chapter fifteen | the peace and the panic

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the peace and the panic

It's safe to say that none of the full-time students of Oya were awake at a decent time the following morning, prim and proper Todoroki was no exception.

Seki was absent, busy bailing Tao's daughter out of jail. That was probably for the better, because once we all came to our senses and decided it was time to get a start on the day, the school descended into it's usual state of chaos.

Murayama and I lay in the sad excuse of a bed for a good while after all this chaos had begun, not being able to find the energy to deal with it.

"I got the absolute shit beat out of me, the least those assholes can do is let me sleep." Murayama groaned, trying to burrow deeper under the blankets, if that was even possible.

Chuckling, I curled into him, resting my head on his chest affectionately "They're worried. In their own way. And hungover, but that's to be expected."

"You took them to Sato, didn't you?"

I rolled my eyes. "You were in no condition to fight back, and we had just kissed so maybe my emotions were a little out of whack."

Rolling his eyes in response, the shorter boy finally sat up, brushing his mop of hair out of his eyes with a yawn. "I should probably go and get breakfast, then bother one of the Naka's about those bruises on my chest. Christ, do you remember which one of the Nakas knows that stuff?"

"Nakabayashi, I think. He's the one with the dumb glasses who looks like he should be at a college frat house, right?" I said, sitting up and pulling off my dusty hoodie. My hair was a wreck, but there was no way in hell I was showering in this hellhole. "Do you have a clean shirt I can steal?"

Murayama laughed "Clean is debatable, but give me one second and I'm sure I can find you something."

"You are disgusting."


Twenty minutes later, after we were sure that most of the chaos would have dispersed, Murayama and I made our way to the kitchen, fingers interlocked.

The kitchen was, unfortunatley, the most packed that I had ever seen it. Tsuji was leaning against the freezer, pressing an ice pack to the side of his head. Yasushi still looked half asleep, arguing with someone on the phone while he swore under his breath at the coffee machine. Shibaman had fallen asleep on the counter, Furuya shooting him a concerned glance as he drank a mug of black coffee and stared intently at his phone.

"Maybe we should come back later." I suggested, moving to back away down the hall when a familiar voice drew me back.

"Hey Yamada!" Tsukasa shouted, much to the dismay of literally anybody in the kitchen. Shibaman shot up in his chair so quickly it toppled, none of the other fighters in a rush to help him get back up. Takajo looked unusually chipper for being hungover and having the crap beaten out of him the night before.

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