Chapter 14

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Isaac's P.O.V.
After I get home from school I shower and get for dinner. I pick out a pair of medium wash blue Levis, black crew neck sweater, gold chain that I bought the other day at the mall, and black socks because we are just walking around the house.
Now that I have nice clothes I wear the all the time. I used to dress for my friends but now I dress for myself. I love being here with Eli because he provides me stability, love, and care that I need and that I desire.
And Harper is dating Eli now and it feels like I have a real family. I just got my license and I hope Eli gets me a car. It don't have to be nothing special it can be a hoopty for all I care.
So I head downstairs for dinner after being called. I walk in the kitchen and begin talking to everyone.
"Hey, are we eating here in the kitchen or in the dining room?" I asked Eli
"I think we are going to eat in the dining room. C'mon let's go and set the table while the girls are getting dressed." Eli said
Eli had on some black slacks, black shoes, and a blue button up. Harper and Diamond come downstairs and Harper has on some ripped jeans and a long sleeve shirt and some red bottoms and Diamond had jeans and a sweater on as well.
I met Eli's brother Jason and Michael and their wives. I met their children as well. And his two sister Erin and Grace, and their husbands.
Harper's P.O.V.
I told Diamond and the rest of Eli's siblings about the plan about the surprise 4runner. She is super-excited she sees him as her big brother. While they hung out on time he even said if some ever hurt you make sure you tell me and I will handle it.
But we come down and see the men setting the table for dinner. I walk over and kiss Eli,
"Hello my love you look handsome." I said
"Ehhh, I try you know but I see this girl and her body is banging and she has the most beautiful smile in the world. But shhhhhh.....keep that on the low-low you know these walls have ears." Eli says jokingly
"But honestly babe, you look gorgeous and I am glad you are my girlfriend." he said
"Thanks babe, I don't not regret one moment with you." I said
"Alright cmon let's sit down and eat this meal." Eli says
Everyone sits down and we hold hands so we can pray over our meal. Eli begins to pray over the food.
"Dear God
I thank you for this day, I thank you for my family, I thank you for this gathering. God I thank you for all that you have given us this day. As each and everyone of us go through problems and situations lead and guide us and show us which ways to go, and what and what not to do. God protect us from hurt, harm, and danger. I ask you to continue bless us and I ask these and many blessing in your name I pray
Eli prayed
We all begin to dig into the steak, mashed potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, corn, green beans, baked chicken, macaroni & cheese, peach cobbler, and ice cream.
After we we're finishing up eating, a knock came at the door.
Ding Ding Dong Dong it rang through the doorbell rang through the house.
"Excuse me, I will go and get it." Eli said
He wiped his mouth and stood up and walked to the door.
He opened the door and it was Jacob from earlier at the car lot.
Eli's P.O.V.
We had a hand shake and we did it.
"You still remember the old handshake we used to do." He asked
"You know since I have gave up heavy drinking my senses and everything has became much more sharper." I said
"That's good man, I gave up all that stuff right after college because I knew sometime at one point it was gonna get me in trouble. And you know them cats we used to hang out with Mitch and Adrian the alcohol got to them." he said
"Man, they were road dogs, but hey alcohol some of us can manage and some can't." I whispered
he began to talk at a whisper
"I got the car and I have the keys right here in my pocket and everything." he whispered
"Yeah c'mon let me show you the family." I said
We walk into the dining room where Jason, Michael, and their wives and kids, Grace and Erin and their husbands, Isaac, Harper, and Diamond were continuing to eat dinner.
"Well you know Harper" I said
"It's lovely to see you again Harper" he said
"Likewise" Harper said
"This is Diamond and Issac" I introduced them
"Nice to meet you" he said
"Nice to meet you also" Diamond and Issac said in unison
"Your remember the siblings too" I said
"Always" he waved in greeting
He sat and began eating dinner and we caught up and he told stories about when we were in college, high school, and even when we were young kids
I had enjoyed the time so much I had forgot I had the keys from Isaac's new 4Runner in my pocket.
"Isaac you are like a son to me and you have made me a better man. I feel like we have made each other better. Now I have a surprise for you everyone put on their coats and wait at the door." I said
Everyone got their coats and put them on and waited at the door.
"Now Isaac I am gonna cover your eyes and lead you outside. And no one say anything until I say so."
I cover his eyes and lead him down the steps into the drivers loop where his car is waiting. We finish walking down the steps.
"Isaac now I am gonna remove my hands and don't open your eyes. Put your hands out and cup them together. Harper stand infront of him and make sure he keeps his eyes closed." I said
We did everything and he opened and cupped his hands. I grabbed the key fob out of my pocket and dropped it in his hands.
"Alright open your eyes" I said
He opened his eyes and when he realized that it was a car and  screamed.
"Ohhhhhhhhhh mmmyyyyy ggggooooooooooodddddnnnnnneeeeeeesssss. This is sick, the black rims, all black interior. Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooo much for this." Isaac said
He began to cry and he kept hugging me.
"Hey man you deserve it." I said
"I never thought in a million years that this would be my life or I never thought I would ever in my life would I ever have my own car. I just thank y'all so much." Isaac said
"Man now you have something to look forward too, here also is your key to your house. I had to get you a car soon cause man waking up at 5:30a and having to leave the house by 5:45 and you have to be up at 5:00. More power to you." I said
"Thank you, you will not regret it." Isaac said continuing to hug me
He let go of me and hugged Harper
"Thank you Harper for seeing something in me that I couldn't even see in myself" I heard Isaac tell her
"Now you have to see what I saw within yourself, to keep that drive going." Harper said

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