epilogue pt. i | you & i

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epilogue pt

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epilogue pt. i

you & i



A lot happened in the seven months after the big fight. enough to remind me that my life was probably no longer going to be quiet and normal, although I didn't think I'd have it any other way.

Shortly after the fight, Tsukasa and Sakura got together, which was no surprise to most of us. They were good for each other. Tsukasa's presence kept the girl grounded, and she was there to keep all the full-timers levelheaded.

Nakauki officially reached the ninety day mark in his sobriety, which Oyakou celebrated the only way that they knew how: a party. Of course, this was the one party they weren't allowed to bring any kind of alcohol to, which didn't sit right with some of the part-timers. Even Nakabayashi, who seemed to always be perpetually drunk or stoned or on any kind of drug managed to stay startlingly sober for his buddy.

Nakazono moved in with his girlfriend. They bought a house on neutral ground between Oya and the White Rascals, a few streets away from me and Murayama in the bordertown. They'd also entered a long engagement to please her parents, which was code for 'we're getting engaged now, but aren't getting married for at least two years while we figure our shit out'.

Murayama and I spent a nice and relaxing- and incredibly steamy- weekend away when he turned twenty-five. It was nice to get a break from all the chaos and screaming of Oya for a few days. We'd gone to this small hot springs town that Hyuga had sent the Babies to last year after an unfortunate incident involving Futa, Agyo and some fireworks.

I got into culinary school shortly after that, a dream come true. It had been just like nay other day, really. I was sitting in the auditorium with Murayama and some of the other part-timers, making sure they were finally in a position to graduate (which Murayama was, thank god) when I got the email. And of course, we had to celebrate with a party.

Despite the mess with the building site, Hiroomi, Daichi and I graduated the construction engineering program with top marks, another degree to put on my wall.

And who could forget the day of the Siege of Hope Hills, when Kidra got their asses kicked again? It wasn't just an Oya affair this time: kids from all across the housing complex had gotten involved. Katsunari were there, as well as the newest generation of Sato fighters. But perhaps the most memorable part of that day was when Shizuka and Shibaman welcomed their daughter Koharu into the world, just minutes after fight had ended, Shibaman's mother screaming at her son from the apartment balcony so that he wouldn't miss it.

But perhaps the most surprising revelation was when Yasushi found himself a girlfriend. Nobody was quite sure how he managed to win the heart of the current Queen of Sato, but he seemed happy.

Oh, and there was one more major development.

The proposal. I can't believe I almost forgot about that

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now