chapter seven | semi-charmed life

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semi-charmed life

"Oh look, she's finally crawled back out of Oya's clutches!" Daichi mocked as I put my laptop down next to him in the lecture hall as we settled for our Auto CAD lesson. "She finally looks like herself again!"

"Very funny, Daichi." I chuckled, adjusting my beanie and rooting around in my backpack for my glasses "I happen to enjoy spending all my spare time at Oya, sorry that I have friends that aren't you."

Daichi fake gasped, pressing a hand to his linen shirt "You wound me so, Midori."

I chuckled, sliding my glasses onto the bridge of my nose so that I could actually see the projector screen at the front of the room. "I brought you stir fry, but I can give it to Murayama-"

"No!" Daichi cut me off "Please, let me have the stir fry, I skipped breakfast for this!"

Hiroomi turned around from the seat in front of us, a smirk on his face as he looked at Daichi. "You're pathetic, kid."

"Pathetic?" Daichi cried "Please, just because she's boning Murayama Yoshiki doesn't mean that I should have to go hungry!"

"I am not having sex with Murayama!" I shouted back, a little too loud as it seemed to catch the attention of multiple other students in the class. Blushing profusely, I turned away from everybody else, quickly passing Daichi the Corningware pot.

Hiroomi grinned to himself, quickly changing the subject. "Did you hear about the missing heiress? The Iemura family hired some fancy P.I who tracked her outside the S.W.O.R.D District before the trail went cold."

Everybody had heard about Himari Iemura. Heiress to the Iemura family's fortune and crime, Himari was due to wed the eldest son of the Kamizono family to unite the two strongest Kuryu families. I'd heard enough horror stories about the Iemura's from Noboru, who had been recruited while he was in jail, and I couldn't blame Himari for leaving. At least, I hoped she had run away and that this wasn't a ploy from one of the other families to weaken the Iemuras.

"Do you think she ran away?" Daichi suggested "Or was she kidnapped?"

Hiroomi shook his head. "The reports said she's run away before, I think she was trying to get out of marrying the heir to the Kamizonos."

"Where do you think she went."

"Nameless City, probably." I said quietly "That's where everybody goes when they don't want to be found."

"You just stayed with Masaki and Hiroto." Daichi quipped, earning him a kick in the shin.

"That was different! They saved me from Doubt. And I didn't want to face my parents."

Daichi raised an eyebrow, rubbing the area where I had kicked him. "So banging Masaki was also because they saved you from Doubt or was that because you didn't want to go home?"

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now