chapter thirty - nine | rookie

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thirty nine

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thirty nine


( the same playlist applies )

Shibaman and Tsuji did come through after all.

Once I got them away from each other- and to stop screaming- Tsuji told me about their trip to Katsunari Industrial, and how Shibaman managed to get Nao on their side. It wasn't that hard: the salmon-haired leader didn't like being cheated, conned or played in any way shape or form. Payback was a bitch.

The Katsunari students came careening onto the scene on their bikes ( I don't mean motorcycles I mean actual BMX bikes ), Nao holding an airhorn above his head as he swerved to a stop, grabbing his bike by the handlebars and using it to knock down on of the Doubt members with an excited shout.

It was a barely noticeable blip, but I swear I saw worry cross Pearl's face as he realized that Mighty might meet the same fate as the Container Fight.

"If there's one thing I hate," Nao started, his voice echoing "it's being played like a fool by a bunch of cheap yakuza wannabes. Well guess what, Ice-kun, payback's a bitch!"

With that final thought ringing, the students of Katsunari Industrial leapt into battle, bursting at the seams with energy as they aided Oya students and Daruma members in taking down Doubt.

Moving fast, I grabbed a few guys and threw them behind me, a few Daruma members eagerly taking them on as I moved closer to the Mighty Warriors, an aching sense of calm before the storm as I met eyes with Sarah, who was perched on the hood of a lime green sports car, an amused smile on my face.

The next part of the plan was crucial: there needed to be one of us for each Mighty Warriors member, gauged on skill, size and overall fighting ability. With one exception: I wanted to take on Ice.

Odajima was the next to leave the fray. He'd be taking on Pearl. The left lens of his sunglasses was cracked, blood streaming from his lips, hair ripped out of it's orderly half-up-half-down style. I'd seen him survive worse back in high school. "So these are the famed Mighty Warriors? Hah, bunch of clowns if I ever saw them."

Next to join us was Hiroto and Murayama. I was relieved to see that even though Murayama had a bit too much blood on him that it wasn't all his, and he was actually a little better for wear than I was. Hiroto would be fighting Ryu, and Murayama would take Bernie.

"You okay, baby?" Murayama asked quietly, reaching for my hand.

I nodded, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before looking back and searching for the rest of our team. They needed to hurry up before the Warriors got impatient.

Hiroomi appeared behind me, startling me slightly when he clapped his hand on my shoulder. His tie-dye sweater was stained, and there was blood all over his white Daruma jacket, but the smile on his face wasn't going away any time soon. "So which one of you fuckers messed up my building site?" He cracked his knuckles "Just wanna talk."

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now