Chapter 9

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"Aww, look at them," Sokka teased. Zuko turned red.

Aang sat down next to Sokka. "You're really into annoying him, huh?" Aang asked with a small smile.

"Sokka? Always, he annoys everyone," Toph responded.

"No I do not!" The water tribe boy protested.

Katara snorted. "Annoying people is your thing," she muttered. "It's your place in the group," she teased.

Sokka glared at his sister. "Don't you have anything better to do than to be sarcastic with me every day Katara?" he asked. "There's a pond there, go train." He looked away again.

Toph giggled. "Someone's going to get hurt." she said with a smile

Athlea was still speaking to Zuko. "Whether you turn around or not is up to you. Either way, you are going to sit down and meditate again. You will focus on your breathing and nothing else." Athlea let her arms down by her side.

Zuko took a deep breath, clenching and unclenching his fists for a moment. He took another breath. "Right. Relax." He paused. "More meditating?" He shook his head. "Okay. Right. Meditating." He sat down and crossed his legs, holding one hand in the other.

Athlea remained behind him, her hands moving to his shoulders. "Ignore your thoughts, calm down, breathe in and out."

"Oh really? The group isn't whole without me!" Sokka was saying, nodding and grinning.

Katara raised an eyebrow. "Being sarcastic is my part in the group," she retorted. Her eyes widened as he pointed to the pond. She clenched her fists. "Oh really?" Aang and Toph took a stride backwards.

"Where are you going?" Sokka asked.

"Just... for precautions," Aang said with a nervous smile.

Lifting one hand, she pulled a giant bubble of water from the pond. "You're smart, Toph," she observed, right before dropping the water over Sokka's head in a great big shower.

Athlea closed her eyes briefly. Zuko inhaled slowly, letting it out through his mouth. "You're not focusing. You're tense." He let out a frustrated groan. She suddenly sat down in front of him, legs crossed, hand over in the other. She closed her eyes again. "Let's do this together," she said before falling silent.

"Looks like they are working together, maybe that might help him relax," Toph said, crossing her arms.

"Yeah," Katara agreed with Toph. "Maybe we should go in the house or into town. If he can't focus with us around, we should let him try alone. Then he can try with us nearby later." She looked at Toph, Aang, and the now-soaked Sokka.

"Are you SERIOUS?!" Sokka finally exclaimed, obviously annoyed, once he had cleared his eyes of water. His shirt was off; he had wrung it somewhat dry.

Athlea turned around and snapped, "Quiet!" before returning back to her calm stance.

Aang nodded quickly. "We should leave."

"I am still wet." Sokka said.

"Then go dry yourself and meet us in town," Toph advised. The group ran off for the bus stop, Sokka to the house.

After a good few minutes, Athlea could tell Zuko was finally relaxed and in peace. "You're doing great. Keep up," she said calmly, her eyes slowly opening now to take in their surroundings. They were alone.

Zuko slowly blinked his eyes open, still holding one hand in the other, meeting Athlea's gaze and listening to the bugs and animals and leaves around him. "About time," he said, half-joking.

Athlea watched him. Finally, he wasn't tense. He was in a good, relaxed piece of mind. A small smile adorned her features. Their gazes met and Thea's smile remained on her face. Zuko blinked. Her chin was high, as if she was proud.

"You're doing great so far," she said genuinely, nodding, her gaze not leaving his.

Zuko bit his lip and looked down at his hands. "Thank you, Master Athlea," he teased.

"No need to loo--" Her sentence cut off, her eyes wide and her face red. Her hand playfully slapped his forehead. "Don't call me Master," she said, looking away.

Zuko leaned away from her smack, giggling. He smirked, leaning back toward her, his hair falling into his eyes. Athlea's cheeks turned red, and she blinked. "You don't seem very fond of being called Master," he said, echoing her words from yesterday. "I'm still going to."

"N--No I don't," Athlea stammered. The corner of Zuko's mouth turned upward. A look of realization crossed her face. She crossed her arms and pouted, looking away. "Not the same as calling you Prince, though," she mumbled.

For a moment, silence engulfed them--then noises. The soft, warm breeze blowing, the bugs and the animals.. "You can hear more and be more aware of your environment, can't you? It brings peace of mind."

He lifted his head and glanced around at the garden. "It's nice out here. Cities are too loud," he murmured.

Her face slowly turned back to normal before she faced him once again. "You don't like the loud noises, huh? The cars, the people talking, random fights on the streets." She giggled. "Here it is indeed very peaceful," she agreed.

Zuko sat up straight again, shaking his head. "I don't mind cities, but lately they're a great source of anxiety for me," he pointed out. "Although random fights can be fun." He grinned.

Athlea looked back at him and blinked. "... Yeah... it is much more calmer here, hence, I prefer it," she admitted.

He swiped a finger across the dirt below him. "Where did you live before you lived with your uncle?" He met her gaze again, curious.

"We all lived together, in this village. A bigger house; I guess being a royal commander has its perks." Zuko leaned his head on his hands, elbows on his thighs, and nodded. She giggled softly. "Until they disappeared, and me and my uncle found this house, and he got it for us. I've lived in the Fire Nation all my life. I know every shortcut." She winked playfully.

Zuko rubbed his thumb against his finger, brushing off the dirt. He raised an eyebrow at her wink, his cheeks gaining some color. Athlea giggled. "Oh really?" He smirked.

Athlea leaned forward, looking into his golden eyes. "Yes, really..." she said with a smile, "... Fire... Prince... Zuko." A playful smile crossed her face.

Zuko broke out into a smile, leaning forward himself. "Good to know, Fire Master Athlea," he replied, raising his eyebrows a bit testily.

"You really wanna place that game, huh...?" she asked, her face just inches from his. "If so, two can play, Prince Zuko." She gave him another playful wink.

"You started it," he pointed out quietly, his eyes moving between her smile and her eyes. "I bet you'll get sick of it before me... Master Athlea." He sat up straight, crossing his arms and smirking.

Athlea remained leaned forward, watching him. "Mmm... I did," she said with a nod, admitting it. "I started it, which means I'm going to keep going along with it, Prince Zuko." She smiled, watching him. After a few seconds, she sat up straight. "Good job for today again. I think we will be working alone for a while, and then slowly try and get you to relax in the presence of others." Athlea stood. "Wanna eat?" she asked, looking down at him.

Zuko smirked, looking up at her for a moment before standing. He nodded. "Good. They're pretty loud some--most of the time. And yes, I'd love some food. Master Athlea has starved me."

Athlea crossed her arms. "Hey! I did not." She turned her back on him. "I let you eat, so I refuse to hear that!" She looked at him over her shoulder for a brief second with a sly, sneaky smile, and she began heading inside. "Come on, you're helping me cook. And I am not taking no as an answer."


A/N a bit of a longer chapter to make up for the last one. really just more Zukea chemistry as well as trying to get his fire back. do you guys think she'll do it? do you think he could've relearned it without roots in anger if he didn't see the dragons? im not sure myself, but i guess this way makes more sense than dancing with a couple of dragons tbh

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