chapter thirty - six | keep the thorns

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thirty six

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thirty six

keep the thorns


All the full-time faction leaders had gathered in the auditorium the morning of the attack, psyching each other out and waiting for orders. Fujio, Yasushi, Kiyoshi and Tsuji were day drinking, crumpled beer bottles lying on the floor. Tsukasa was nursing a half-empty beer with a bemused expression on his face as he looked on at his comrades, before directing his attention to Sakura, who was sparring with Nakaoka as Fujio tried to correct their form and give them pointers.

Sakura looked lively as ever, a huge smile on her face as she blocked one of Nakaoka's punches. A couple of days ago, I had taught her some moves, and she seemed to catch on quickly, giggling as she fought the younger boy.

The entire spread just made what I was about to say so much harder.

"Hey, can I talk to you guys for a minute!" I called out, my voice echoing through the cavernous room and off the piles of discarded school furniture.

"Sure thing, Cap!" Fujio shouted, throwing his arm up in a mock salute

"What time do we roll out?" Kiyoshi asked, something like amusement on his face.

Yasushi bounced up and down on the balls of his feet, swinging his arms animatedly in a series of mock punches. "Yeah, when do I get to go out there and hand them a serving of whoop ass?"

I was surprised he could say that entire sentence with a straight face as the faction leaders burst out into laughter, save for Todoroki, who rarely even cracked a smile.

"Yeah, about that 'serving of whoop ass'.." I said hesitantly. "You're not coming."

Everything seemed to stop. Even the music Nakagoshi had playing got turned off.

"Not coming?" Shibaman narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean 'not coming'?"

"Exactly what I said."

"We've been training all week for this!" Nakagoshi shouted. "They almost killed Nakaoka! This is retribution!"

I cut him off "That's exactly why you're not going. There's simply no way I'm putting you in that much danger."

If looks could kill, the ones from the full-timers would have shot me dead. But I had to stand my ground. This was what was best for them, and I needed the kids to understand that. Noboyuki was one thing, but this was Doubt.

It wasn't even the same sport.

"They marched in here and hit us when we were down!" Fujio shouted "You expect us to just let them do that?"

"I've been up against these guys before, Hanoaka." Todoroki spoke for the first time. "You don't know what you're getting into. I do."

"Which is why Todoroki is coming with us. So is Tsuji. They're both adults, and they've both been in this fight before." I said sternly.

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now