Chapter 4

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Eli's P.O.V.
Laying awake at night thinking about her. I didn't go to my nieces dinner party instead I went to the club and got hooked up with this chick that had been eyeing me for awhile. I needed something to try and take away the pain that I was feeling from Harper denying me. As I kept getting swept into Ashlen......Ashely or what ever this chick is named. I am think after tonight I am going to hang up my playboy ways and grow up.
At the thought of her makes my day brighter and seeing her makes me want to be a better man.
Harper's P.O.V.
I was falling for Eli, his untamed hair, his muscles thorough his suit. But I can't deal with a boy that can't keep his penis in his pants, or with a boy that can't keep chicks out his bed, or a boy that is a boy that has had everything handed to him, or a boy that has never had to work for anything, or a boy that all he had to do was ask.
He would have to become more than a boy, because as of now that is all he is, a boy. So that means he has a lot of work to do. I finally fall asleep and I fall into a deep peaceful sleep then I dream about the day my moms death.
Flashback begins
"Harrrrrppppeeeerrrr, I think it's time..." My mother screamed
"Okay, c'mon the bags are already in the car." I said as I helped my mother down the steps and got her into the car. Although me being a new driver I was kind of nervous because I have to drive fast and safe.
We got to the hospital in 10 mins flat. I ran in and got a nurse and a wheelchair. After she was out and I went up to the room with her, and then I went and parked the car, got all of the things, and went back where she was.
I was sitting holding her hand and keeping a cool towel on her head to keep her cool. The doctor walked in a few minutes later...
"Hello Ms. Winston, let's check and see how you are doing?" the doctor said
She laid the bed down flat I guess for better position to check her dilation.
"This is gonna be a little bit uncomfortable and your gonna feel some pressure, I am gonna use my two fingers......" I felt my mother wince at the pressure and squeezed my hand a little but not as much as when her contractions came.
The doctor came up after checking her dilation and told her what is going on.
"Ms. Winston it's time now, you are 10 cm dilated. Let me get the nurse and all the things needed for the delivery but in just a few Ms. Winston you are going to have a beautiful baby girl." she said
After she told us what was going to
happen she left and came back with all the things needed to assist her and prepare for the birth of my sister.
As they were setting up and about to push the machines started beeping rapidly.
"Okay, Ms. Winston you have to push now. I am gonna count to 3 and I want you to push and Harper I want you to count to 10 at a steady speed. Alright 1.....2....3...push....push." she said
"1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10. Okay, relax mom." I said counting to 10 at a steady pace
After a few deep breaths another contraction came and she pushed and then the doctor stopped her "Stop!!!, Ms. Winston whatever you do don't push, your blood pressure just skyrocketed and your losing a lot of blood. What is your blood type?" She asked
My mom was barely keeping her eyes open and she was becoming very pale and her lips were drying out.
"Her blood type is O negative." I said because my mother was out of it
"Okay, go and see if we have o neg and bring some blankets" the doctor said
After a few minutes the nurse comes back in with blankets and blood. They hook my mom up and after a few minutes she began to push again
"Alright, Ms. Winston this is your last push on the count of 3. 1.......2.......3.....push" the doctor says
"1....2.....3....4....5....6.....7.....8.....9.....10" I count and Diamond was finally here.
But soon after Diamond is born, my mom starts to code they rush me out the room as well as Diamond and stick us in another room.
After they got Diamond cleaned up and I was holding her the doctor came in with her head down. She had this look in her eyes that I will never forget like it was sad and innocent. She came and stood in front of me and kneeled down and began to talk to me.
"You know this birth was very hard for your mother and um although we had a bunch of blood, the blood lost was greater than what was going inside and staying. I am sorry to tell you this but.......your mom died. Again I am sorry we did all we could." the doctor told me
I begin to cry and just hold Diamond as tight as I could and hope and pray I can take care of her as my mother could.
"Is there someone to take care of you?" She asks
"Yes, my father he is at work and he couldn't get off....I drove us here and I can drive us home." I say
"Okay, you won't be able to leave for three days though." the doctor told me
"Yes, ma'am, I will let you know when we leave." I told her
End of Flashback
I leaned up really quickly and feel sweat around me and I get up and go and check on Diamond. I see her sleepy peacefully and I pull the covers and kiss her cheek. I look at her a little longer then go back in my room and go turn the tv on.
A couple hours later
After about 2 hrs I get back in the bed and fall asleep and this time I dream peacefully. I wonder just what my future holds.
I am sorry this chapter is sort of short  this was sort of a laid back chapter and next chapter will be way better

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