Chapter 13

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Eli's P.O.V.
"I don't know what you should do either. But I am here for you babe, I'm in for the long haul. If it would make you feel better that when you go to give her the money let me come along with you. To be your support system, and there to catch you when you fall." I said
"Thank you sweetheart........okay, let me go get dressed and then we can leave and go pick up the car for Issac." Harper said
She hugged me and kissed me on my cheek and got out of my arms and walked upstairs to get dressed. I hate to see the woman I love hurt. How could her mother lie to her and just keep her in the dark. She raised her sister and me personally I would give her the money and cut ties with her. You wonder how but my mother wasn't much better so I cannot judge.
After a few minutes she came downstairs in some black leggings, black crew neck cashmere sweater, black scarf, and pea coat and her Jordan Space Jams.
"You ready??" I asked her
"Yeah, can you help me put my coat on and we can leave." she asked
I fixed my clothes up on me, I had on some khakis, white button up, red polo shawl neck sweater and pea coat.
Harper's P.O.V.
As we go inside his RAM pickup truck, and I found some eye drops in my purse that I use when I am working late at the office and use them to make my eyes less puffy.
"Where is the lot at?" I asked
"Well my buddy has a lot about an hour away. I called him up and he said that he would give me nice car low mileage for fair price." He told me
"Well, I am tired just wake me up when we get there" I said
I heard Eli turn up his jazz.It soothed me to help me sleep.
Harper's dream:
I was at work and my assistant Emily came in.
"Hey, Harper um mailroom just dropped this orange envelope off for you. Here it is" she said
"Thanks, can you call Mr. Lang and to schedule an appointment because I found a new loop hole in his case. I would really appreciate that so much." I said
I sit the orange envelope on my desk and walk to my fridge and get a Fiji water and sit back down at my desk. I look to see where it is from and it's from the Atlanta Courthouse.
"Oh this must be a court case record, that I had requested." I said to myself
I opened the envelope and pulled it out and it read:
This petition is for custody of Diamond Winston.
The Atlanta Courts summons you to court on December 16, 2017 at 11:30 a.m. hearing of this petition of custody. Malina Winston is suing for custody of Diamond Winston.
Atlanta courts
I was so pissed off, Diamond doesn't even know that she is alive and she is going to do something off the wall crazy and sue for custody. I was the one that changed her diapers, I potty trained up, I saw her take her first steps, I put her back to sleep when she woke up in the middle of the night, I heard her first words, I took care of her when she was sick. I was the one that bought her clothes, I watched her go to pre-school, I was the one who sent her to a kindergarten. I was there on all of her firsts.
I was the one she wasn't there, I was there.
Dream over
I woke up in a panic breathing very hard.
"Babe, are you ok??" Eli asked
"Yeah, I had a nightmare that I got served with petition for custody papers for Diamond. My mom was suing for custody Diamond." I said
"Sweetheart, your mom just popping up on you is taking a toll on you emotionally, mentally, and physically. But as long as I am around, no one will take her. I will fight for her to because I know just what something being taken away from me feels like." Eli said
"Can I tell you a story?" Eli asked
"Sure" I said
"Well, when I was fresh out of college at about 22 years old. A couple of years after my ex Erica who was super crazy and a huge gold digger. I had just taken over my fathers company. I worked day in and day out. So one of the clients that I had just closed a deal, had a daughter who was in her last year of college. So I slept with her and we thought we were in love. She was going to quit school and move in with me. So the one time we had sex and I got her pregnant. My parents were ecstatic about it, but when we told her parents they weren't too happy.
So they tried to force her to get an abortion but she refused. I got to see the birth of my son. They lived here until he was 3 months old and then her father just up and moved them and I haven't seen him since. I have been looking for him ever since. I hate I didn't fight for him, shared custody. So I know what it feels like to have something you love some much being snatched away." Eli said
"Because you just told me that I know I have to protect Diamond. I think once I give her this money I think I will cut all ties from her to protect Diamond and myself from anymore emotional pain." I said
20 minutes later
We get out of the car lot and they have nice cars.
Eli's P.O.V.
"Hey man what's going on" Jacob said shaking my hand
"Hey man, nothing about you??" I asked
"Good and may I ask who is this beautiful lady you have here?" Jacob asked
"This is my beautiful girlfriend Harper and Harper this is my real good friend Jacob." I introduced them
"Nice to meet you" Harper said with a big smile
"Likewise, alright man...what do you need a car for?"Andrew asked
"Well, I took this young guy in and he is in high school and he just got his drivers license and he needs something to drive and call his own so that's why I am here." I asked
"That's wonderful man, what kind are you looking for?" Andrew asked
"I want him to have a SUV because he is growing and I feel like a sedan won't fit it because he is 6'6. I think either a pick up truck or a nice SUV would be perfect for him. I asked
"Yeah I have just the truck that just came in on the truck." Andrew said
We walked across the parking lot that held all the cars.
"Here it is man, it's a Toyota 4Runner nightshade. It's fully loaded. Then there is heated seats, all black interior, XM radio, navigation, etc. And I will give you a good deal of only $58,995." Andrew said
"I love it and it will give him enough room." Harper said
"I will take it, can you deliver it to my house around 5:00 pm because he gets home at like 2:00 pm and I want to surprise him. So bring a bow on my the car and just come in for dinner when you get there." I said
"I will be there and is your mom gonna be there?" Jacob asked
"No, not this know how she is" I tried to whisper while Harper was inside the SUV.
"Yeah, I understand" Andrew said
We got finished talking I went in and paid for the car in full and signed some papers. After that we left and went to get some Italian Ice and then went and picked the kids up from school. We got back to the house and went and played games in the game room and watch movies in the theater and hung out until it was time for dinner.
I want Harper to be my wife and I want our life to be like this everyday of the week and not just on Friday's
Harper this chapter is an emotional wreck. I wonder will that dream she had come true. Eli is becoming a true man and has changed his life and coming from being a man whore to a MAN!!!
Thanks for reading next chapter coming real soon.

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