Chapter 49

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Harper's P.O.V.
The stylists had just arrived and they were setting up to prepare to do our makeup.
"Harper you are going first" Nia said
"Why?" I questioned
"Because you are the bride" she responded pushing me lightly towards the chair
I sat down in the chair.
"So what are we doing with this large head of hair" Madison questioned running her hands through my head full of curls
"Well I think I want to leave it down, curl it, because I want the crown to sit on my head." I responded
"Ok have you wash your hair?" She questioned
"Yes, I did last night" I responded
"Well lets get started" she said
Taking the big tooth comb and combing through my hair. She plugged in her flat irons so they could get heated up. All I need is my makeup and hair done. I got my nails and a pedicure done a couple days ago before the rehearsal dinner.
She began to flat iron my hair and it reaches down to below my mid back. I have not flat ironed my hair in a while. I think after the honeymoon I am going to get either highlights, dye it, or cut it. Harper snap out of it you are getting married in a few short hours.
A couple of hours later
Eli's P.O.V.
We are starting to get dressed. I just got out if the shower and put on black boxer briefs, and black tank top. I walk out of the bathroom. Jackson is sitting on the bed with his underwear and white t-shirt on, while playing on my phone.
"Jackson bud we have to get dressed. Five more minutes dad please?" He asked
"Jackson I said no and the cars will be here in an hour" I said grabbing my phone
I walked over to the side and grabbed Jackson's tux and laid it on the bed.
"Get dressed" I said to him
He began getting dressed. I grabbed my pants and put them on. Jackson looked like he needed some help. So I helped him with his shirt and cufflinks and helped him tuck it in. But I grabbed my socks my black socks. Then I took my dress shirt and put it on and buttoned it and tucked it in. Then I grabbed Jackson's bowtie and helped him with it after he put his socks and shoes on.
Then I grabbed mine and put it on and fixed it.
"Jackson we are not putting our jackets on until we get to the church." I said
He put it back on its hanger. I grabbed mine and his and placed it inside a dress clothes bag. I grabbed my shoes and put them on. Then I grabbed the ring that was in the box. I had bought a different one because I didn't like her engagement ring as much. So I got a 7 carat radiant cut yellow Diamond with silver band a diamonds around the bed and a wedding band and we got matching Cartier gold wedding bands.
"Jason" I called
"Yeah" he said coming from the other room
"Um, here is the ring, don't lose it." I said
Jason opened it and looked inside the box.
"Wow bro this ring almost blinded me." He said covering one eye
"It's not that big" I said
"It's bigger than the one I got my wife." He responded
"Just don't lose it it's one of a kind " I said
He closed the box back
"I promise I won't" he said placing it inside his pocket.
An couple of hours later
We just finished getting our pictures taken and we have just arrived to the church. Harper's limo haven't arrived yet. But we get out and Isaac grabs the dress clothes bag for himself, Jackson, and I.
Guests had began to arrive. We walked inside church and go to our respective room so we can finish getting ready.
We get to the room and Isaac hangs the jackets up. At this point its just waiting time until Harper gets here. So I grab Jackson's jacket out of the bag and slip it on him. I fix him up to make sure he looks nice and everything is coordinated as such.
30 minutes later
Harper's P.O.V.
We had some unforeseen circumstances so I am running a few minutes behind but not too long. I go into my room. My dress is so heavy, but it's everything I wanted and more. But we get there and put my crown on my head. Make sure it won't fall in the midst of me walking up the aisle. Then they place my veil on. Its longer than the dress and I know its beautiful. They step out of the way and I look in the full mirror.
"Beautiful" Nia says
"Thank you Nia" I respond
"Harper you look beautiful" Diamond said
"Thanks little sis" I said
A knock cane to the door.
"Who is it?" I yelled
"Eli" he yelled
"You cannot see me and you turn your back and I will turn mine. Can someone just guide us back to back?" He asked
"Let him in" I said
Nia opened the door. Diamond grabbed his arm and directed Eli so his back would be to mine and mine to his. And we couldn't see each other.
"Can we have a minute?" he asked
"Sure" Martha said gathering all the women and rushing them out of the room
"How are you feeling?" He asked
"Nervous, you?"
"I an good, surprisingly but I got something for you" he said
"What is it?" I asked
"Here" he said reaching his hand backwards with a box in it.
"What is it?" I asked
"Open it" he said
I opened it, and it was a diamond ring.
"Eli wow but why?" I asked
"The ring you are wearing I just got to propose, this one is you and I want you to know how much I love you." he said
"You are so sweet, I wish I could kiss you" I said
"Yeah me too, but we will in just a moment." he said
"Yeah" I responded
"Let's pray really quick babe" he said
"Ok" I said and reached in front of me to sit the ring on a table
We grabbed hands and Eli prayed.
"Father God we come to you as humbly as we know how thanking you for another day that was not promised to us. God we thank you for bringing us her to our wedding day. Thank you God for all those who have came to celebrate our union with us. Bless them. Keep us with our hearts our minds focused on you. God just bless our union, what God you ordain no man can tear apart. And God we just asked You to come in and rest, rule, and abide in our lives and in this place. And we thank and bless you. In Jesus Name. Amen" he said
"Amen" I stated
The wedding planner Val came in. Places everyone we need to get started.
"Love you" he said
"Love you more" I responded
Joe and Diamond came in shortly after and I grabbed his bicep and her arm as well. Then Joe put his hand over mine.
After everyone took their places we were at the doors that led into the church.
"You ready?" He asked
"As ready as I will ever be" I responded

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