chapter twenty nine | nowhere generation

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twenty nine

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twenty nine

nowhere generation

My return to Oya was heralded by over a dozen over-excited, screaming teenage boys.

I crossed the courtyard with Murayama, hands interlocked, the sleeves of our respective sweaters and jackets pulled over our knuckles. It had been a hectic morning to say the least. The last thing I had expected to wake up to was Yasushi lighting Fujio's shirt on fire after trying to use the stove, Odajima and Murayama beating the crap out of each other in the backyard ( to which Hiroto replied 'if he's beating up people who've slept with Midori, I'm more than willing to give him Masaki's name') and Tsukasa and Nakagoshi stealing Masaki's credit card to buy breakfast (which Nakagoshi said was Murayama's idea).

The whole crew of us were heading to Oya. We were like a parade: me and Murayama in front, the kids directly behind us, and the Amamiyas plus Odajima bringing up the rear. No doubt the kids' absences were already garnering questions from their respective Factions.

Somewhere along the line, Fujio had jumped into a shopping card and demanded that Nakagoshi push him along, to which the younger boy had simply laughed, pushing the shopping cart into the middle of the road and almost getting the Hanoaka boy run over.

When we got back to the school grounds, things were less chaotic than I had expected. In all honesty, I wasn't sure there'd be an Oya Kokoh to go back to after our little day of playing hooky.

"Midori-san!" One of the kids in the YasuKiyo Faction shouted over a balcony

"The Queen of Oyakou has returned!" Shibaman whooped from his perch on a giant pile of old chairs, a can of Pepsi in his left hand.

I rolled my eyes, waving at the kids, eyes cast downwards. I never liked attention.

"She's back!" Nakaoka hollered, rushing across the courtyard and tackling me to the floor.

I grimaced as I hit my head on a piece of drywall, a fifteen year old on top of me and my boyfriend being tugged down with the two of us.

"Christ, Nakaoka!" I chuckled. "Seriously, the way you guys have been acting, it's like I came back from the dead or something."

Kiyoshi choked back a laugh "Yasushi did think you were dead."

Yasushi's face went an unsightly pink "Shut your damn mouth!" The tiny boy snapped back. Day by day, he seemed to look more and more like an angry twelve year old.

Tsukasa chuckled, clapping the shorter boy on the shoulders. "It happens to the best of us, Nishikawa. It's called developing empathy."

"Oh, shove off."

The kids seemed to flow towards the main area, all eager to catch sight of our return, with little doubt in my mind that some of them would start asking questions once they saw Odajima and the Amamiyas were with us.

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