Chapter 47

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Harper's P.O.V.
2 days before the wedding
May 21st
Thursday Afternoon
I am at the church with Eli and the kids looking at how the decorations were set up.
"Is everything set up right?" Eli questioned
"Yes it is perfect" I said
"So, we just need the flowers and then the red aisle runner." Eli said
"Yep it should be here today in time enough to bring when we have the rehearsal." I said
"What do you guys think?" He asked the kids
"We love it, I think the flowers will pull it all together." Diamond said
"Let's go see the rooms we will be in before the wedding" I said
Eli grabbed my hand and we walked to the rooms to see what they looked like.
1 hour later
After we viewed the rooms we returned to the sanctuary to grab the kids.
Eli's P.OV.
"Ok Jackson come on, we have to go because we have haircut appointments at 1p." I said
"Ok daddy" he said grabbing his iPad
"Come on let's go guys" Harper said
Eli headed out to the parking lot as the kids started coming after us
"I will see you at the house tonight?" She asked
"Of course you will, is there anything else I need to grab for the wedding besides our tuxes?" I asked
"Yes I need you to go by Pottery Barn and grab the kneeling stool and the candle holder for the unity candle." She said
"Ok text me where to go and the picture and I will grab it while I'm out." I said
"Perfect" she responded
We kissed and Jackson got into my car and I held the door open for Harper and sneaked another kiss in prior to closing the door for her. We drove off and I headed to the barbershop.
30 minutes later
We pulled up to Bobby's barbershop. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw Jackson knocked out sleep. I got out and opened the back door and woke Jackson up.
"Jackson buddy we are here" I said shaking him gently
He woke up and rubbed his eyes. I clicked his seatbelt and pulled it off and we headed into the shop.
"Eli" Bobby greeted
"What's up Bobby" I said going to shake his hand
"And how's this little guy?" He asked
"This is my son Jackson, Jackson this is Mr. Bobby. He's been cutting Daddy's hair for a number of years." I said
"Hope on up here little dude" he said
He put a booster cushion in the chair and I picked him up and put him in the chair. I showed Bobby how I wants his haircut and he put a cape on Jackson and began cutting. After I sat down we started chatting.
"So Eli you are getting married?" He asked
"Yep I am I sent you and your wife an invitation right?" I asked
"Yes and we will be there, I am so happy for you." He said
"Thank you, honestly I thought we were gonna break up before I got a chance to propose." I said
"Really has she been anything like Erica?" He asked
"Absolutely not, no comparison. Harper she's sometimes difficult and plays hard to her but when she loves, she loves hard." I said
"A hard loving woman is great to have. What about everything you having been dealing with how did she handle that?" He asked
"So when we first met and after working with her on a business level she set rules for me. And she was not playing, she had told me 3 strikes and I was out." I said
"Oh she was playing no games." He said
"Well it wasn't that she was playing games it was that she was cheated on for awhile during her last relationship and they were engaged to be married and she didn't want to go through that again which I completely understand." I said
"True nothing like a woman scorned. That's kind of similar with my wife. After we dated for like for a month, it was like back to school time. I was so very busy and I honestly was so busy with this location and I had just opened up the other shop or the west side. I went about a week and didn't text or anything. And she showed up here early one morning and was like what's going on. And she was like if you are having second thoughts no harm no foul we can move on." He said
"It's like stuff we see as minuscule we blow it off and they don't." I said
"That's so true" he said finishing up Jackson's haircut.
I got in the hair and showed him how I wanted my haircut. And he put the cape and nape tape on me and began cutting.
"With her having some issues and you yourself did you guys seek premarital counseling?" He asked
"Yes we did and I kind of had been doing counseling on my own just to make sure I was moving in the right direction. And it has definitely helped." I said
"It take a big man to identify that they need that help." He said
"Bobby how is your son BJ?" I asked
"BJ is good, literally at 3 he is destroying in sight. But we have another little one on the way." He said
"Congratulations" I said
"Thank you" he said
"Do you think the transition from no kids to 1 was harder or from 1 to 2 will be harder?" I asked
"Definitely from none to 1. It was more so my wife and I are self sufficient. If I had to work late it was easy but now if I work late it's harder because I miss dinner or bed time. And I don't want to miss any of those moments." He said
"Truly I understand that." I said
We continued to chat as he finished my haircut.
After he finished I handed him my debt card and paid for our haircuts.
"Jackson tell Mr. Bobby thank you." I said
"Thank you Mr. Bobby" he said
"You are welcome little squirt." He said
I shook his hand and we headed out of the barbershop and to run last minute errands for the wedding. We went home and showered up to get ready for dinner.

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