Chapter 43

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Later that night
Joe's P.O.V.
My other son Jason had been keeping Jackson and him and Suzy Jason's daughter are about the same age. But I was so excited to see him.
I met my grandson when he was born but now that he is older hopefully he will remember me.
"Jackson?" I said
"Yes, who are you?" Jackson asked
"I am your grandfather and this is your grandmother. I am grandpa Joe and she is grandma Martha. It's so nice to actually meet you and I know you don't remember me." I said
"My granddad back home was kind of mean he never really wanted to talk, I hope you are nice to me." Jackson told me
"No I am not like that we will go for ice cream, go karting, golf, dinner, and a bunch of other fun things." I said
"Grandma Martha would you do those things with us too? And grandpa can Diamond come to?" he asked
"We'll see when that time comes squirt" I said
Harper's P.O.V.
We sat and talked and then we ordered pizza, wings, and Chinese takeout. We sat and ate dinner together. And we laughed and talked, I love this family and Martha even decided to behave nicely.
3 weeks later
Thursday, September 12th
I have to go down to the hospital to get Eli's stitches out of his sides and staples out of his stomach.
"C'mon everyone let's go so we can get to the doctors office." I yelled
Jackson and Diamond are out of school for the next couple of days for teacher in service day.
He was using crutches but has mastered carrying things down and up the stairs.
Eli has on some khaki shorts, a white polo, and sperry's.
I had on some short khakis, black polo v-neck, sandals that strap in the back of my ankle and they have rhinestones and pearls down the middle strap.
Jackson had on a white t-shirt with the navy blue horse, navy blue shorts with peach anchorsand some all white hurachas, and some black nike crew socks.
Diamond came downstairs in a pair of jean shorts, sandals like mine but they were gold and the had a white sleeveless MK shirt that I bought. I walked over to the bottom of the stairs and Eli was still coming down.
"Have you caught the hang of it yet babe?" I asked him
"I mean I have had them for a few weeks but going up is easy but going down is the hardest. Is the car ready?
"Yeah, and I even pulled it around front so you can go straight out the doors." I said
"Your too good to me babe" Eli said finishing coming down the steps and kissing me.
"Oh don't worry because when you get better best believe I am going to be the sick one. The one that needs to be carried to bed. I am getting a bell and everything." I said
"Haha I will take care of you for how ever long you so desire me to do so." Eli said
"C'mon everyone let's get ready to go so we can get Eli go the doctor." I said
Everyone got into the car and put their seat belts on so we could go.
We drove Eli's truck.
We drove to the hospital and I went to the office buildings of the hospital to drop off Eli. Jackson got out with him. Diamond and I went parked.
We walked in and Eli sat down with the kids while I checked him in.
"Hello I am here with an appointment with Dr. Mendoza." I said
"What is the name and birthdate?" Asked the nurse
"Eli Washington. 10/15/89" I stated to the nurse
"Yes ma'am I see his appointment, just go through those doors. It's an elevator to your right and go up to the 4th floor and then go all the way to the end and there is her Dr. office on the left." the nurse said
"Thank you so much" I said
We all got up and went and followed the directions the nurse gave us. Then we waited for a minute then it was time for us to go back.
"Y'all be good we will be right back" I said
"Daddy can I play on your phone?" Jackson asked
"Yeah here don't take any calls if there is any." Eli told them
We walked back into the back and went into the room the nurse showed us.
"You think it's gonna hurt?" Eli asked me
"You are such a big baby, you know that. It's going to hurt so bad, they have to dig in just to get the staples out." I said laughing
"Stop playing with me but come here." Eli said and I walked between his one leg that's on the wheels chair and held his waist.
"Go ahead teach me how to stop playing" I said
Eli grabbed and kissed me on my lips and moved down to my neck. Oh my goodness we need to go ahead and get married because I don't think it will be long before I give in.
Eli continues to kiss me and he slides down to my neck area and begins to suck there. Oh Lord I hope he doesn't give me a hickey. They take forever to get rid of.
As he begins to get a good sucking and starts Dr. Mendoza walks in and we immediately pull away and I wipe my lips and neck.
"Don't be ashamed, I can see you guys are truly in love. And you guys are a super cute couple, but how are we doing to day?" Dr. Mendoza ask us
"Good, we are trying to get this guy better so when the wedding comes in 9 months he will be perfect." Eli said
"Well congratulations to both of you guys. Eli can I get you to take off your shirt and get you to lay back." Dr. Mendoza said
She walked around and went around to the right side of Eli on the examining table and I stayed on the left. Eli took off his shirt and I grabbed the brace to put his leg up on the table.
I took his shirt and folded it up and put it on the top of my purse.
She put on gloves and took out some things to remove the stitches and staples with. She began removing the stitches and that took about 10 minutes and then she did the staples which were easier which took about 5 minutes.
"Okay, Eli your incisions are healing up nicely. We also are going to out a hard fiberglass cast on your leg so think of a color." Dr. Mendoza said while Eli was tucking in his undershirt and putting his polo on.
"Choose a color and then I will get the nurse to help me and we will redo your cast and look at it." She said
"Black"he responded
"I will be right back " Dr. Mendoza said and she went out of the room and came back with a nurse and the some stuff for the cast.
Dr. Mendoza cut the soft cast off that had been on his leg for a few days.
"Eli your leg, ankle, and thigh are swollen. But next time we will do an X-ray to see how its healing. It's still just entirely too soon." she said
They put a full leg cast on Eli. Dr. Mendoza then walked out with us to the front desk and gave the lady the clipboard so we could pay what we needed too.
"Okay y'all have a wonderful day." Dr. Mendoza said
"We sure will thanks again doc." Eli replied before she went back to her office.
We left the doctor office and went and got lunch and went shopping.
I am about to fast forward to a month before the wedding and each chapter I am gonna post a picture showing each part of the wedding. Sorry you had to wait so long for an update, just keep eyes open. Congratulations to all those who are graduating and who have graduated. Good luck with college in the fall if you are going and just stay focused.
If someone tells you, you can't do something. That means they haven't done it. Go be those CEOs, Lawyers, Engineers, Doctors, Nurses. Don't be offended by what professions I am about to say next I don't want to sound condescending. But also go be those Construction Workers, Maids, Managers at restaurants, Police Officer, Soldier, Colonel, and whatever else you want to be.
Be Encouraged!!!!!

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