Chapter 3

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Harper's P.O.V.
I was in a meeting with Mr. Dobson one of my new clients when my thoughts carried my mind to Eli and his beautiful dark curly locks, his strong stature, his muscles, and the way his words rolled off his lips. I was mesmerized and it seemed that's where my thoughts hung all day long.
I tried continuously to get him out and stop thinking about him it seemed as if he had a hold on me and it was like he was in the room and everywhere I went "Excuse me?, are you listening to me?"Mr. Dobson said
"Yes, I am I was thinking about some ways to attack your case and what would be the main argument for it." I said
"Ok" he said looking skeptical of my lie
After all my meetings for the day, it was about 4:00p and I have another couple of hours before I have to take Diamond to her soccer practice, so I decided to go grocery shopping and try to go home and put them up before I have to go to pick her up from school.
I head to the Whole Foods Market which is my favorite grocery store, because they have great prices and then they have all natural foods but it's still good. When I get there I get salad, bothouse juice, naked juice, grapes, pineapple, apples, strawberries, bananas, cereal, soy milk, water, pork chops, cheeze-its, yogurt, applesauce, apple juice, and some other things. As I was going to the meat section to get pork chops, steak, salami, ham, turkey.
"Hey Harper, what can I get you today?" Bill asks me, he knows my name because I am a regular here. "Hey Bill, you can get me-" I began to say and was interrupted by someone
"You can get her a date with Eli Washington" Eli comes up behind me and says
"Uh, that will not be what I want anytime soon, can you get me some pork chops, ribeye steaks, 1lb of salami, 1lb of ham, and 1lb of turkey." I said
"Coming right up Harp" Bill says
I turn around and start talking to Eli and see what he wants.
"Mr. Washington have you been following me this entire time?" I ask
"Oh we are much too casual to be calling each other Mr. and Ms., please call me Eli." He said nonchalantly
"Well Harper-" He began to say and I corrected him "No it's still Ms. Winston to you though." I said "That hurt my heart very deep down inside and feels like you are driving a dagger in my heart." he says while playful putting his hand over his heart and almost falling down.
"Why are you here?" I asked him
"I am truly here because my brother's daughter is turning 2 and they are having a family dinner for her this evening and I was wondering if you wanted to come to that or come with me-" He began to say but was cut off by my phone ringer
Eli's P.O.V.
As she was about to answer my question her phone rang showing the name of someone named Diamond and a young looked about 11 or 12 her picture popped up also. I knew she wasn't married I wondered if she had kids or not.
"I will be there in a minute I had to go grocery shopping because we were out of food and had to get some food for dinner. Do you have all your things because you have soccer practice at 6:30 and dance at 8:00 and it's 5:45." She questioned the girl on the phone and she said some other things and then hung up the phone.
"I am sorry, I have to go and maybe we can talk later, it was nice seeing you Eli and I don't date clients." She said to before walking away from where we were standing. After she left I was still standing there when my brother came and asked me
"Which cookies do you think Suzy like?.....I think I am just gonna get both of them." Jason said putting them into the hand held cart
"Iiiiiii......" I stuttered
"Who was that chick that you was talking to? She was hot and man only if I wasn't married." Jason told me
"She has my heart and we haven't even went on one date yet." I stated while still staring where she once was
"She has your heart and y'all ain't even together.....she has to be something special because that's not you for chicks to have you like that, it's usually you have them" he said
"I am going to have her no matter what. Let's go before people start staring at us like we are crazy." My brother said beginning to walk away
"But I am...... I am crazy, crazy in love." I said
We finished getting the things for Suzy's dinner birthday party and went and checked out and head to Jason's home to prepare.
Why is Harper playing so hard to get most women would be like putty in my hands. She's more like an onion that you have to peel back before you could actually know what she was like. I think I am gonna call Harper since she didn't get to answer my question about a date.
Harper's P.O.V.
I had to hurry up and leave he was asking me out and I didn't want to get hung up on him and he would leave just like my father left. Or maybe cheat just like David did after being together for almost 5 years.
