Chapter 39

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I get down to Souper Jenny and get the soup, and go to another restaurant and get the grilled cheeses, and s'mores. Then I go by the store and pick up the things Eli asked me to get for him. I get back in the car and I become very cold, and I sneeze. Oh Lord not me too.
I get back to the house and heat up the soup and put it in a bowl for Eli. I take my jacket and shoes off and walk up stairs.
I walk into his room and I go beside his bed and wake him up.
"Eli....Eli...come on sweetie I got some soup here for you." I said
"Huh...come on babe let me sleep." he said
"You have to eat something so you can get your strength back babe." I said as I sneezed
"Are you getting sick too?" Eli asked turning over and sitting up a little
"No it's just my allergies they are acting up. But this isn't about me, this is about you." I said
He sat up and ate a couple of spoons full. Then he was about to lay back down, but he had to throw up. I guess he had enough energy to go but lost it as soon as he got there. He threw up and I felt so bad for him because.
I helped him up and back into the bed.
"How are you feeling?" I asked
"Horrible" Eli said
"I am going lay with you to make sure your okay." I said as I climbed over him and go under the covers and snuggled with him
6:00 pm
I wake up and Eli is sleep, but when I get up he wakes up.
"Where are you going?" He asked
"I am going to pick up Jackson...because you are sick." I said
"No I got it, I am getting up now." he said getting up and falling down
I hurried and ran to his side and helped him up.
"No Eli you are staying in the bed" I said covering him up and kissing him on the cheek
"No I have to go get Jackson" he said falling asleep
I made sure he was sleep before I left the house. I got into my car and drove to Jackson's daycare.
Eli's P.O.V.
I woke up in a panic and remembered I had to pick up Jackson. I grabbed my jacket and my nike sandals. I staggered all the way down to the kitchen where my keys hung. I was so drowsy from the medicine I was taking. I had enough awareness that I grabbed my keys to the Escalade. I went outside and got into my car.
I was able to put the key in correct and drove out of the garage and out of the driveway into the street.
I drove and it was a 4-way stop, I---I
thin---I think it was... But I drive into the intersections and boom..
Harper's P.O.V.
I just picked up Jackson and dropped him off at Eli's brothers house.
"Hello Jason how are you?" I asked
"I am good, how is Eli?" Jason asked
"He is okay, trying to get him better...but you know he is stubborn. I will bring some of Jackson's clothes by later." I said
"That's cool, just shoot me a text we were gonna take him and Suzy out for dinner and maybe to the movies." Jason said
"Okay cool I will try not to wait to long. Bye Jackson, Daddy and I will see you in a few days okay." I said
"Okay, but tell daddy I love him and hope he feels better. I think I am gonna make a card for him and then he will be better." Jackson said looking sad at first then smiling and getting joyful about making a card
"You do that squirt, your daddy will enjoy it." I said as he ran away and I walked out waving by to Jason
I got into my BMW I decided to go back through where Jackson friends house was and back the way I came. Something just didn't feel right, I don't know what it is.
As I was going back through there was a whole bunch of traffic the were detouring the traffic back the other way. I saw that it was a wreck and that looks like Eli's escalade. Then I slowed and gazed around and I saw it had Jackson's booster seat and then I saw Eli being loaded on a stretcher.
I immediately stopped my car and hopped out. I ran over by the tape and went under.
"Ma'am you can't be behind here" the officer said
"That's my fiancé, I need to be with him." I said
"If that's your fiancé what's his name?" The officer asked being a jerk
"Eli Jackson Washington, his birthday is October 15th, 1989." I said
"Okay come with me ma'am" the officer said
I ran up to Eli's side and he was kind of in it.
"Eli what were you thinking?" I asked
"Jac---Jackson" he mumbled
"Jackson is fine, you worry about you." I said and they were rolling him to the ambulance
"Ma'am, please you can't ride with us, but you can follow behind us." the paramedic said
The police paged all the other officers.
"There will be a black Porsche following behind an ambulance. DO NOT...I repeat DO NOT pull the black Porsche over." the officer said
"Ma'am get in your car and follow the ambulance, stay hot on it's tail because it's gonna go fast." the officer said
I ran and got into my car and as the ambulance pulled off I followed. All the way to the hospital I prayed that Eli would be okay. This is one call I never wanted to make, that Eli was in the hospital.
We got to the hospital 5 minutes flat. The ambulance pulled under the emergency, I pulled in the parking spot and got out with just phone in hand. I locked my doors as I ran up by the stretcher.
We walked in and the paramedics were updating the doctors on what happened.
"We have a t-bone crash, multiple lacerations, right broken leg and femur, possible broken ankle, concussion, dislocated shoulder, and broken finger right pinkie." The paramedics said
"That's all?" The doctor asked looking surprised
"From what we examined. But he did mention that he had some belly pain." the paramedic replied
We got into the room and they put him of the stretcher onto another gurney. I held his hand and he kept screaming in pain.
"Lets roll him on his side" one of the doctors said
"Ma'am we need you to step back so we can examine him." A nurse said pushing me back to the front of the room
The counted before they tolled him over.
"One...two...three" the said and rolled him over and he screamed in pain
One of the doctors ran his fingers up and down his back.
"Dislocated vertebrae....." one of the doctors said finishing
"Ouuuuccchhh"he yelled as they rolled him back over
A doctor began to press on his belly and he screamed again.
"I think he has internal bleeding somewhere. Let's get the ultra sound in here." another doctor said
They ran in an ultra sound and turned it on and began looking.
"Mr. Washington tell me if this hurts" the doctor said touching his stomach lightly where the probe was placed
"Ahhhhh!!!" Eli yelled
"He definitely has internal bleeding, he needs surgery now. Call up to emergency surgery tell them they have one coming." the doctor said
The one doctor from earlier came and talked to me.
"Hi, I am Dr. Mendoza I am your fiancé's doctor. He has some internal bleeding, so we are gonna rush him to emergency surgery and operate." Dr. Mendoza said
"How bad is it?" I asked
"We don't know how much blood he has in his abdomen. Its going to be some hours because he needs surgery on his femur as well. And he will probably need some blood." She responded
"Is he going to be ok?" I asked
"Again I am sorry wish I had more of a for sure answer for you but it's just a waiting game. I suggest call his family and just be prepared." She said
"Thank You" I said
"No problem" she responded just before going to the Emergency Operating Room
Oh Lord I have to call his racist mother, Lord I need you to help me. This is all for the love of Eli.
Eli has gotten hurt, I think it was a maternal instinct about going back through. Eli is just so hard head, but also he was hyped on medicine....but Harper and his mother will have to meet again concerning the man they both love.

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