Chapter 55

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Soon enough, it was once again morning, another new day for Team Avatar. While they had captured Delun, they still had no clue as to where their real enemy was. Delun wasn't talking, which seemed to be a problem. They gathered at the dining table, where Toph approached Zuko.

"You need to face him and speak to him," she said.

"Good morning to you, too," Sokka said, rolling his eyes.

Zuko smirked, then patted Toph's shoulder. "Got it," he said. "Thanks for trying."

"Is he seriously not talking?" Athlea asked, her voice heavy with concern.

"Not one bit, unless it's sarcastic, and it makes me wanna--well, you know." Toph put a hand on her hip.

He shrugged at Athlea. "I told you. She basically brainwashes her followers. I say we go visit him and if he doesn't talk, we start starving him too. And while we're in the prison, we'll talk to the other guards. I think after 3 days without food they'll talk."

Athlea glanced at Zuko. "Maybe we can get him to talk?"

He nodded to Athlea. "We'll try."

Athlea stood and sighed. "This is stupid..." she said, frowning. Dai nodded in agreement.

Toph shrugged. "Try your luck. I did my best and he wouldn't talk." She turned and took a seat, turning to Sokka. "Where were you last night? I saw you coming back from a date with Dai." She smirked.

"Huh?" Sokka's jaw dropped. "What are you talking about?" he protested, taking another bite.

"Lovey dovey Sokka and Dai," Toph laughed.

Dai whipped toward the earthbender. "We were just hanging out," she snapped. Katara blinked and then covered her mouth with a hand, snickering.

Toph laughed. "The more you snap, the more you prove my point." Aang chuckled. Dai blushed, frowning and looking down at her plate, returning to eating.

As Athlea and Zuko stepped out, Avitus joined them. "Good morning, everyone!" he greeted them happily.

"Good morning!" Katara waved to him.

The man took a seat at the table, glancing at the table. "Mmm... delicious." He reached forward, bringing a little bit of everything to his plate.

Katara smiled brightly. "They make a lot of food, every morning."

Aang turned to Avitus. "You were once a Commander, Avitus?"

"Don't call me sir. Makes me feel old," Avitus chuckled.

"How were your years working at the Palace for Ozai?" Sokka turned to him as well. Katara gave him a sharp look. Sokka blinked at her. "Whaat?" He rolled his eyes.

"Horrible. I was forced to do things I didn't want to." Avitus cut into his food. "Ozai was fueled by power, so he always wanted more of it."

Katara returned her gaze to Avitus. "Athlea and Zuko have worked really hard to end any of that," she said.

Avitus laughed. "I've noticed that things have changed. For the better, too." He nodded and set down his fork, pausing for a second. "Come to think of it... the entire Nation changed. Appearance wise, even--for example, the Palace." He glanced around.

Katara nodded eagerly. "They've been using some of the technology we've come up with in Republic City," she said, pointing to her brother, Toph, Aang, and finally herself, "as well as using other Nation's cultures for food or gift shops. And Athlea's uncle put in a garden!"

Avitus nodded, his eyes moving with her gestures. "Aah--Laetius," he mumbled, quiet for a moment, eyes gleaming. "He really loved gardening. Still does, huh?"

Katara nodded and smiled. "Yes, he does."

He scratched the back of his head. "Should visit him at some point..." he muttered, looking away for a second.

"I think you were a big flirt before, ahem, settling down, right?" Sokka asked with a chuckle. His eyes moved to Dai, who was focused on her plate, for a second before returning to Avitus.

She looked up, grinning. "Sokka, nobody wants to hear how lonely you are."

"I had many opportunities," the man said, "I just simply wasn't interested."

Sokka raised an eyebrow, looking at Dai. "Wasn't so lonely last night, was I?" he muttered, giving her a playful wink.

Dai choked on her water, slamming her glass on the table, causing the drink to spill over the edge. She cursed and swept her hand, bending the water back into the glass. "My bad, I--sorry--bathroom!... I'll be right back!" She stood suddenly, rushing away.

Everyone's attention turned to her as she walked away quickly, boots clicking on the floor, her cheeks pink. After a moment, Toph crossed her arms. "What's with her?"

Sokka chuckled. "Oh, you know... Women." Toph smacked him in the back of the hey. "Hey!" he protested.

Katara frowned as Dai glanced back at them, then laughed, grabbing Toph's arm. "That's enough," she said through a smile. Katara then glanced at Aang. "Maybe we could talk to Zuko and see if we can't bring Avitus to see Laetius."


A/N y'all got me fuuuucked up, somehow i managed to repeat a chapter and now i have to go edit all the chapter numbers after it lmao

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