chapter twenty - eight | come undone

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twenty eight

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twenty eight

come undone

When I woke up, the clock read just past three in the morning. I sighed to myself, turning over and pulling the covers back over my shoulders. But it was too late- I was awake now. My throat was dry and scratchy, I noted as I slowly shifted into a sitting position, trying my best not to wake a slumbering Murayama who was lying next to me.

I frowned, flipping the digital clock over so that the lavender glow vanished. Grabbing a silk scrunchie from the bedside table, I quickly pulled my hair back, resting my back against the headboard resignedly. There was no getting back to sleep now.

"Midori?" Murayama said quietly, disguising a yawn. "Is everything alright?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it's just the insomnia. I'm okay. You should try and get some sleep though." My voice sounded scratchy, my lips cracking as started to talk.

He shook his head, sitting up and resting an arm around my shoulder. His hair was messy as ever, falling over his adorable, wide eyes. "No, I'll stay up with you, I don't mind. Let me get you some water."

I started to protest, but once the boy had gotten up, there was no stopping him. I sighed, inhaling the smell of eucalyptus and mint the the diffuser was, well, diffusing. Murayama hadn't broken it, he had just forgotten to plug it in.

Minutes later, Oya's leader came stumbling back through the dark, cursing as he tripped on the corner of the hall carpet before coming back into my room with an orange glass in his hand, filled halfway with ice water. I took a sip, thankful for the boy's thoughtfulness.

He gently rested a warm hand on my slightly chilly back, moving his thumb back and forth as he pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"I guess we're both awake now." I said softly. "Sorry for waking you."

He shook his head again. "Stop apologizing. I'll stay up with you, seriously."

I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder as I placed the glass on my nightstand. I angled my head upwards slightly to meet our lips, giving Murayama a gentle but deep kiss, bringing my hand up to run it through his hair.

He deepened the kiss with a smile, one arm snaking around my waist as he gently pulled me into his lap. One hand strayed slightly downwards from my waist, but the other stayed firmly rooted by my back, almost as if he was afraid to go further.

I pulled away from him gently, a soft, gentle smile on my face as I nodded at Murayama, giving him the go ahead to do what we both so desperately wanted. With a wide grin, he pulled me back in for another kiss, his hands snaking up my shirt as he rolled over, effectively pinning me to the bed. I laughed at the motion as we both turned over, reaching for the hem of his shirt.

It was perfect: the passionate, gentle kisses in the almost darkness, the only light coming from the coral-colored diffuser in the corner, the calming smell of mint in the air as he peppered the skin on my neck with gentle kisses, my dusty pink tank top cast aside somewhere, likely with his shirt.

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