chapter four | man alive!

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man alive!

"Let's see what you've got, Nerd Girl."

"Should I be filming this?" The older man chuckled "Is she about to mop the floor with you?"

"Shut up Seki!" Murayama fired back

I grinned, taking off my jacket "I should remind you that I'm a four time national champion."

"Oh, I'm well aware."

I pointed at my Docs. "Should I take these off? They're steel toed and would probably hurt like hell."

"If he got a concussion, it wouldn't be anything new." Furuya chuckled as I changed my shoes.

Murayama scowled at his companions before he began to stretch. It looked like overkill to me, but I was really out of shape and hadn't really trained properly in a while. This could go either way for me.

We stood in the center of the mat, facing each other. I thought back to my fighting days: my slightly bloodstained white gi, sweaty locker rooms, continental breakfast and celebrity guests to open tournaments. I met Kento Yamazaki at a tournament once. It was pretty cool. All of us standing in our undergarments waiting to get on a scale for weigh ins. The later days when I used to fold in on myself to hide the extra skin I thought I had on my stomach, to make my boobs look smaller.

I subtly jerked my head to one side, trying to shake away the bad memories invading my mind. Instead I tired to think about all the better fights from my high school days. I'd almost made it to Top, but I just couldn't beat the guy. I thought it was laughable that I was the only girl to bother getting involved, but whatever.

We didn't wait for anybody to tell us to start, Murayama throwing the first punch. I blocked it, delivering a swift kick to the stomach. He didn't double over, so he must have had abs of steel or something. I wasted no time trying to land a few more punches, most of which he ended up blocking.

I roundhoused the side of his head, both of us toppling to the ground. Seki and Furuya sprung out of their seats, anxious to see what was going on. I was more interested in getting a choke hold, but Murayama still wanted to punch his way out of this. With a few quick movements, I was on my back, legs on either side of his arm, pulling back into an arm bar i learned when I was like twelve.

"You've gotta surrender, Hot Shot." I grinned "You'll break your arm if you keep this up."

"Fine." The boy said, pausing his writhing movements on the floor. "You win this one, Nerd Girl."

We got back up, immediately springing back into sparring. We were starting to attract attention, a steady stream of Oya students filing into the mat room to see us. I'm sure they found it amusing that I, a girl they'd never seen before, was beating their precious Murayama Yoshiki.

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now