
"Here, put some ice on your hand and use this band-aid to cover it up." I said
I grabbed some ice for his mother and a warm wash to clean her face with.
20 minutes later
The doorbell rang
Eli went to open the door for him, he was white about 6'2 and 150 lbs. With blonde hair blue eyes and light white skin. He had on a pair of jeans and a polo shirt, and a black nike jacket.
"Eli this better be important, we were in the middle of eating dinner." He said kind of angry
"Yes, my sons mother was beaten by her boyfriend, has a bruise on her head and we need to make sure she doesn't have a head injury or concussion." He said
"Okay, where is she?" He asked
"In there on the couch, we have been talking to her to keep her awake." He said
Eli showed him into where we were sitting and Diamond on the other side of the couch with the TV on and her leg propped up.
"Harper this is my friend Dr. Wilkes, and this is Ms. Jameson." He said pointing to her
"Diamond turn the tv off so he can examine Ms. Jameson." I said
She clicked it off and he took off his Nike jacket and laid it on the arm of the couch. He pulled out some blue latex gloves and put them on his hands. He grabbed his stethoscope and hung it around his neck.
"Mrs. Jameson first let's move you over here to the side of the couch where you put your feet up and just sit." He said helping her stand up and moving her to the other side of the couch.
"Ms. Jameson I am gonna check your vital sounds" he said before checking her pulse, breathing, and eyes.
"Ms. Jameson can you tell me what day it is?" He asked her
"It's Thursday and Thanksgiving" She said
"Good job, what is your birthday?" He asked
"March 21st, 1975" she said
"Good, okay how does your head feel?" He asked
"Horrible like a stack of bricks fell on my head and my side hurts also." She said
He pulled up her shirt and she had a huge bruise on her side.
"Ms. Jameson I need you to lie down very slowly for me" he said helping her lie down on the couch
I grabbed a pillow, to support her head
"No she needs to lie to examine her head" He said
He examined her eyes again, and did some other test on her.
"Alright Mrs. Jameson you can sit up" he said helping her sit up slowly
"Ms. Jameson, you don't have a concussion, you have a couple of bruised ribs and 1 broken rib. And you are gonna need a couple of stitches in your lip and eyebrow and the rest can heal openly." He said
"Eli can you hand me my bag?" He asked turning around on the coffee table he was sitting on.
Eli handed him his bag and he pulled out the things necessary to give her stitches and bandage them up. He laid the protective covering from the blood under her shoulder and head after he helped her lie down again.
He put this thing on his head for extra light while he was stitching her face up. He stitched her face up carefully and then bandaged it up after he was finished.
"Keep those stitches dry and clean and if a few days they will need to be removed. " He said taking off his equipment and putting it in his bag.
As he was doing that Eli went to heat up dinner and set it on the table.
"Eli?" I called
"Yeah" he said
"Dr. Wilkes is about to leave" I said
Eli's P.O.V.
I walked Dr. Wilkes to the door with my checkbook in hand.
"How much?" I asked
"It's a holiday and I was in the middle of eating dinner, so just about $2,000" he said
I wrote the check out to him and tore it out and handed it to him. I shook his hand and gave appreciation for what he did. We got all the food heated up and eat dinner in peace. But Harper's mother just can't stay away.
Harper went to the door and spoke to the vindictive woman she was.
I feel as this is almost one of the best chapters I have written. Harper's mom keeps popping out of the blue. How did she find them?
A lot going on , and Issac able to stand up for his mother finally. First thanksgiving together hasn't been all so peaceful. But I am gonna be doing the holidays back to back. So be prepared, it's 7:33 am been up since 5:45 writing this for y'all. Determined to get some parts out.
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