chapter twenty - five | big cat judgement day

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twenty five

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twenty five

big cat judgement day

"I'm sorry, you want to go to the Funk Jungle? Willingly?"

I shook my head, resting my hands against the corner of the marble countertop "I'm done being a sitting duck, Hiroto. I've been over this with your brother already."

Hiroto shook his head "Do you have a death wish or something? Do you even remember what the Mighty Warriors did to you!?"

"I haven't been able to forget!" I shouted, slamming my palms down on the counter. "It's the reason I get no goddamn sleep anymore."

After I had told Masaki that I had no intention of waiting for Ice to strike first, the two of us got into a screaming match, from which Noboru had to intervene. The five of us gathered in the kitchen, where we intended to sort it out like reasonable adults, only to find ourselves in yet another screaming match. Yipee. Look at what my life has become.

"Midori, all we're trying to say is that you can't take them on by yourself." Masaki pointed out "They're dangerous."

I scoffed "You think I don't know that? They almost killed Nakaoka. He's fifteen, basically still a child. And they could have killed him. And they had no right dragging Hiroomi and Daichi into this."

"You're not going there alone." Murayama insisted, reaching for my hand, and receiving a glare from Hiroto and Noboru. "What?" the boy scoffed "She's going to go anyways, I'm just trying to be a supportive boyfriend!"

Masaki laughed "She doesn't need a 'supportive boyfriend' right now, she needs someone who's going to stop her from getting herself killed!"

"Oh, that's rich!" I chortled, throwing my head back "Just because you've had sex with me doesn't mean you know what's best for me, Masaki!"

Hiroto whistled softly "Damn, she really went there."

"That's a low blow and you know it!" Masaki shot back "I care about you, so I'm not letting you do this!"

"I don't need you to let me do anything!"

"ENOUGH!" Noboru shouted, slamming his palms down on the quartz counter. I swear I saw Murayama flinch. Hiroto was definitely startled. "You're all a bunch of idiots. Midori is right, we can't wait for Ice to make a move."

"I told you so." I hissed in Masaki's direction

"So, you're all going to the Funk Jungle. Together." Noboru had a content expression on his face, like he had just solved all the world's problems. "It's better odds, and you know I'd go with you guys if I could walk properly. But no fighting. for the love of god, please don't cause a scene."

Murayama scoffed "I make no promises."

"Fine." Masaki huffed, making a grab for my car keys. "But I'm driving."

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