Chapter 41

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The next day
Tuesday, August 13th
Eli's P.O.V.
I didn't get much sleep at all because they come in every hour on the hour checking my blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, and etc. I kept trying to get comfortable but every time I moved it was pain and my leg feels like a million pounds. I have had 2 units of blood so far. But Harper is in the shower right now. I know if I was awake then she was too.  I feel icky so I am going to see if I can get a shower.
25 minutes later
Harper came out the shower with wet hair. She had on black jeans ripped at the knee, white loose shirt with pocket on the front, a gray zip up jacket, black and white vans. I was just looking at her. And checking out the view.
"What you want?" She asked looking at me
"You" I said
She put her shower things down and walked over to me and sat on the right side of the bed.
"How are you feeling?" She asked
"I am extremely sore and in a lot of pain" I said
"Aww babe, do you want me to see if they can get you some pain medicine?" She asked me
"I am good for now" I said
"Well if Dr. Mendoza comes in later I am going to tell her. What do you want for breakfast?" She asked
"I am not super hungry." I said
"Well you need to eat something and I will share it with you." She said
She called down to the cafeteria and ordered me an omelette with bacon, French toast, fruit, and apple juice.
A hour later
I just finished breakfast and Harper was cleaning my face. Because apparently missed my mouth. My facial hair has been growing in.
"Babe, I wonder can I take a shower?" I asked her
"Probably a sponge bath" she responded moving the bed table aside
"Hope its a hot sexy nurse" I said trying to get a reaction out of her
"That's a no" she said
"Harper, I am sick, I have a broken femur, leg, broken ankle, broken ribs, and a concussion. So I cannot have a something sweet in your life." I said
"You know what I am going to do" She said
"What?" I asked turning my head
I had oxygen tubes up my nose to help me breathe.
"I am going to call your mother and father and tell them to come on up. Then you can have your sexy hot nurse come and give you a sponge bathe." She said
"No no I am just playing babe" I said
"You better be just playing" she said
We continued to talk with each other for a few minutes. Then a couple of nurses came in the room.
"Mr. Washington how you doing this morning?" One of the asked
"In pain" I said
"Dr. Mendoza wants to get you standing today so that we can get your blood flowing and prevent blood clots." the nurse said
"Ok" I said
They took a walker and sat it on the left side of the bed. They pulled back the covers and one of the nurses grabbed my foot and as I turned to the side of the bed they helped guide it to the side.
I was sitting up on the side.
"Mr. Washington grab on to the walker and pull up. We will be supporting you on both sides." the nurse said
I took a couple of breaths and then pulled up. Harper was standing in front and putting her weight on the walker to hold it down so I wouldn't fall. The nurse was behind me and she was changing the sheets on the bed. Harper gave me a kiss.
After a couple of minutes of standing I had no more strength and needed to lay back down.
The next day
Thursday, August 15th
Harper's P.O.V.
"Good morning Mr. Washington and Ms. Winston. How are you guys doing this morning?" Dr. Mendoza asked
"I am fine, just sleeping and my back hurts from sleeping on that couch." I said
"And you Mr. Washington?"
"I am in a lot of pain, just tired of being pricked and poked. I am just ready to go home and be in my own bed. Not have someone coming in every 30 minutes to see if I am alive, but other than that I am okay." Eli said
"Do you want some more pain medicine?" She asked him
"Yeah" he said
She left the room and ordered him some Morphine for what he has been on since his surgery. A nurse and Dr. Mendoza came in with a bag of Morphine and attached it to his IV and began the drip.
"Well Eli get ready for some more pricking and poking because we are finally going to remove this chest tube. Then put some more stitches. Change your dressings on your leg and stomach from surgery. I am going to position your bed flat and I am gonna have to pull this pillow from behind your head." Dr. Mendoza said
I was already standing but I walked closer and grabbed his hand. Dr. Mendoza pulled up his gown and pulled up the blankets to cover his business. She laid the necessary protection on the bed to protect it from getting blood on it. Then she took some gloves and put them on.
"Eli this is gonna be very painful so I want you to take a couple deep breaths before we do this. Please don't move, and squeeze this and squeeze Harper's hand. Now take your first deep breath, and now take your second deep breath. Now I am gonna count to 3 and take a deep breath and I am gonna pull it out after 3." Dr. Mendoza said
"1........2.........3.....deep breath" she said pulling the tube out
"Ahhhhhh" Eli screamed
"Eli you did wonderful, now I am gonna stitch this hole up and then remove the other stitches Dr. Mendoza said
Dr. Mendoza stitched up his sides and took out his other stitches and took them out quite quickly. Dr. Mendoza clean everything up and bandage all the wounds the ones that were closed but not quite healed and the ones still with stitches in them. Dr. Mendoza put the pillow back behind his head and inclined the bed back up a bit.
"So what's next?" Eli asked
"We want to continue to get you standing with that femur to prevent blood clots." She said
"When can I go home?" Eli asked
"Friday or Saturday maybe depending on the condition of your body." She said
"Ok thanks Doc" I said
We continued to talk and I got as much sleep as I possibly could.

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