chapter thirty - three | fake your death

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thirty - three

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thirty - three

fake your death

"Are you sure Sachio will come around? We need you guys." I said quietly, feeling defeated as I walked back across the parking lot with Odajima

The blond nodded "I think Sachio's forgetting that I grew up there too. I might need to remind him, and it might not be pretty. But I'll be there for sure."

"We're going to lose if we don't do this right. Noboru and I have nowhere to go. My parents will deflect again like usual, but losing that town would be like losing part of my identity."

The two of us stopped walking when we got to my car. I wondered why we had parked so far away from the building, but in a way I was glad because it scored me some extra time to talk to Odajima before I left.

"Take care of yourself." Odajima said, bringing me in for a hug. "I know you told my mother you would, but I'll be there to hold you to it."

I laughed. "Don't I know it. Thank the moms again, will you?" I said, gesturing to the plastic bag filled with cinnamon rolls, Mrs. Ueda's home-cooked ramen and Mrs. Kenzo's mochi. "And see if Mrs. Ueda wouldn't mind sending me that recipe."

"Mrs. Ueda doesn't do recipes. She'll want to teach you herself."

"I'm okay with that. Call me later, yeah? I've gotta go make sure two of my kids don't kill each other."

Odajima laughed. "The things you do for those punks."

"Shut up!" I shot back with a huge smile on my face, playfully flipping him off as I pulled out of Housen's front gate.


It was past five when I got back to Oya, most of the kids already streaming out through the front gates, done tormenting each other for the day and learning next to nothing. I caught Sakura laughing with Yasushi as the two headed back in the direction of Hope Hills. Something told me I'd be seing more of her. Nakaoka and Nakagoshi were chasing after another one of their Faction members, their shouts and laughter audible over the radio.

It made me a little nostalgic, to tell the truth.

I found Murayama sitting in a shaded corner, a torn-up and duct-taped couch pressed flush against the concrete wall. He was talking and laughing animatedly with Furuya and another one of the guys, who tipped his hat and walked away when he saw me heading towards my lover.

"Please tell me you had more luck today than I did." He groaned, flopping back onto the couch.

I shook my head sadly "Nada. Sachio's not convinced. His mom makes good ramen though." I nodded towards the bag in my hand, assuming that aside from fighting over leftovers (in plastic containers for that very reason) not too many people had eaten while I was gone, other than cheap takeout or instant noodles

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now