chapter six | heart out

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heart out

Tsukasa and I ran outside, lugging a cooler containing about 15 large bags of ice cubes between us as we watched the full timers disembark the transport trailer of the lorry's. They didn't look too bad for wear. Well, except for Murayama.

But like, he probably did something real bad to piss Hyuga off like that.

"Right, Tsukasa can you grab me some extra hands? Those other guys from the Districts you're always hanging around?" I asked, passing Furuya a bag of ice "And see if Todoroki can't find somebody with medical experience. These guys don't look too bad, but a few of them could do with stitches."

The blond nodded, rushing off to grab people from the first floor of the building, or shove them closer to me as they streamed out of the school. A dorky looking guy in the school's uniform ( that nobody wears, by the way ) came over to me and grabbed a few bags of ice, introducing himself as Jamuo and asking if there was anything he could do.

I simply told him to distribute ice packs and assess injuries. There was only one person in the fray who I cared about.

"Yo, Midori-chan!"

Murayama Yoshiki.

Three weeks ago, I wouldn't have given a rats ass about Murayama. Now? I realized he wasn't so bad after all.

"Murayama!" I shouted, waving Tsukasa back over. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Hyuga-chan wasn't exactly happy to see me." The shorter boy rasped, limping over towards me. One of his arms was around Seki's shoulders, helping him keep his balance.

I ushered him over to one of the milk crates littering the front yard of the school, dropping to my knees as he sat down. He was covered in bruises, but Seki reassured me that he was concussion-free. I wasn't too sure I believed Seki over a trained medical professional.

Tsukasa passed me a medical bag and I threw a bag of ice at Murayama. As I unfolded an antiseptic wipe, Muryama tensed up and started swatting at my hands.

"Come on, your face is covered in cuts." I scolded "You expect me to just let them get infected? Baka."

He continued to squirm as I tried to clean up his face, Seki and Tsukasa snickering behind me. After fifteen minutes of Murayama snapping at the three of us, and me smacking him around a little, I finally finished cleaning up his face.I cradled his head in my hands, turning it in every which direction to make sure I had gotten everything. I couldn't get my hands within five centimeters of his headband, so I had no idea if there were wounds underneath the grimy blue fabric that he so treasured, but I wasn't in the mood to fight with him.

Tsukasa caught a glimpse of my tender and loving actions, as well as the thoughtful expression on my face as I pressed a small bandage to a cut on the edge of Murayama's lips. The blond raised an eyebrow at me in a suggestive manner, and I simply glared back at the boy.

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