Chapter 61

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Dai glanced up as he approached. She stood, dusting herself off, leaning against the wall. "Sokka," she called quietly.

His eyes lit up and a smile appeared on his face. "Dai," he said with a smile, stopping in front of her. "Why did you leave so suddenly?" He laughed nervously. "I wanted to give you something."

Dai folded her hands together and brought them in front of her chest, glancing down at them. "I--" She paused. "Oh."

Sokka smiled. He was holding a small white box with a silver ribbon, and he held it out to her. "I wanted to give this to you..." he said, cheeks turning red. He looked away for a second. " an attempt to ask you out with it at the same time," he continued, facing her and smiling again.

"Oh," Dai said softly again. She slowly took the box, sliding off the ribbon and pushing the box open with her thumbs. Inside was a little moon necklace, glowing softly somehow. "Sokka--" she started, choking up a little and clearing her throat. His eyes were shining. She blinked and looked up at him. "Sokka, I like you, but we can't be together."

After a fairly long pause, he finally responded. "A-and why not?" His big smile was shrinking, his features slowly turning down into a frown.

Dai closed the box and held it close to her chest in both hands. She took a deep breath. "I don't want to date someone who sees me as my sis--" She took another breath, her eyes going from teary to harsh. "I got my sister's looks," she said, gesturing to herself, "I got her voice, and I was even named after her. I don't need her hand-me-down boyfriend, too." Her voice was low and cold, and then she walked away, brushing past him and walking back to the ballroom. She glanced at the necklace as she walked, opening the box again. She pulled it out roughly, tucking it into her armor and spiking the box into a trash bin. Lifting her chin and steadying herself, she met the others at the bar, getting herself another drink.

When she rejoined the group, Katara was staring at her coldly. Dai stared back, not breaking. Athlea watched Dai with confusion.

Zuko, Avitus, and Toph were returning from the bar once again. "Mmm, the vibes in this situation are not nice," Avitus observed, sipping on his beer.

After a moment, Katara cleared her throat and looked away. Dai turned to Toph. She turned to Avitus. "Everything's fine."

"Let's dance," Dai suggested, taking a big drink and pulling Toph onto the floor, not really giving her a choice.

Toph's eyes widened. "I-I don't really do dancing, Dai." Nevertheless, Dai dragged her away.

Athlea glanced at Zuko, frowning. Aang chimed in. "Something happened. Dai wouldn't be so aggressive for no reason."

"And where's Sokka?" Athlea asked.

"That'd be the problem, as well as why there's tension," Aang said.

Athlea sighed. "Goddamn... Poor Sokka."

Avitus glanced at them. "Young love," he said, shaking his head. "They need to sit down and discuss it, because I'm guessing he was left behind with a million questions." He chuckled. "We men are simple. Just state the problem like it is and we'll respond," he added with a shrug.

Katara glanced back toward where Sokka had been, then sighed. "Let's give him space for a minute," she told them.

Avitus simply nodded. "Give him space for now and he'll come around. I'm just saying they need to talk," he advised before sipping on his beer more.

Athlea frowned. "You'll get sick," she said, looking at her father.

"Me? Never! My alcohol intake is the best," he responded with a nod. "Your Uncle doesn't do well with alcohol, though. Why do you think he sticks with tea?"

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