I pulled up to Diamond's School to find Diamond standing out waiting for me with her turquoise and grey nike elite backpack and matching nike gym bag.
She had on gray Nike dri-fit sweatsuit and her Nike sandals that she wears all the time. She came and got into the car and it was 6:00 and she took a short nap so she could have some kind of rest before her soccer practice.
"Diamond wake up sleepy head, your practice is only going to be about 45 mins since y'all have a game coach said y'all are gonna have a light practice." I said
"Okay Harp" She said
We got out of the SUV and we walked over to the field and she sits down puts her practice uniform shirt over her nike longsleeve shirt and put on her chin guards, socks, and cleats and hands me her bag to hold.
Diamond's schedule is so hectic throughout the week but a little bit relaxed on the weekend.
Monday- Friday school-6:30-1:45, piano-2:00-3:00, in school soccer- 3:30-5:30, out of school soccer-Monday- Friday 6:00-7:30 (light practice on Mondays 6:00-6:45), Saturday games 9:00-11:30 am, dance-Monday,Wednesday, Friday-8:00-9:30 , and Saturday dance practice/performance 5:00-8:30, Sunday we go to church at 11:00 am- 3:00 pm and the rest of the day she is sleeping and getting rest for the week.
Sometimes I know it's hard for her because some of her things overlap and tiring for her though. Sometimes if I see she has a really bad schedule I let her do half-days but not that often maybe once or twice a month or every 2 months. Every school year before her activities start I ask her does she want to cut down but she says no.
As I was watching Diamond practice soccer my phone rings and it's.....him.
"Hello,what do you want??" I said in the most hostile tone
"Why such an angry tone? I was jus-" Eli said before I cut him off
"You were just trying to butter me up so you can get into my pants and then kick me to the curb. And don't pull that whole you are different crap with me I have too much to lose to some privileged boy who never had to work for anything." I said vividly
"No you are different that's not at all what I wa-"he tried to explain
"So what were you trying to get at? We have only known each other for not even a whole day and you are already asking for a date..... you must want something you have to want something. You know what you are just like the others that have been around you get what you want and leave. Goodbye now all we will discuss is this case nothing more, nothing less." I hung up being frustrated and focused back on Diamonds soccer practice my little sis could play.
After Diamond had her light practice she was able to go home shower, gather all her dance things, and then get a bite to eat and attempt to start her homework. Diamond from a young age has always had a busy schedule. Before we start something new I ask her how can she fit this into her schedule and she makes a way but she has to keep her grades up or I will not allow her to play sports, dance, piano, or be in absolutely no extracurricular activities.
"Diamond your food is ready and bring your homework and dance things down. I made pork chops, asparagus, mashed potatoes, and rolls. She comes down stairs in a black nike dri-fit sweatsuit and her black nike gym bag.
"Are you ready for dinner?" I asked
"Yeah, I have math and English homework but that math is easy and the English is just a word comparison so I should be able to get it done while eating." Diamond stated
"Tell me about your day" I said
"Well after you dropped me off I went to homeroom for about 30 mins, then went to my math, science, english, powerpoint & excel, learning software, business, and sports management. My English teacher bought us chipotle because we had the highest grades on our exam last week." She said
"What did you get?" I asked
"I got a 98%" she said
"That's awesome" I said
"I would have gotten 100% on it but I missed 2 that I second guessed myself more than I should've." she said
"Well in my book you did great" I said
"Really, sounds like you had a full day today, are you done eating?" I asked
"Yeah, let me finish this one math problem and I will be ready to leave." She says as she finishes her math problem and I grab her Gatorade and water out of the fridge and put it in her nike dance bag with her name on it.
Diamond finishes her math problem and I grab my keys for the house and my black Porsche Panamera  and head to the dance studio.
Such hostilely from Harper to Eli......Would Eli really leave because of his past history or would he stay and prove her wrong?? Does Harper have trust issues or is she just afraid to fall and when she falls no one catches her.....thoughts??????

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