Chapter 52

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Harper's P.O.V.
We got to our suite our room was beautiful, I stepped out onto the balcony and looked out over the ocean. Eli came and slipped his arms around snuggled his head between my neck.
"It's so beautiful" I said
"Yeah agree, I know I want to have sex right away but honestly I'm so tired I just want to sleep and get some sustenance and then go for it." He said
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I turned around in his arms and kissed him.
"Thank you" I said
We stood there for a moment and then I stepped in to hit the shower. After taking a shower Eli got in the shower. We put a pair of pajamas on and then closed the curtains and fell asleep.
5 hours later
Eli's P.OV.
I just woken up and Harper was still asleep, and I eased out of the bed and stepped on the balcony. I sat out there and just enjoyed the waves and the sound of the ocean.
Harper slips her hands around my neck and kisses me there.
I craned my neck to look at her.
"How'd you sleep?" I asked
"Amazing and now I'm ready for sure." She said
"Ready ready?" I asked
"Ready, how about you let me go slip into a little less clothing and you get comfortable?" She asked
"Yes ma'am" I said
She walked away heading to the bathroom. I asked the hotel for some candles during reservation and I lit them. Then pulled out my speaker and connected my date night playlist which included Kem, John Legend, some smooth jazz.
I closed the curtains and dimmed the lights to set the  mood. I took off my pajamas and laid in the middle of the bed with my Calvin Klein boxers and I was just getting hard thinking about making love to her.
After waiting for a couple of minutes she walks out of the bathroom with white lace underwear and a white lace bra and both were trimmed in light blue and she had cover up that was see through and it was all white and trimmed in light blue lace also.
My wife is so sexy.
"You like what you see?" Harper asked
"Do I like it? I am in love it and I am in love with you." I said
She seductively walked over to the bed and climbed  on the bed. We started kissing and then I flipped us over. I helped her pull her over cover off. We went back to kissing used tongue tasting each other.
"Let me pleasure you" I said
I slid down and slid her panties off and used my two fingers at her entrance. I slowly entering my fingers into her clit, and slide them in and out. She arched her back and moaned a little. I went back up to her and then unsnapped her bra and threw it over on the floor.
I kissed and licked on her nipple.
"Oh my goodness Eli" She moaned
I slide down between her legs again and put them on my shoulder. I began to lick inside of her, and she is so wet.
"Eli I need you inside me" she yelled
I went back up to her and I stopped right at her entrance.
"Are you ready?" I asked
"Yes it's just been awhile" she said
"I'll be gentle" I smiled
I slowly entered her and
"Ughhh" she moaned
I started to thrust and I did it oh so slow. I dropes my head between her neck and shoulder. After a few slower ones I began to pick up the pace. She wrapped her legs around my waist I began going faster sweat dripping down our bodies.
As I continued she scratched my back hard.
"Awww Eli" she screamed
"Call my name" i said
"Ughhh Eli Im about to come" she said
After a few more thrusts she came and then I came shortly after her curling my toes.
A couple hours later
Harper's P.O.V.
We were laying in bed and it was about 8pm. We just made love well into the evening and it was exhilarating.
"Babe? Babe?" I said waking up Eli
"Yeah?" He answered lightly opening one eye
"You want to go and get something to eat and then go for a walk on the beach?" I asked
"Yeah c'mon let's get showered because you know we have this making love sweat on us." he said
I got out of the bed with the sheet wrapped around me. He grabbed his boxers and put them on and got out of the bed.
I showered first while he ironed his blue linen shirt and white linen pants.
I finished showering and and I put a robe on that was behind the bathroom door.
As I was washing my face, Eli walked into the bathroom. He walked over and kissed me on the cheek. He turned on the water and made sure it was warm. He took off his underwear and opened the frosted shower door and walked in.
I continued to wash my face and then I started putting my make-up on.
After about 20 minutes of beginning to put on my make-up he finished showering. He got out and grabbed a towel and wrapped around his waist. He walked to the over sink and his hair was wet and he was ripped looked like he just got done working out.
"See something appetizing?" Eli asked me
"Yes, let's just stay in" I said
"Sounds like a plan we can get naked and order room service." Eli said
"Ok my mind has changed let's still order room service but let's take a walk after dinner." I said
"Ok I can negotiate that and can we have naked time again tonight?" Eli asked
"Yes but this time I'm going to put it on you." I said
"Alright then I'm ready" he said
We ordered in and sat on the deck/balcony and ate and talked. After dinner finished we decided to go on a walk on the beach. We walked out and went to the front desk to ask if they could change our sheets and put more towels in our bathroom.
We walked to the front desk and it was the woman from earlier and Eli was acting oddly.
"How may I help you ma'am?" She asked
"Um, can we get housekeeping to change our sheets, and get more towels into the bathroom?" I asked her
"Right away ma'am" she said looking at Eli and Eli looking down at his phone.
I shrugged it off because I am not an insecure woman and I know I can hold my man down.
We grab hands and walk outside to the go to the beach.
"Wow it's beautiful around this time" I said
"Yes it is." He said
"So you have been here before?" I asked him
"Actually a couple of time, for vacation on my own. I has came and unplugged for a whole month. I told know one except my siblings where I was going. And it was so rejuvenating and when you are running a company taking a break definitely is a must." He said
"Why didn't  you buy a home here it seem like it was almost a second home?" I asked
"Well I did not, because I like the hotel experience. Not having to cook and clean, or even doing my own laundry." he said
"Yeah I get that." I said
"How does it feel being married to me?" He asked
"I mean it's aight it ain't nothing special, just kidding I love it and I wouldn't trade it for the world." I said kissing him
"You better not try and leave me." He said winking

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