chapter sixteen | riddle me this

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riddle me this

It was then that I experienced what was considered to be a normal day at Oya: for once I wasn't focusing on my own training or helping the dimwits pass all their classes. Armed with a plate of cinnamon rolls and whatever book I had downloaded on my phone, I settled myself with Murayama on a couch in the main auditorium. For what was considered to be an off day, a lot went down. Nakagoshi fought one of the other Nakas and got his nose broken, Kiyoshi pushed one of the full-timers off the roof in a desperate attempt to claw his way to the top of the ladder and Jamuo had not one, but three panic attacks after Tsukasa and Fujio's team went up against Todoroki's team.

According to Seki, who had finally arrived after a long morning of arguing with Tao, Sakura and later Yasushi, all of that was perfectly normal, I was just missing out when I shut myself away to train on my own or with Murayama.

I left around two in the afternoon, promising to meet Murayama in Sannoh for the S.W.O.R.D meeting at around five. Seki felt slighted learning that he had to stay back at Oyakou, but he understood that at the core of this, Murayama was using it as an excuse to take me out to dinner and get a proper date in afterwards.

When I got back to my house, I recognized the two motorcycles blocking my garage door as the ones belonging to Sannoh's Cobra and Yamato. When I went inside, I found the two Sannoh leaders laughing and playing cards with Noboru, who I hadn't seen this happy since he had moved in with us.

"She has returned!" Noboru cheered upon watching me enter the foyer

"Good to see you too, Noboru. My dad's been bugging me about reminding you to wire transfer him the rent, it's supposedly ruining his holiday in Mallorca." I laughed, heading to the kitchen to see about making myself a late lunch

"I'll get to it this weekend, but I really should just be able to give you the cash." The former law student laughed "Hey, where did you go this morning? What at Oya was so important that you had to leave so early in the morning?"

"Murayama got his ass kicked by somebody I used to know. Just went to deliver some karma."

"You smell like his cologne, although he usually wears so much more." Cobra pointed out "And he let you wear his bandanna. He doesn't let anybody get within three inches of it."

"Okay." I nodded, a slight blush creeping up my neck "So Murayama and I may or may not be dating."

"I called it!" Yamato shouted, jumping up from the couch "You guys owe me big time."

Cobra shook his head "You said you thought they were hooking up. That is not the same as dating, Yamato. But of course, you would know all about sneaking around."

Yamato went silent. Not only was this one of the only times Cobra had let down his guard and joined in on the jokes since I had briefly known him, I had a rough idea of what he was referring to due to my lifelong friendship with Naomi.

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now