Chapter 23

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Harper's P.O.V.
I step outside to talk to Malina so I don't take a chance of Diamond seeing her and knowing she is alove
"Your are not welcome here" I said
"Just le-" She tried to say but I cut her off
"I am speaking don't interrupt me. I am tired of you, I just want peace I don't want you popping up unannounced. You were dead, now all of a sudden you were alive. You are dead to me. I tried, I tried, I tried being cool, calm, and collective. I have so many other things to worry about than you. I can't stand the fact that you show up asking for money. It's been 11 years almost 12 in April, I have a little sister in there that I need to protect. Eli even talked me into trying to make amends with you but I don't think I am ready for that. You do me a favor go back to Canada and I contact you when I am ready. And that maybe years from now, now please leave!!" I whispered yelled
I walked way and wiped my tears and got myself together to go and finish dinner.
I walked back in and walked into the dining room.
"Is everybody enjoying dinner?" I asked heading to sit down in my chair
"Yeah, dinner is delicious." Isaac and Eli said
"You know it's always good." Diamond replied
I saw Isaac's mother eating very hungrily. I looked like she hadn't eaten in weeks
"Ms. Jameson would you like some more to eat? Because we have plenty....." I said
"Can I please have some more please, it's just so good?" She asked and I saw the sincerity in her eyes
I gave her some more of everything, and I sat and resumed eating.
Ms. Jameson, did Isaac tell you that he is on the varsity basketball team at his school?" I asked
"Yeah I he told me, I wouldn't mind seeing one of those games once in awhile." she replied
"Dad, would it be okay if she came to one?" Isaac asked Eli
"I am sure we can make it possible for her not only to see one but to come to a few." Eli said
We finished dinner and clean off the table and packed everything up. Isaac was showing his mother the house.
Diamond had went to bed because she had physical therapy tomorrow and she has to be there at 8:00 am. Eli and I were in the kitchen talking and sharing some dessert.
"Tomorrow I have to go take Diamond to physical therapy for the second time since her surgery
"Okay, what time are you gonna go?" Eli asked
"I have to drop off Diamond at 8:00 am" I replied
"Okay, how about I take Diamond to physical therapy. And you rest, you have been dealing with your mother. You hosted, we had a whole thing with Issac's mother." Eli said
I walked around to the bar side of the counter where Eli was sitting. I walked between his legs and kissed him.
"Are you sure?" I asked
"Yeah, you know I am the hulk. I get strong at all times and I have no weakness." Eli replied in hulk voice like a goof.
"Well, I know your weakness" I said sneakily
"What may that be my love?" Eli asked curiously
"It's me and it's this kiss I am about to plant on to your lips." I said
I kissed him and we kind of started making out when Isaac and Ms. Jameson came in.
I turned around where my back was to Eli but I was still leaning against his chest with his arms around me.
"I am ready to go home now, I guess..." She said dropping her head
"Uhh...Ms. Jameson, Eli and I have decided that it's best you don't go back home. You will be staying with here until we can find you a nice apartment and get you a good job. And until you can get yourself back on your feet. " I said
She began to cry she was so overjoyed with excitement.
"Really?" She asked
"Yes ma'am, I have never been in an abusive relationship but I can only imagine. I have clothes and pajamas for you I will be staying here till Saturday or Sunday. Us girls are gonna be going to bed." I said as I turned around and kissed Eli on the lips.
As I was walking away he grabbed my wrist and he pulled me back into his arms for another kiss.
"I love you" Eli whispered
"I love you too" I replied
Eli finally let me go after giving me a couple of more kisses on the lips.
I walked up stairs and Ms. Jameson was behind me. I went into my room and gave her some pajama pants and one on Eli's T-shirts.
I showed her to the room that she is going to sleep in.
"You can run a bath and get comfortable and if you need anything, Eli and I are just down the hall." I said
A month later:
Diamond P.O.V.
Christmas is in a few days, these past couple of months have been wonderful. My sister Harper has been the happiest I have seen her in a while.
"Diamond go into my office and get my checkbook!!!" Harper screamed at me
"Okay" I yelled back
I walked into her office and I saw a letter on her desk, I opened it and read it.
Dear Malina
Malina was my mothers name
But I kept reading
"I am sorry for being disrespectful. But you were supposed to be dead and you just pop up up asking me for money. I didn't get a hi or hello. I have a little sister to protect. I would appreciate it if we keep in touch through letters. No more pop-ups and no more supposed vacation. We will move on with our lives and you shall so too. You will always be my mother, and I love you and I know Diamond does too.
Harper Winston"
I finished reading the letter that Harper had written to mom and I was pissed beyond measure. How could she keep something so crucial to me, I know I am just 11 years old and all but I know right from wrong and I know a truth from a lie and this is clearly a lie. Harper promised never to lie to me and she did by not telling me a women that I have never seen besides pictures, the women that birthed me.
I grabbed Harper's checkbook and the letter and I was fuming hot. I stormed downstairs and Harper was on the phone with a client.
