Chapter 76

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Sokka turned and moved toward the entrance. "Just calm down," he told Dai.

Katara frowned seeing Dai. "Sokka, go," she ordered. "I think she's in shock."

He frowned. "I'm not doing anything. I'm just standing here."

She kneeled by Dai's side, placing the back of her hand on Dai's cheek. "She's cold as ice again. She must still not be recovered from the loss of blood, and she could've suffered nerve damage in her ankle from the trap that I didn't heal fully. Plus all of this stress," she added, shooting Sokka a look.

He crossed his arms. "Oh, really? I'm the one to blame? Of course, Sokka is always the one to pin for everyone's problems. Should have gotten used to it by now." He shook his head and leaned against a wall, gaze forward. "She lashed out at me when I tried to calm her down! I'm sorry for being such a bad boyfriend. Apologies. I should've taken the fucking yelling and not said anything." He moved off, leaving the cave.

Aang shook his head. "This is a mess."

"Here we are, all against one another again," Toph muttered.

Athlea had opened her eyes, breathing heavily. She looked down, then slowly faced forward. Her eyes closed and she started leaning toward the right. Aiyana dropped to her knees, catching her. She put a hand on Athlea's forehead and frowned. "She's burning up."

Zuko immediately ran for Athlea. He not-so-gently pushed Aiyana away, taking Athlea in his arms. "Come on," he muttered, frowning. He glanced up at Aiyana as he picked up Athlea, bridal style. "She must have a fever. Which means she panicked, and used too much energy at once."

Aiyana shrugged. "Or maybe she's sick. Many pregnant women tend to get sick more easily. Especially with changes in her body temperature. That's just an assumption, though." Zuko carried Athlea to Katara, who was already trying to heal Dai.

Zuko shook his head. "I'm sure that's true, but Katara's a healer. She needs help, too, Katara."

"And she was fine when I checked on her last night," Katara added.

Aiyana looked at Zuko and Katara. "Even so, she's more prone to stress and sickness than we all are," she explained.

The waterbender grumbled, leaning over Athlea. "It's a fever from being overcharged. Keep her cold." As Zuko leaned his wife against the ice wall of the cave, Katara glanced over. "Did Dai seem strange to you before she stopped talking?"

"Yeah," he scoffed. "She wouldn't bend the door out of the way. Young Dai would be that stubborn, but Chieftess Dai? No, she'd be far too embarrassed."

"Next time someone is totally anxious and irritable and not like themselves, maybe check on them instead of screaming," Katara muttered as she worked.

"We needed help!" Zuko protested.

"Was yelling working?" Katara glared at him. He went silent, his lips pressed together. "Didn't think so."

Aiyana sat next to Athlea, a caring, worried look on her face. She touched Athlea's forehead, cheek, neck and upper chest inside of her shirt before reaching into her pouch and pulling out a white handkerchief. "She's burning up badly. It isn't good," she announced, pressing the handkerchief against Athlea's forehead.

Katara turned to Athlea as Dai leaned against the wall, a hand on her head. She started working on the Fire Lady, cooling her down.

Zuko glanced at Aiyana, eyebrows raised. He stood, following Sokka. "I'll go talk to him. I think these two have it under control."

"Go talk to him, Zuko, if you can manage," Aang agreed.

Katara finally cooled Athlea down. "She should come to in a moment," she mumbled to Aiyana. She touched Athlea's cheek with her hand. "Thea?"

Dai finally glanced around, her eyes wide. "Sokka?" she asked quietly. "Shit," she muttered, adding louder again, "Sokka?!"

Toph glanced over at her. "He's outside with Zuko. He'll come back. Don't worry."

"Exactly," Aang agreed. "Just try and rest."

Zuko returned to the main cave, going to his wife's side. Dai perked up, looking after him. "Where's Sokka?"

Zuko shook his head. "He's not worth your time, Dai. Just let him pout." Dai frowned, hugging her knees to her chest.

"Just wait," Katara had responded to Aiyana calmly, and Zuko now as he looked concerned. "She'll wake up on her own time. Her fever is gone, and..." She moved her hands to Athlea's stomach, sighing in relief. "The baby is safe." Zuko breathed out slowly. Aiyana was frowning.

"She's exhausted herself, and she's carrying a child, too. She gets tired easier," Aiyana was mumbling, her eyes on Athlea.

"I know," Katara said gently to Ayiana. "We'll keep her warm and stay here tonight."

Zuko slid his sleeping bag closer to Athlea, close to the fire that he had restarted. "I'll watch her."

"You need sleep, Zuko."

"I said I'll watch her."

Katara sighed and shrugged, going to her own sleeping bag. Aiyana followed Zuko with her eyes. "You really truly love her," she observed, then looked forward. She tilted her head. "I feel the need to watch over her and care for her. It started when I saw her in action, and in danger." She shrugged again, hugging her knees to her chest and resting her chin on them.

Zuko raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, I do," he said, shrugging a shoulder. His eyes narrowed as he listened to her. "Interesting. Well, we could always use extra help."

Dai bit her lip, glancing after Sokka. After a moment, she ran after him, finding him with his hands in his pockets. She could tell he was angry, and she just watched him nervously, one hand playing with the necklace he'd gotten her. She bit her lip again, taking a step back.

Sokka looked over his shoulder, then forward, one hand in his pocket. "Glad to see you're awake and alright." He took a deep breath. "But you should rest."

"Thanks," Dai said, taking a breath. "I'm sorry, Sokka..." Her face was red with embarrassment. "I didn't--I'm sorry I snapped at you."

Sokka sighed and turned around to face her. "It's alright, Dai." He approached her and stood in front of her, looking down at her. His eyes softened and he put his hands on her shoulders. "It happens, all right? Let's go in."

"Okay," Dai said softly. She rested her hands softly on his chest and nodded. "Okay." As they passed the horses, she slid an ice shelf out from the cave wall, giving it a couple walls itself, and grabbed Aiyana's blanket. She took Sokka's hand, sighing and leaning her head on his shoulder as they walked in. She smoothed Aiyana's bag behind Zuko and Athlea. "There you go."


A/N seeing no progress with Aiyana... does anyone still think she's Irene? also Sokka x Dai brrr

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