chapter thirty - seven | the battle at garden's gate

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thirty seven

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thirty seven

the battle at garden's gate

"I should have known you idiots wouldn't listen!"

"I thought you knew us better than that!" Nakagoshi laughed, appearing next to Yasushi as the truck puled to a shaky stop.

The kids disembarked quickly and haphazardly, some of them still visibly drunk. Nakaoka whooped, spinning around in a circle and almost hitting numerous people with the NakaNaka Faction's bright yellow Oya flag. Jamuo had stayed behind, still traumatized from Kidra. I didn't mind, not planning on putting the overly anxious boy in harm's way. Sakura was bouncing on the balls of her feet, expelling enough nervous energy for all of them.

"And I thought you had some regard for your personal safety."

Shibaman snorted. "Clearly you don't know us well enough."

Sakura cleared her throat. "I believe the boys have something they'd like to say."

Fujio shook his head quickly. "No we don't."

"Yeah, nothing to say here." Nakaoka added quickly.

"Fine." Sakura huffed. "I will say it. To make a long story short, these guys are idiots. Over the course of my time at Oya, I've found a few more choice words: stubborn, pig-headed, reckless."

"Understandable." I nodded

"Borderline sociopathic, brain cell deficient, shitheads."

"Okay, that's a little excessive." Fujio interrupted

"Burnouts, douchebags." Sakura continued

"Now I think she's just insulting us." Nakagoshi said, Tsukasa collapsing with laughter

"My point is," Sakura raised her voice. "they care in their own warped way. They just don't know how to show it, and they're too stubborn to get along with each other in their stupid fight for superiority. But they know when enough is enough, and when somebody they care about needs help. So you're not getting rid of us that easily, Midori-san."

I laughed, staring at the kids.

"You're making me nervous." Nakaoka said quietly

If possible, I think I laughed even harder, shaking my head and beckoning for Nakaoka to come closer. "I can't believe you guys thought I'd be mad. Come here."

Nakaoka dropped the neon flag and rushed forward, tackling me in another one of his trademark hugs.

Everybody's faces seemed to brighten at that, disregarding our quite likely impending doom.

"Wherever you need us," Tsukasa started "we're here."

"By the way," Sakura said "My mother can never know either of us were here, Kotaro."

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now