Chapter 19

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Later that night, the team was riding Appa to Central Fire Nation. The lights lit up the night. The government's building stood out reflecting the lights of the city in its glass walls. Katara glanced down, her eyes reflecting the lights. Appa flew them to the third floor, in front of the windows. Sokka and Zuko had left a bit earlier, arriving at the building on foot so Appa wouldn't be seen.

Athlea looked inside as the wind blew softly. "This is it," she said, glancing at the others.

"Can I go?" Toph asked with a smile.

"I think I'll need a pair of good eyes," Athlea said with a nod. "Katara, you keep watch?" she asked, looking at the other girl. Athlea was leaned over toward the window, carefully opening it from the outside.

"Okay. Go ahead." Katara sid forward, taking Aang's place on Toph. She nodded. "I've got it."

Athlea, Toph, and Aang slid into the window.

"Yip yip." Appa pulled into the sky.

Athlea ran down the hallway and through a door, leading the others. She slid to a halt as they stepped into the next room. "There it is." A maze of lasers blocked them from reaching the map, enclosed in a glass box.

"What do we do?" Toph asked.

Athlea glanced around. "Stay here. Aang can go get it. Make sure no one is coming." Toph nodded.

After a short while, Toph spoke. "Aang, be fast!" she warned. Aang was moving through the lasers, which moved across the floor.

He reached the end, slowly opening the glass. "Got it!" he said and glanced around. He started to make his way back, but nearly a single stride from the lazers, one touched him and an alarm started going off.

"Oh no! We have to go! So much for swift airbender movements," Toph said.

Athlea frowned and grabbed the girl by her hand. "Let's go." They burst from the room back in the direction they'd come from.

Katara met them at the window with Zuko, Sokka, and of course, Appa. The other three were sprinting for the window. Katara opened her canteen, defending them with a few harsh sprays of water. The guards were knocked onto their backs, yelling. Athlea and the others jumped onto Appa.

"Let's go!" Katara yelled. Appa whipped his tail and flew up.

"We're off, Appa!" Aang called.

Athlea took a deep breath, her eyes moving to the map and snatching it from Aang. "We got it," she said with a pleased smile.

Katara turned around. "Great job!" she cheered, eyes shining.

"Oooo, let me see let me see!" Aang said as he reached for it.

Athlea held her hand away from him. "You're going to let it fly away!" she said. "At home." She placed it in a small backpack and crossed her legs, sitting back.

Katara put her hand on Aang's arm. "Just wait," she told him.

They brought Appa home and made their way inside. They were less exhausted than last night, but still a bit jumpy and tired. They all sat around the table and peered at the scroll. Zuko sat next to Athlea, sneaking his arm around her waist so that nobody else could see under the table.

Athlea took the map out of the bag and laid it out on the table. "This looks like cryptography," Sokka said, crossing his arms and leaning back into the chair.

Zuko squinted. "What the hell is that, and how do you know what that is?"

"Not really... We are her,." Athlea said, using her index finger to point on the map. "And the supposed library is...." She raised an eyebrow as her index finger moved to what appeared as water. "Huh? The ocean?" she asked, confused.

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