chapter twenty - four | turning gold

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twenty four

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twenty four

turning gold

I woke up the following morning with a crick in my neck, and a small hangover, surprised I slept through the night, and even more surprised to see who I was sharing a bed with.

I smiled, sitting up with a yawn, staring at Murayama's angelic features as I stretched my arms over my head, hearing the satisfying sounds of my back cracking itself back into shape.

Carefully pulling myself out of bed, I grimaced as I accidentally put my bare foot into a pile of cold noodles from one of the plates we'd heated up the night before. Cursing under my breath, I pulled a stack of tissues out of the box and tried to wipe the curry sauce off my feet before I managed to get it onto the carpet. After that disaster had been dealt with, I moved to check my phone, make sure everything was alright with Hiroomi and Daichi, and to make sure Yasushi got Sakura home safely, especially considering they both lived in the area near the Murder District.

What I found instead was a string of calls I was in no mood to return.

Tsukasa, Tsukasa, Tsukasa, Nakagoshi, Tsukasa, Yasushi, Tsukasa, Tsukasa, Yasushi, Tsukasa, Nakagoshi, Yasushi, Yasushi, Fujio.

Whatever was going on with the kids could wait until I was slightly more awake.

I set about getting ready for the morning, stripping out of my stale, alcohol-and-smoke scented clothes, pulling on a fresh pair of jeans and letting my hair out of the braids, all the while trying not to wake my softly-slumbering boyfriend.

I plugged my phone in on top of the dresser, reaching into the second drawer for a fresh, pristine white Guns N Roses shirt.

"How long was I asleep for?"

Jumping at the sudden disturbance, I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest until I realized that it was just Murayama waking up.

"Jesus Christ, Hot Shot." I chuckled, trying to get my breath back

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The boy laughed sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his neck as he sat up, the plush blanket falling off the side of my bed

I chuckled, the hand holding my t-shirt coming up to cover my chest "And I was trying not to wake you."

Murayama yawned, running his fingers through his hair. "Do you remember how much I drank last night? I smell like cheap beer."

I shook my head with a smile. "More than I did, but I also seem to remember a fairly drunk Nakaoka spilling his beer on you."

"That must be it." He chuckled, leaning his head against the wall "Who let him drink, he's gotta be what, fifteen?"

"Well, it's his mother's problem now."

We both laughed for a minute before the silence became awkward, almost like we weren't quite sure what to do next. I was still only half dressed, but frozen in place. So frozen in place, in fact, that I didn't realize my shoulder's weren't covered, the deep scarring visible for all to see.

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now