"Harper!!" I screamed (Diamond's face 😡😠)
"Hey, Taylor let me call you back I have someone else calling me." Harper said
She hung up the phone and looked at me sternly
"Diamond I was just on a very important phone call. And here you come screaming." She said
"I have is your checkbook, but explain this?"I asked throwing the letter down on the table
"What were you doing going through my things?" She asked standing up
"I saw it when I was looking for your checkbook. If you want to hide something you should be a little more carful of where you stick it." I said
"You should learn not read my stuff, how do you know this isn't a letter for my client?" She asked
"Well first of it says dear Malina and Malina is not a common name. And then it says my name in it too." I said
"Diamond let me ex-" she tried to say but I cut her off.
"Was she ever dead to begin with?, You deprived me of a relationship just because y'all can't get along." I said as I began to cry
"No Diamond it wasn't even like that though." She replied
"Nah I know exactly how it was." I walked away and walked upstairs and Harper was hot on my tail.
"Diamond please just let me explai-" Harper said, which was the last things I heard before the door slammed right in her face.
Right now I am so pissed I don't know what to do. How could she? She got to spend 16 years with her, I got maybe a minute with her.
Harper's P.O.V
Why couldn't she see that I was doing this for her own good. I know she's pissed now but I have to let her cool off for now. I am going to go for a jog to clear my mind. I turn around and put my hand to the door praying that she would forgive me.
I went into my room and put some black Nike Dri-Fit leggings, a black long-sleeve Nike dri fit, highlighter nike hoodie, I grabbed my black free runs 2.0 and headed out the door. I stopped by Diamond's room and yelled that I was going for a run and that I would be back.
"Diamond I know you aren't talking to me but I am going on a run. It may not seem like it now but it was all out of love for you. I love you and I will always have your best interest at heart. If you need me I will have my phone, I won't be back until about 7:45 or 8:00 at the earliest. There is food in the fridge and set the alarm from your room when you hear the door shut." I said
"-----" she didn't respond, which I didn't expect but always have to try.
I walked downstairs and I took my house key off the keychain. I walked outside and turned and locked the door and put the key in my sock.
I began running and I just was thinking about Diamond, Eli, my mother, Isaac, and his mother. Now I have started running to clear my head and to get a breather. I was running and I was about half way through my 12 mile run.
I stopped by one of my old stomping grounds, it's at this little creek and the sounds are quite and sweet. I sat there just think about all that's going on and I just broke down.
I didn't need any comfort, I didn't need any hugs, I just needed my thoughts. I thought the worst was over. I am a spiritual person. But I needed God in this time of storm. I took a minute to pray to God and thank Him for all His many blessings, and I asked Him to help me through these problems that I am facing and the ones I may face.
After I collected me self I prepared to run the other 6 miles back to my house. As I was running back I was dreading going back because of not being able to speak to Diamond was the worst thing. Because I promised her to be her protector, I promised not to lie, I promised to be all that I could be for her and more. I look down at my watch and it was 7:30 as I came upon my house.
As I ran up to the driveway I saw Eli's car parked in the driveway. I pulled my key from the sock and opened the door and walked in. I went to the refrigerator and opened the door and grabbed a water, and then closed the door to find an angry Eli behind the door.
"Where were you?" Eli asked sternly
"I went for a run, I needed to clear my mind." I explained
"I was calling you and texting you. I was so worried. Diamond is not in here, your not answering my calls." Eli said looking relieved
"She has locked herself in her room. Watch this, Diamond....Diamond----" I yelled
Boom pow is what you heard
"You see, she is in her room...she is not talking to me. I told her to go into my office and get my checkbook and I was in the process of writing a letter to my mother. I guess she glanced at it and read it. She stormed downstairs and threw it at me. I didn't want her to find out this way. I can't blame her for me withholding this information from her." I said
"I am so sorry babe, come here....have you been crying? If you needed some comfort you should've called me." Eli said
"I am sweaty and musty and you have on a nice shirt and I don't want to mess up your clothes." I said kind of shy
"I don't care about your sweat or must, all I care about is you." Eli said
I walked into Eli's arms and I thought I got all of it but truly I didn't.
Few days later
It's Christmas Day, Eli and I have been dating for about a year and a half. He has been so good to me. Isaac's mother is gone to Iowa to live with her half-sister. Diamond is somewhat talking to me and not totally but we can have a conversation but it's not like the one we usually have.
Isaac was hoping that she stayed here in Atlanta. But Atlanta had ruined her, so I thought it was best she go and live there. I was in one of Eli's guest room when Eli burst in and jumped on the bed.
"Merrrryyyy Ccccchhhhrrriiissstttttmmmmaaaassss m'lady." Eli said as he kissed me
"Merry Christmas babe" I said before Eli kissed me
"Are you ready to open up gifts? Because I have something special for m'lady"Eli said
"Yes, I love when you say "m'lady", it makes me feel like I actually belong to you." I said
"You belong to me and I belong to you." Eli said whispering against my lips and kissing me after.
What Eli's Christmas trees looks like. What is the special surprise Eli has for Harper. Wow, I had to make it known for Diamond. Are you surprised at her reaction or were you expecting more? I am doing the holidays in advanced.
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